The First Time
By �isl�ng
Shane and Aisling had been dating for about 2 years now.  Despite the age difference (Aisling
was 6 years older) , it was an instant connection.  He made her laugh, she made him feel
comfortable; It was a way that neither of them had felt before and they knew it was something
they had to hold on to forever.

Because the relationship meant so much to both of them, they had decided to not take it to a
full physical level until they were ready.  Shane found Aisling to be the most physically
attractive girl he'd ever met in his life, but she was more to him than just a pretty face or
fit figure.

She challenged his heart to feel things he'd never experienced for anyone before and that's what
made him love her so much.  And Shane did much the same for
Aisling.  She'd had struggles in her life and when she was with Shane, it was as if that part of
her life had never existed.

One evening the couple was spending time with Bryan and Nicky, band-mates of Shane's.  The four
had rented a movie and were spending a rare, relaxing Friday
evening in at Nicky's place. The remaining band members, Mark and Kian were out on the town as
per usual.

Aisling and Shane were cuddled up together under a blanket on the couch, Bryan was in his
"Lazy-Boy" with beer in hand and Nicky was sprawled out on the floor
with a big pillow.

The movie they were watching was "Enemy at the Gates", based on World War II.  It was obvious
that everyone was enjoying the movie as not one word was spoken from the moment it started.
However, about half way through the movie, something began to stir in Shane and Aisling.

A particular scene in the movie where the two main characters make love for the first time under
a blanket seemed to cause Shane and Aisling to think of
their relationship and a place they had not been together yet.

Aisling's heart was pounding fast - she wanted to be with Shane like the couple was in the
movie.  "We've been together 2 years and we love each other, so why
not?" she thought to herself.

Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Shane looking at her in a way he'd never looked at her
before.  He was trying to send the message with his
eyes.  Aisling turned to look at Shane and read his message very clear - he wanted!

Knowing that Bryan and Nicky were completely enthralled with the movie and the fact that the
room was completely dark, they both knew that the other lads
wouldn't even notice anything happening.

Without hesitation Aisling leaned in and kissed Shane on the lips. The kiss was long and slow.
She could feel his heart beating against her own and she pulled
her arms around him and held him nearer her.

Neither of them were comfortable doing anything right there in front of Bryan and Nicky, so
slowly they both got up from the couch and quietly made their way
upstairs to the spare bedroom.  "God you are so beautiful" Shane said to Aisling as she stood
there in front of him, seeming very shy.

It was not going to be the first time for either of them, but their hearts were beating as if it
They tried to make the beginning last as long as possible, kissing each other longingly, but
they couldn't hold off any more.

The passion between them was too much to overcome and Aisling couldn't resist any longer.  She
started to undress Shane, unbuttoning his shirt, kissing his
chest.  Shane then sat on the bed and watched as Aisling slowly undid each button on her top,
making him want her more, longing to make love to her.  She
threw her top in the corner and proceed to remove her skirt until she stood there in front of
him in nothing but her underwear.

Shane grabbed Aisling's waist and pulled her in closer to him. He kissed her, slowly moving down
her neck, savoring every inch of her, before finally stopping
to take on the task of removing her bra.   He wasted no time then in gently caressing her
breasts, making Aisling long to feel him inside her.   Her hands made their way down to his
waist and unzipped his pants, removing them and the underwear at the same time.   She then
proceeded to remove her own panties, both of them now completely naked.

They pulled back the sheets on the bed and climbed in, leaving not an inch between them.  From
the moment Shane had told Aisling how beautiful she was, not a word was spoken between them.
They both knew that this was right where they wanted to be and they weren't wasting any time
with unnecessary words.

Aisling teased Shane by kissing just the tip of his throbbing penis, making him moan for more.
She then slowly took all of him in her mouth, pleasuring him
like never before.  He loved the feeling of her taking him in, but he wanted to be really inside
her, the way he should be.

At the right moment, he pulled himself away from her mouth and pulled her up to kiss her lips.
Laying her on her back, he positioned himself on top of her and
spread her legs.  Naturally Aisling didn't fight him off - she wanted him to take her for
himself.  She whispered "I want to feel you inside me."

Shane pushed himself inside her, making them both moan with ecstasy.  He teased her a little but
slowly inserting just the tip of his penis and then removing
it again.  Aisling loved it - it made her want him even more.  It made her want him all the way
inside her, thrusting deep and hard.  She wanted to feel his
power, his desire, his love for her.

They were so in tune with how the other was feeling, it was easy for them to reach that final
stage of ecstasy together.  All hot and sweaty after they were
finished, they lay there with no sheets covering them.  Still there was no space between them.

Shane held Aisling in his arms, running his fingers up and down her arm.  Aisling turned to
Shane and slightly out of breath whispered "I love you".  Shane smiled at her as if to say "I
love you too".

Lying there, they thought to themselves that Nicky and Bryan must have noticed they were gone by
now and so they decided to stay right where they were - in bed. Despite the energy used the
first time they made love that night, it would be twice more before they would finally fall

Waking up the next morning, Aisling turned to find Shane staring at her.  He had been lying
there just looking at her for hours, taking in her beauty and loving the fact that she was his.
She leaned in and kissed him on the lips.  He kissed her back and then quietly told her "You are
the love of my life for the
rest of my life
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