The Right Reasons
Authors Note
This story is done from Niamh (the main female character), and Bryan's point of view. Plus a few others along the way! They take turns, each telling their own view point. Sometimes, the same things may be repeated, but from the other's view. I understand that this may be boring to read, but I find it challenging to write, so be warned. Also, it may get a little confusing. You think you're reading her view, then the "me" is a he, but I've tried to put who's view it is as best I can. Enjoy!

I was just about to get into bed when the doorbell rang.
"Oh great! First last night was terrible, now this!" I complained as I went to answer the door.
Standing there was the most gorgeous guy I'd ever seen. He looked like an angel, with a halo, caused by the streetlight behind his golden hair. His eyes were a clear, vivid blue. Dark clothes made him stand out even more against the light.
"Hello, sorry to bother you, but may I use your bathroom?" he asked. He had an Irish accent, not that uncommon in Ireland. Only most accents would annoy me after a while, but I felt like I could listen to his voice forever. It was rather mellifluous.
"Um...Yeah, sure you can," I stuttered.
"Thanks," he said. "I was just on my way to a pub and I just really need to go."
"Take off your shoes please," I instructed before he moved off the front mat.
"Sorry," he apologised. "Was I interrupting something?" he asked, taking note of my pyjamas.
"Not really. I was just about to go to bed, that's all," I said, opening the bathroom door.
"You must not get out much if you go to bed at nine-thirty on a Friday night!" he exclaimed.
"Not a lot," I smiled.
He went in, did his business, and then came out. "Thank you very much. It would have been torture for me to have to wait until I came to the business section," he said.
I let out a little laugh. "I know the feeling."
"What's your name?" he asked.
"Niamh, and you are?"
"Bryan, Bryan McFadden."
"That sounds familiar for some reason, have we met before? I think I would have remembered a face like yours though," I asked, trying to flirt, without being too flirty.
"I don't think we have," he said slowly. "I kind of like you, would it be all right if I stopped by later, another day?"
I was a little hesitant, but my attraction to him won over. "I guess you could."
"Great," he flashed me his wonderful smile. "I guess I'll talk to you later."
"Yeah, later," I said, and he left.
I let out a sigh. Did I just meet a guy by letting him use my bathroom? I've been trying to meet guys out here, but nothing had seemed to work. Who knew just staying at home and letting dudes use your bathroom you could probably get a date? I threw myself down on the couch. Then I took note of what I was wearing. A skimpy tank top and shorts. No wonder he took notice of me. I was practically naked! I let out a betroubled sigh and turned on my CD.
"What song to listen to?" I asked myself. "If I Let You Go," I decided.
I glanced back at the cover of the CD, the tall blonde looked a little familiar. THAT WAS HIM!! It was Bryan, the guy who just used my biffy! No wonder I thought he was familiar, he was in one of the most popular boy bands ever! And I let him walk out of here without an autograph. I already had Kian and Nicky's autograph, but I'd rather not get into that right now.
I sighed once again, put the stereo on repeat and went to bed.


