Try Again
Part 1
I woke up and looked at the alarm clock, 5.30am... "Dammit!" I yelled, I was supposed to be out of the house by now to get to work for 6am. I ran into the bathroom, got ready for work and ran out of the house. "Another great day!" I mumbled sarcastically as I opened the car door. I worked as a paramedic, it was a good job, ok so there was a bad day here and there in it, but I enjoyed it anyway.    "You're late!" I looked up to see my work partner James standing in front of me looking at his watch. "What? You think I didn't already know that?! We're not all perfect like you, you know.!!", I walked away towards the machine to get a cup of coffee. "Oooohhh! Some one fell out of the wrong side of the bed today... what's wrong?" he asked sitting down beside me. "Nothing, just tired, the alarm clock never went off today, so I had to run about like mad to get in here as soon as I could... I don't wanna be here today..." I explained.    "What? Have I said something wrong?" He asked "No, but my friends, you know, Nat and Pnut, well, they're visiting me for a few weeks, so I should be showing them Glasgow, but I couldn't get this week off of work, so they've gotta go exploring, I feel kinda bad bout it..." I got cut off by the radio calling us to go to a call.    "Right, be right there" James said. "Fasten your Seat belt, we're off again!" He laughed. "Where to this time?" "The concert hall, someone's collapsed." He explained. "OK, let's go" I replied. We set off, sirens wailing.
Part 2
James parked the ambulance at the back door while I ran upstairs to the front door. "Hey! Up the stairs, first door on your left! In there!" The girl at the desk shouted. "Thanks!" I shouted back and ran up the stairs, tripping on the last one, "OW!" I said as I banged my knee, and continued towards the room.    I ran in and saw a middle aged man lying on the floor surrounded by some guys. "Hey - " I started. I saw a familiar face turn around. "Ally - I -" "Derek?!" "Quick over here!".another voice shouted - I looked away and ran over to the guy. "Everyone - gimme some space here!" I shouted, sounding harsh and all the guys except Derek walked out.    "He said his chest and his arm was sore, then he kinda fell over - we didn't know what to do - so, so I just laid him down like that - sorry - " he stuttered. "It's OK, you done the right thing." I assured him. I bent down to check if the guy was breathing, he was, but he never answered when I spoke to him.    "What's going on?" James asked as he appeared behind us. "Get the stretcher, I think its his heart!" "Ok,be right back"he said and disappeared. He reappeared 2 minutes later, and we got the guy downstairs and into the ambulance, and Derek offered to go to the hospital with us.    "What? Whats going on?" The guy said waking up. "Hey, Lou, welcome back" Derek said. "How are you feeling Lou?" I asked as we pulled up to the hospital. He just looked confused, so I explained what had happened. James wheeled him into a room with docs while I stood outside talking to Derek.    "Are you coming to the show tonight?" He asked. I shook my head no. "Why not? I thought we were friends now?" "Its not that, my friends are here, and there are no tickets left now or else we would've all went, anyway, I gotta work at 7am tomorrow." I sat down on a chair.    "How about if I was to get three tickets, maybe backstage passes? Would u go then? As a kind of thank you for helping Louis. I'm sure the lads would wanna meet you after what you done..." He asked. "OK then! Geez" I replied. Derek smiled and I smiled back.'Lads, I thought, wonder who?'
Part 3
I opened the door to my flat. It was 6.30pm and the concert started at 7.30 pm, so I didn't have much time to get changed. "Nat? Pnut? You guys here?" I shouted as I opened the door. "In here!", a voice shouted from the living room. "You have fun at work today?" "Oh yeah, it was ok." I answered. "Just OK, what happened?" Nat asked as I walked in the living room. They both turned round.    "I saw Derek today... it was... a bit weird. It's the first time we've spoken since... you know.." I explained and walked into the kitchen. I turned around to see Nat and Pnut both staring at me. "What?!" "Geez, you girl! What happened with Derek? Is he OK? How did u meet him today? And... well?" Pnut fired questions at me. "God, you guys!" "We're waiting..." Nat said.    "OK. He's alive and breathing, he was with some guy at the concert hall when the guy had a heart attack, and by coincidence I was the paramedic called out. So, then I was talking to Derek at the hospital and he asked if I was going tonight, you know the concert, but I said no. So, he offered to get us 3 tickets, with backstage passes too. So, you guys better go get ready, because we're all going out tonight!" I explained. "O... K... then..." Pnut said, her jaw practically on the floor.    After running about like mad, we were all ready to go. "We've to meet Derek at the back door, then he'll show us where to sit for the show,it's gonna be great!" I said. "Who's doing the show?" Nat asked while checking through her bag to check she had everything. "Ummm... Derek (and Tommy of course), A1, some others... and Westlife too" I replied, checking through the programme Derek had given me at the hospital.    "Westlife? I've heard of them, a little, are they good?" Nat asked, finally satisfied that she hadn't forgotten anything. "Yeah, well, Derek says they're really nice guys... apparently that guy earlier was their manager, so the tickets are a kinda thankyou from them. Really sweet of them." "And of course, Derek had nothing to do with it..." Pnut began. "I told you, that's over, we're just friends now!" I shouted. "OK, OK!", she said.    "We're here, let's go!" Nat said, climbing out of the car. "Hey! Over here!" Derek shouted, "Quickly, come on, I'm freezing my ass off here!" "Its a fine ass too," I whispered to Pnut and Nat, they laughed. "Ally!!" Nat shouted shocked. "Hi Ally, Hi guys! I'm Derek, Ally's friend. Come on inside, A1 are just starting!" he said as he ran inside.    ...10 minutes later...    Derek had left me Nat and Pnut to go get ready for the performance, so we all stood in the corridor looking lost. We walked along, and stopped when we heard voices coming from inside one of the rooms.    "So, when you gonna be getting out then? Oh, you gotta stay in for 3 days?! Oh, me and the other lads were maybe gonna call in tomorrow to see how you're doing? Yep, of course we'll call Ro to let him know whats going on - oh, ok, what room? Got it. Take care, bye!" The voice said, then the door opened.    We all ran away back towards the stage, when we heard footsteps behind us. "Hey... who's there?", a voice shouted. I turned around to see a tall guy standing there, looking at as all. "Ummm... it's... Hi, I'm Derek's friend... Ally, he said we could hang out here.." "You're Ally?" The guy asked, looking a bit surprised, (and looking very cute too I must add!lol) "Guilty." "Thats how I know you, I saw you earlier, when you came to help Lou. Thanks for that by the way, we were so scared then" he explained.    "I'm Bryan, bring your friends and we'll go see the rest of the guys, they'll want to see you. - if you want to that is" he added, looking at the floor. "Sure, come on you two, lets go!" I shouted And we all followed Bryan back down the corridor.
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