The Concert
By Katrina Naimh
Author's Note:  I don't know why someone didn't write a story like this before. Well, at least I haven't come across one like this. I've been meaning to write this for a LONG time, but just never got around to it. It was begging me to be written! (LOL, fellow writers know what that's like!) Anyway, enjoy! I think this fic actually speaks the truth!

Her blood flowed rapidly through her veins as the excitement grew. She joined in on the chant that the girls surrounding her shouted. Soon, the loud cries of young females, barely into their teen years, filled the arena. The crowd was rewarded with a show of lights on the stage. Everyone roared and cheered in anitcipation of what was to come. Five figures were silhouetted on the still half dark stage. Music started and she could barely hear it over the clamour of the crowd, but she didn't care. Light flooded the entire expanse of the stage, and the figures were revealed. Her heart nearly jumped out of her chest. For so long, this was what  she yearned for and now, it was happening. The world spun and her stomach flopped.
The loud booming from the speakers made her alert again. One of the five began to sing and the crowd shrieked. As did she. Losing herself in the music, her mind wandered. She pictured actually  knowing them, being close to them. It was amazing! The song came to a halt, jolting her out of her revery.
The quintette onstage addressed the crowd. Screams rang throughout the venue. One onstage actually looked at her. Oh, he actually looked at  *her*! Then she glanced at the screeching girl beside her holding up a sign. Could he have looked at her instead?
Staying on that thought, she realised something. How many girls like her were here tonight? Five thousand, probably more. How many places did the band tour? Oh tons!
Never would she - nor millions of other girls - ever be more than just a face in the crowd.

Authors note: How'd you like it? Please, pretty please with sugar on top, tell me!!
I love hearing feedback. Now, about the line about girls barely into their
teens, don't flame me about that! It's just true that most fans of boybands
are in the age range of 12-15. I consider that barely into their teens. I
even fit into that category! Anyway, sorry it was short, and sorry about the
anonomity (sp?) of it. It is just kind of meant to show that, you know, there
isn't really a point of being all obsessed of a band or something like that.
Writing made me think and realise a lot of things. I hope it did for you too.
A lot of people write fan fiction because they want to either show how they
would have preferred the storyline of their favorite show to have gone, or of
how they'll end up with their perfect guy. I try not to do that really.
Notice how I never use my name in a story? (Okay, once I did with a friend,
but that's all!) And never really use a character that is like me. Sure,
I use a character that has some of the same traits, or has traits I'd like
to have, but that's how all characters are.
Anyway, enough of my rant. Just wanted to write a fan fiction that
actually made people think.
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