"I gotta go, I gotta go," I kept on repeating to myself in my head. I was so stupid to think that I could make it from the hotel down to the club without using the lavatory first! Not a much used word today, but it suits it's purpose. Anyway, I was contemplating knocking on a door of one of these townhouses and asking to use their biffy. One just jumped out at me and said, "Come, knock on my door!"
So I did. When the door opened, the most beautiful girl was standing there. Doe brown eyes looked up at me. She was rather short, but only in comparison to me, being two inches over six feet makes a lot of people rather short. Maybe she was five eight at the most. Her hair was brown, curly, and absolutely gorgeous. She was about my age, at the most twenty-one (I'm twenty). She was wearing a revealing tank top, and matching shorts, perhaps they were pyjamas, but it was nine-thirty on a Friday night!
"Hello, sorry to bother you, but may I use your bathroom?" I asked, trying to sound normal.
"Um...Yeah, sure you can," she stuttered. She didn't have an Irish accent, probably was an American. Although, she didn't strike me as an American. Not to stereotype, but she just didn't seem like she was. They all have a certain quality, good quality mind you, but she didn't have it.
"Thanks. I was on my way to a club, and I just really need to go," I explained. She probably thought I was an idiot!
"Take off your shoes please," she said, as I stepped inside. Her voice was wonderful. It was a little on the high side, but not too high. It sounded sweet, shy, and like sugar. She sounded a little insecure. It was very soft.
"Sorry," I apologised, and removed my shoes. "Was I interrupting something?" I asked, seeing her nervousness, and clothing.
"Not really, I was just about to go to bed, that's all," she explained. Going to bed at nine-thirty on a Friday night? Practically unheard of. Maybe it's because she's a foreigner and new here. Whatever the reason, it's still strange to go to bed then. There's movies and stuff on the telly.
"You must not get out much if you're going to bed at nine-thirty on a Friday night!" I said. I worried that I might have come across as teasing her, or poking fun, but I think it came across well.
"Not a lot," she smiled.
We were at the bathroom. I went in, and did what I had too. I turned the water on as far as it could go, and snooped in her medicine cabinet a little.
Toothbrush, toothpaste, deodorant...The usual. The only thing that I found a little odd was that there was no make-up. Doesn't every girl wear make-up? Not that it's a bad thing that she doesn't but, she'd be my dream girl if she didn't! I like a girl, who is natural. Looks gorgeous without all that make-up and hair stuff. This girl just might be it!
I came out. "Thank you very much. It would have been torture for me to have to wait until I came to the business section," I said.
She let out the cutest little laugh I've ever heard. "I know the feeling," she agreed.
"What's your name?" I asked, extremely curious.
"Niamh, and yours?" she replied.
"Bryan, Bryan McFadden," I answered.
"That sounds familiar for some reason, have we met before? I think I would have remembered a face like yours though," she asked, sounding just a tad flirty.
"I don't think we have," I said slowly, thinking. Then I got really bold and said, "I kind of like you, would it be all right if I stopped by later, another day?"
She seemed to be a little hesitant. "I guess you could," she finally said.
"Great," I smiled. "I guess I'll talk to you later."
"Yeah, later," she replied.
I then left.
That night I couldn't stop thinking about her. I really liked her, and she was so beautiful, but she probably had a boyfriend. Although what guy would let her stay alone on a Friday night!
"Hello? Bryan? Come back to Earth!" Nicky, my best bud in the band, said.
"What?" I asked.
"You spaced out there. What were you thinking about?" Kian, another member and friend, asked.
"Yeah, I want to know too. You never do that!" Mark asked.
"Well, I was just thinking about Niamh," I said.
"Who is Niamh?" Shane asked, leaning in, obviously wanting to hear more.
"Just a girl I met," I replied, leaving out as much as possible.
"When?" Kian asked.
"When tonight? Is she here?" Nicky asked.
"She's not here. I met here on my way here."
"How did you meet her?" Shane asked.
"I used her toilet," I replied, looking away.
"Her toilet? What did you do, go knock on a door and ask if you can use her biffy?" Mark asked.
"Yeah," I said quietly.
"Bry, why would you do a thing like that?" Nicky asked.
"I had to go!" I excused.
"Did you ask her out?" Kian asked. The others looked at him. "What? If he likes her, he would have went for it!"
"No, not really," I said.
"What's that supposed to mean?" Shane asked, getting upset.
"I asked if I could come by tomorrow, and she said yes."
"That's a date!" Mark exclaimed.
"No, it's not!"
"Hold on, I'll prove it. Hey, John!" Mark called to another guy. "Is asking a girl if you can stop by her house later a date?"
"Yeah, of course it is!" John called back.
"See," Mark said, looking at me with an odd look.
"Well, I didn't mean it as a date. So therefore it couldn't be a date!" I cried.
"Therefore? Where'd you get those words?" Kian asked.
"I don't know. It just popped into my head."
"What does this girl look like?" Nicky asked.
"Erm..." I started, remembering, and trying to find the right words. "Beautiful eyes. Dark brown eyes. Curly brown hair. Very nice shape," I tried to be polite.
"And what was her name?" Nicky requested.
"Niamh, and she didn't give me a last name," I said.
"Smart girl. What street does she live on?" Nicky questioned.
"What's with these questions? Morris street," I answered.
"I just want to see if it's Georgina's friend that's all. And if she lives on Morris Street, looks how you described, name is Niamh, then she most likely is. Is she tall?" Nicky asked.
"No, rather short," I answered.
"Not in relative size to you," he said.
"Oh...Then I guess she's on the tall side for a female."
"I knew it! I knew you would like her!" Kian said, smiling at Nicky.
Nicky moaned and took out his wallet. He gave him whatever amount of money they bet.
"You did a bet about her?" I asked, wide-eyed. How could they do that?
"Not really about her, Bryan. More on you," Kian answered.
"You did a bet about me?!" Now I was upset.
"Well, Nicky knew Niamh, and he thought that I might like her. He introduced me to her, but she didn't like me. I liked her, I can tell you! Anyway, I told Nicky that she was more your type. He said that she wasn't. We bet on it, and then we were going to introduce you to her and then see who won. I knew you would like her. Tell me, what was she wearing?" Kian said excitedly. I saw that he still liked her. Anyway, I chose to indulge him.
"Erm...Pyjamas," I answered.
"Was it those skimpy little patterned ones?" Kian asked. I think he really liked her!
"Fairly skimpy, yes. How do you know what her pyjamas are like?"
"Nearly the same way you know, only I went to visit her and she just woke up," Kian said. I liked Niamh too, so I was glad that it was that way.
"Wait a minute, Kian you seem to like this girl too," Shane said.
"I do," he answered.
"But you like her too, right Bryan?" Shane asked.
"An awful lot," I said.
"What? She was mine first Bryan!" Kian exclaimed.
"You just said she was my type!" I countered.
"Yeah, but it's not like I would allow you to go out with her!"
"Not allow me? What are you talking about? She has a mind of her own, you know!"
"But she's mine!" Kian yelled and moved to punch me in the face. I dodged and let my own blow fly. I hit him right in the eye. Kian roared and went to punch me again. Mark and Shane grabbed Bryan and restrained him.
"I don't have to hold you back, do I?" Nicky asked, not wanting to.
"No, I only hit him because he was going to hit me," I replied.
"You know, we have a photo shoot tomorrow!" Kian yelled at me.
"You should have thought about that before you were going to hit me!" I yelled back.
That made Kian more angry, and lunged, and hit me on my cheek, right under my eye. Luckily, I wouldn't get a black eye like Kian, but I'd still get a bruise.
"Why you..." I said, and moved to hit him again. Nicky grabbed me from behind, and held me. I calmed.
"I'm sorry," a man said from behind us. "But I'm going to have to ask you to leave. I just can't permit this kind of thing in here."
"We'll leave," Nicky agreed.
"What?" Kian said. "Do you know who we are?"
"You're a bunch of boys fighting in my pub, and I want you to leave!"
"We're Westlife! If you kick us out I'll sue you for all you're worth!" Kian yelled.
"Let's go, Bryan," Shane said and grabbed him.
"I'll sue you!" Kian yelled and we left.
The others went to another pub, but I decided it would be best if I left. I looked at my watch, it was ten. Maybe I could go talk to Niamh. It wasn't too late.
I knocked on her door, once I reached it.


A pounding woke me up from a restless slumber. I couldn't stop thinking about Bryan, and then finally once I get to sleep, someone's at the door. I looked at the clock, ten, it was all right to open the door. The management's rules were to not open the door for anyone after midnight, and no extra person's were allowed in after eleven.
I grabbed my robe and opened the door. It was Bryan.
"Hi," I smiled.
"Hi," he said. "May I come in?" he asked.
"Of course," I said, and opened the door fully for him to walk in. He took off his shoes, then we sat down on the couch.
"I'm sorry to come so late, but I need to talk to you," he apologised.
"It's okay. What did you want to talk about?" I asked.
"You know I'm in Westlife, right?" he asked, looking at the CD on the coffee table.
"Yeah, I figured it out after you left," I laughed.
"Do you know Nicky and Kian?" he asked.
"Yeah. I know Nicky's girlfriend, Georgina. Why?" I asked, concerned. "What happened to your cheek?" I noticed the bluish-purple bruise forming under his eye.
"I just got in a fight that's all," he answered.
I got up and went to the kitchen. I took an ice pack out of the freezer, wrapped it in a tea towel and brought it back for him.
"If you put ice on directly after you get hit, the bruise will barely show. In my line of work, you can't have bruises," I explained.
He put the ice on the bruise. "It's cold!" he exclaimed. "What is your line of work?"
"I'm a dancer. That's why I'm here in Dublin. Originally, I'm from Canada-" he cut me off.
"I knew you weren't an American!"
I smiled. "I heard about the amazing dance and drama schools here. I do ballet mostly, but I also do Irish. I did pretty well at the World's this year. Especially since I've only done Irish dancing for about three years."
"How old are you?" he asked.
"How old are you?" I asked back.
"I just turned twenty," he answered.
"I'm turning nineteen in a few months," I replied.
"Nineteen! That's young. I thought that at the most, you were twenty-one!" he exclaimed.
I smiled. "Not really. Now, answer my question. Why did you want to know about me knowing Nicky and Kian?"
"Well, I was talking about you with the other lads, and then Kian and Nicky started talking about how they knew you. Nicky said he had tried to set you up with Kian, but you didn't like Kian. Then they put a bet on to see if I liked you," Bryan answered.
"Oh. Well, it's true about Nicky setting me up with Kian. Only, I did go out with him. I thought I did like him. Then I realised that I was just another of his...Well, I wouldn't say conquests because it wasn't like he was trying to get me into bed, but that's all I can think of. I guess I was just a minor relationship, he didn't really commit. I found him flirting and stuff with other girls whenever I came back from the bathroom when we were out. I caught him snogging a girl once, so I just called it off. He wasn't what I truly wanted," I answered.
Bryan nodded. "Niamh, did you want to go out with me?" he asked.
"I don't know," I answered slowly, shaking my head. "I barely know you."
"Please, just give us a try," he pleaded. He looked at me with a puppy dog expression on his face and I just couldn't say no.
"Okay, I think we could," I smiled.
"Great. Did you want to have lunch tomorrow?" he asked.
"I don't know. I have to check my schedule." I trotted into the kitchen, checked my schedule. Ballet was from nine thirty to eleven thirty, my pilates class started at one.
I came and sat back down on the couch. "I have from eleven thirty until one free tomorrow."
"What are you doing tomorrow?" he asked.
"I teach ballet in the morning, and then pilates after lunch, and another class, but I didn't check right then," I answered.
Bryan nodded. He looked so cute with the ice pack on his face. "My cheek is numb," he complained.
"Take it off then. Whenever it gets numb, you leave it off for fifteen minutes, and then put it back on."
"How do you know this?" he asked, taking the ice pack down from his face.
"Well, to play the part of the heroine of a ballet, you can't exactly have bruises all over your legs can you? When I was younger, I used to get into fights all the time, trying to prove I wasn't miss prissy ballerina. I'd come home with all these bruises on my face, and my mom would get so mad. It always happened right before a big production," I laughed.
"How do you pay for this townhouse? If all you do is go to dance class then, how?" he asked.
"Dancing! Dancing bought all the furniture in this house, and everything I own." Bryan looked like he didn't believe it. "I get a certain percent of all the ticket sales, plus a salary when I'm not performing, and I teach classes. I believe it's twenty percent of all ticket sales, and well...I'm still confused by the money over here!" I laughed.
"Wow! Our money comes from record sales and still...How long have you been doing this for?" he asked.
"I think about nearly three years now."
"That's amazing. I didn't think that dancers made that much."
I smiled. We talked for a while and when it came eleven, he had to go. I was sorry to see him go. I really liked him.
"So, I'll see you at the fountain downtown tomorrow, at eleven forty-five?" he asked.
"I wouldn't miss it for anything," I replied.
He leaned down and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips. I pulled him back down and we kissed some more.
"That's the best kiss I've ever had," I said.
"I thought you had to kiss all those guys in those ballets," he said, a little confused. He was so cute when he was confused.
"Those were stage kisses. There's nothing behind them, it's just lips on lips. Nothing more." I whispered to him.
He kissed me once again. We said our good-byes and he left. I went back to bed, and had a much harder time getting to sleep than before!


She was a great kisser, I thought as we kissed. I had had intentions of giving her a simple good-bye kiss, and I did. Then she brought me back down to her and kissed me.
"That was the best kiss I've ever had," she told me, after we had parted.
"I thought you had to kiss all those guys in those ballets," I was a little confused.
"Those were stage kisses. There's nothing behind them, it's just lips on lips. Nothing more," she whispered to me.
I kissed her again. Then I said good-bye, and left.
I wandered around for a bit afterwards. After half an hour or so, the air got chilly, so I retreated back to the hotel. I thanked God that I was sharing a room with Nicky this time.
He wasn't back from the pub yet, so I just changed and went to bed. I couldn't wait to see Niamh the next day. I was too excited to sleep. I know you may say that it's impossible, but really, I looked forward to it.
Nicky got back from the pub at about two in the morning.
"Did you have fun?" I asked him.
"Oh yeah, tons of fun!" he was a little tipsy, but I knew he was probably the most sober.
"Hey, you don't have a bruise where Kian hit you," he said.
"No, I stopped by Niamh's house and she told me what to do. She said the really crucial thing is to ice it right it happens," I said.
"Oh, Kian's mad about his black eye. He made me buy a steak to put on it, but they wouldn't sell us a raw one, so we went down to the pet store and bought a squishy one. A steak is a steak," Nicky said and collapsed into bed.
"Idiots. Bloody idiots," I said to myself and soon fell asleep.


I woke up the next day feeling wonderful! I knew it was because of last night. I couldn't help myself. I showered, ate breakfast, got dressed and went off to class. Since it was a Saturday, I taught two morning classes. Little beginner girls from nine until ten, and then more advanced young girls from ten until eleven thirty.
The classes seemed to go by more slowly than usual. For some reason all the girls in the first class were extraordinarily good, while the advanced girls were doing very poorly. If there was a competition between the two, the younger would have won!
"No, Ashley, arms in fifth!" I corrected a young girl who did the sequence wrong. There's no way they'd be ready for the recital in time, at this rate. The recital was in a month, that's four classes!
"No, no, no! Let's start from the beginning," I said. The girls grumbled but took their places. One girl refused to.
"Catherine, get in place please," I said.
"No," she said.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"I said no. I don't want to do that again. We are the advanced class. Who are you to tell us that we're wrong?" she said.
Some of the girls agreed.
I smiled. "All right. You're the advanced class. Do you think you're excellent at what you do right now?" I asked.
"Of course we are," Catherine insisted.
"Okay. Since you are the advanced girls, you don't need me to count the timing, or say the steps, or remind you of a few things."
"No! That's what screws us up!" Catherine yelled.
"Catherine, watch your language please," I said. "Then do what I do, once I'm finished."
I turned on some music. In ten seconds, I showed those little brats what I could do. What being advanced was. When I finished, I turned to them and said, "Your turn."
The girls were standing there, wide-eyed.
"I believe we'll stick with what we can do," Marisa, a quiet girl, said.
"Do all of you agree?" I asked.
Their little heads nodded.
"Maybe you better say the counts too," someone said.
"And even say the steps and remind us occasionally," another said.
I smiled. Catherine grumbled and joined her classmates in line. After that everyone concentrated on what they should be doing, instead of what they were doing. It looked fantastic. Class was dismissed after a bit, and I went to the fountain to meet Bryan.


I woke up with an ache in my cheek. Then I remembered last night. Oh, Niamh was surely the most perfect girl for me. I got up, and had a shower. When I came out, Nicky had gone. I got dressed alone, and then went down to the hotel restaurant where we said we'd meet for breakfast.
"Finally, he joins us," Mark announced my arrival.
Everyone already had their plates in front of them. The waitress came, and I just ordered coffee.
"Well, he had a late night last night, with Niamh," Nicky said.
"He'd better not have!" Kian grumbled.
"Excuse me?" I asked.
"Bryan, I better come clean with you," Kian started. "I really like Niamh, and well, I didn't treat her the way that I should have when I was with her. I was planning on going and apologising to her, and getting back with her. I can't stop thinking about her, and I feel extremely bad about how I treated her."
I felt like crying. If only he knew how bad Niamh felt. Later last night, when we really got into it, she was crying! I didn't know what to do. Niamh had said that she didn't like him anymore, but I felt as though she still had an inkling of a feeling left. Kian nearly loved her, and they had been together before. Whereas I, I was nobody. Just somebody who liked Niamh, felt a connection with her, and wanted her for myself. Kian would win her back, I knew it. No matter what I did, he would win her.
"You know, Kian, Niamh and I had a lunch date today. We were to meet at the fountain at eleven forty-five, maybe you should go instead," I suggested.
Nicky pulled me over. "That's letting him win. I think that if he mistreated Niamh once, he'll do it again. He really hurt her the last time. She's one of Georgina's friend's. When Georgina's friends are hurt, so is Georgina. I hated seeing her like that!"
"But he'll win her anyways. I can't stand against Kian. Especially when it comes to matters like this. All the girls love Kian," I said.
"You have a point there, but Niamh isn't like all the other girls," Nicky said. That made sense. I was forging a plan in my head.
"Well, Bry, if you want me to, I will. I guess-" Kian was saying.
"Actually, I've got another idea. How about we let Niamh decide? You come with me, and I'll explain the situation to Niamh. You two talk it over, and then whatever happens, happens. All right?" I asked.
Kian sat there and thought about it for a minute.
"I don't think that's a good idea," Shane said.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Well, he'll get her. Kian's a ladies' man. No matter what he can always get a girl. Right, Kian?" Shane asked.
"Of course! Bryan, I agree. You take me there, explain what's happening. Niamh and I'll talk, and we'll be back together! Oh, Bry, you're the best!" Kian hugged me.
"What was that for?" I asked.
"Well, I think I'm in love with Niamh. We went out for a while and we got pretty serious. I was actually going to ask her to marry me," Kian said.
That felt like a slap in the face.
"The girl was seventeen when you met her!" Nicky cried.
"But she turned eighteen," Kian said. "The only reason why I didn't ask her, was because of the group. If we go into this business with one member married, how do you think we would have done?"
"Probably bad," Mark said.
"See. Then my girl went and dumped me just because she caught me talking to some fans one day. I think she was just jealous of the attention," Kian said, getting comfy in his chair.
"No, you were snogging that one girl!" I cried.
"I gave her a kiss on her cheek! She asked for it and I couldn't say no!" Kian denied.
"No, you had your tongue shoved down her throat. You were cheating on Niamh all along!" I accused.
"Well, occasionally, I did go snog some fans and everything. How do you think I felt though? Niamh wasn't putting out anything! We went out for over a year! It took me five dates to even snog her," Kian complained.
"Funny, didn't even take me one," I said.
"What?" Kian asked.
"I snogged her good-night last night. She even responded," I said.
Kian nearly went red.
"Did you still want to come today?" I asked, innocently.
"Of course!" Kian barked.
We all ate in silence. We had to report to the management. They said that the photo shoot would be delayed because of Kian's bruise. Apparently, squishy steak doesn't work as good as real steak.
At eleven thirty, Kian and I walked in total silence to the fountain to wait for Niamh.
I was her sitting beside it, looking ethereal.
"Now you wait here," I told Kian. "I'll explain to her, and then I'll motion for you to come, and then you come. All right?"
"Fine," he muttered.
I walked over to Niamh.
"Hi," I greeted.
"Oh, hey," she replied, and kissed me.
"There's a little bit of a trouble situation here," I started.
"Something really wrong?" she asked, concern written all over her face.
"Not really. It's just that I told Kian about us," I said.
"Great! Let me guess, he feels sorry that he treated me bad, and wants to get back together?" she asked.
"How'd you know?" I asked.
"Just typical of him," she said, working herself up.
"Calm down, it'll be fine. He just wants to talk. Turn him down if you want, but if you find his apology sincere and you want to get back with him, it's all right with me," I said.
"What?" she looked confused, and she was so cute when she was confused.
"You can turn him-" she cut me off.
"I got that part but, it's fine if I go out with him? No, it's not. I'm considered going out with you right now. Didn't you see the paper?" she asked.
"What paper?" I asked, dreading it.


"This paper," I said, pulling a newspaper out of my bag.
"Oh God!" Bryan said as he looked at it.
"Yeah," I agreed.
On the front page of the most read Dublin paper was a picture of Bryan and I kissing when he left my house. The article had everything in it. Who I was, who Bryan was. It even said that we were engaged! It even spoke about how I used to go out with Kian. They even made a remark about how could a mousy little dancer like me could attract guys like Westlife.
"They are so gonna pay!" Bryan exclaimed.
"What do you mean?" I asked.
"Calling you mousy!" he said. "Anyone can see that you're gorgeous."
He took my face in his hands and kissed me. We kissed by the fountain for a bit. Then Kian came stalking up towards us.


I was watching them. She was such a flirt! I loved her, but she was a little flirt. Everywhere we had went, always having to flirt with every single guy. Just to make me jealous.
Then all of a sudden they were snogging! That girl was going to pay for snogging my friend in public!


"Kian, what are you doing?" I asked. He had come too early, but I hadn't counted on his watching everything.
"She's mine, Bryan! MINE!" Kian exclaimed.
"Excuse me," Niamh started, "but I am not yours. Once upon a time, I was going out with you, but I wasn't yours. Kian Egan, I have never belonged to you or any other man, and I never will!"
That was my Niamh. Standing up for herself. She didn't need a guy to fight for her cause. She may be shy, but when it came to important matters, she was in there!
"What..." Kian said.
"I am a woman, Kian. I belong to me, to myself! I am a person. Yes, I can love someone, but love, is an emotion, something that ties two people together. It doesn't bind them into possessions," Niamh said.
"I thought I loved you Niamh, but now I see that I wanted you for myself," Kian started, laying the charm on thickly, it just oozed from him. "No, I'm sure I loved you. I just treated you as an object because I didn't want that emotion to shine through, as if it made me weak. I think I will love you, always..."
With that Kian walked away.


Niamh made me realize that I had treated her like a possession. Then it dawned that I did love her. I just used everything as a cover-up, like I should be ashamed to be in love. I told her so, and walked away. She probably never wanted to see me again.


As Kian walked away, I realized that I loved him too. I just hadn't been mature enough to realize it. I looked at Bryan, who looked back at me.
"Go," he said.
I went after Kian.


Letting Niamh go was one of the hardest things in my life to do. True, I had just met her, but I felt connected to her. Like we were meant to be together. Now I see that her and Kian were to be together. I sat down by the fountain and cried. I lost the only person in my life whom I would ever love.


I found Kian, sitting on a bench in a park, just looking. Looking at nothing.
"Hi," I said.
"Hey. Do you hate me?" he asked.
"Why would I hate you?" I asked back.
"Just because of the awful things I've done to you. I treated you like dirt, I waited too long to tell you that I love you, and messed up things with you and Bryan. Why are you even here?" Kian asked.
"I'm here to tell you something," I sat down beside him. "Yes, you did some fairly terrible things to me, and you treated me like dirt. But I think you're confused."
Kian looked up at me. "What?"
"You're confused. I don't doubt that you love me, just the way that you love me," I said.
"What? You're not making any sense," Kian looked really confused.
"I think you think that you love me in the sense of a man loving a woman, but really you don't. I think you love me as a friend. If you loved someone in the man to woman way, I don't think you would have treated her like you treated me. I think you were attracted to me. We were friends, and this attraction just jerked you around a little. I love you, too. Only as a friend. I don't really know if I ever was truly attracted to you. I thought you were handsome, and you were just getting to be famous, of course a girl would want to be your girlfriend! I was a teenager who couldn't see past that. That's why I wasn't comfortable snogging you. I'm sorry about the mess this caused. I'd still like for us to be friends," I explained to Kian.
"I think you have it right there. I guess I really didn't like you, either. I just saw this gorgeous dancer who every other guy would be jealous if I had with me. At the same time, you know, I wanted a girl who could be a true girlfriend, so I tried finding her while still with you. I'm sorry as well. I think we can be friends," Kian and I hugged.
We sat and chatted for a while. My stomach grumbled, reminding me I still hadn't had lunch.
"Go talk to Bryan," Kian said.
I nodded and left to go find Bryan. I found him sitting beside the fountain, looking sad. He was turned, looking into the water, one hand swirling around. I came up behind him.
He saw my reflection in the water, and turned to face me. I sat down.
"Why aren't you off with your new boyfriend?" he grumbled.
I couldn't help but smile at that. "I am, I thought we worked this out last night."
Bryan looked at me and beamed that incredible smile of his. "You mean..."
I nodded. "Kian and I weren't together for the right reasons, so that's why it didn't work out. I liked him only for his looks, and his fame. He only wanted me for my looks, and just so guys would be jealous of him. I like you for who you are, and that's the right reason for liking someone," I told him.
Bryan continued to show off his smile. "I like you for who you are too, if you were an ugly hag, sure I wouldn't have been attracted to you at first, but then I would have grown to like you," he laughed. I joined in.
We went for lunch. It was great, Bryan was the one I had been searching for this whole time. After lunch, I blew off pilates, and we went for a walk in the park.
We walked, hand in hand, down a densly bushed trail. It was so quite, and so serene. Three little old ladies came down the path in the opposite direction.
"Oh, excuse me," one asked. "Do you have the time?"
Bryan looked on his wrist. "Sorry, I forgot my watch.
I always had a watch clipped onto my dance bag, which I had with me. "It's five to two," I answered.
"Oh thank you. We were wandering around in here, it was so pretty we just lost track of time," she answered. After she was finished, another one commented.
"If you don't mind me saying so, you two are a cute couple. It reminds me of when I was young, and with my Patrick," she said, wiping at her eyes.
Bryan looked at me. "Yes, we do go good together."
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