Tunnel Of Love
By Katrina Niamh
Author's Note: All right, this is my first attempt at a songfic. Please let me know what you think of it! It's also my first time really focusing on Kian, so PLEASE, let me know what  you think. The way I portray Kian, I like, so  if you think I should work with him some more, please let me know! Onto the story!

I've made up my mind, I'm gonna follow,
I'm no longer blind, no longer hollow,
Since I met you, my life is upside down,
Ohh yeah,

Kian walked into the store. It was three days before Christmas, and he still hadn't found a gift for Sinead. He sighed  as he thought of her. Sinead, the love of his life. He had  met her ten months ago. A friend of a friend's  cousin, who was brought to a party of his.  The moment he saw her, he knew she would  become the light of his life. He went on  tour for three months and the next time he  saw her, he didn't waste a second before asking her out.

They say,
Once in a lifetime, out of the blue
Here comes an angel, I know it's you,

She truly was an angel. Her eyes  were the most beautiful dark green. Her long, dark brown hair was thick and like silk  to Kian. She may have been attractive on the
outside, but it was the inside that really  appealed to Kian. He loved everything about
her! Tonight, he was going to tell her for the first time.

Yes I'm ready to go through the tunnel of love,
Yes I'm ready to be all you're dreaming of,
So I swear to you now and to the stars above,
Let's walk through the tunnel of love

Just then, he saw the perfect gift.  A claddaugh ring. It was absolutely perfect! It showed exactly how he felt. The crown showed he had total trust and loyalty for her. The hands showed their friendship, and  the heart represented his love for her. The ring itself, showed eternity.

I want you to know,
For the first time, I know where to go

Usually, when it came close to this  part of a relationship, he would dump the
girl. Sinead was so sweet and loving that he  knew  what he felt was real and he wasn't afraid.

For the first time, I'm not afraid,
To open up my heart,
Oh no,

After that, Kian rushed back to the flat he shared with Sinead. On his way home, he saw an accident. Some poor woman was hit  by a truck. She had already been taken to a  hospital, and the police were just arriving.  That delayed him quite a bit, and he was very  anxious to get home. "Sinead!" Kian called as he entered the  flat. No answer came back. "Sinead?" he repeated as he entered the  living room. He saw there was a message on the machine. Pressing the button, he hoped it was from Sinead.

They say,
Once in a lifetime, out of the blue,
Here comes an angel, I know it's you,

"Hello, Kian," came the voice from the machine. "It's Sinead's mother, Lynda, calling. I'm afraid that she's been in an accident.  Please come to the hospital as soon as you get this message." Kian ran his fingers through his hair  and let out his breath. He hoped she would be all right. Tears welled up in his eyes. Quickly, he blinked them away and ran out the door. Soon  he was driving madly to the hospital.

"Oh, Kian, I'm glad you made it!" Lynda approached Kian. She explained how Sinead was the girl who was hit! Kian asked to see her. "I was allowed in for a bit, but that's all they  would allow. She's lost a lot of blood, and they can't find blood that matches her type. They're double-checking. Oh my poor baby!" Lynda sobbed. Kian just held her.  nurse approached. "Mrs. McMahon?" she asked. "Yes?" Lynda said, turning away from  Kian, wiping her eyes."We have not found any blood for your  daughter. Do you know of anyone who has her  blood type?" Hearing this, Kian cried silently. At  the moment, he knew he had to be strong, for  there was hope. Just not much. "Are you sure, Mrs. McMahon?" Kian heard
the nurse say as he came back to reality. "Yes, I'm sure. The only relatives who share her blood type are on her father's side and they live in England." Lynda started to cry for her daughter again. "I'm afraid there's nothing more we can do for your daughter now. You'll be allowed to say good-bye..." the nurse went on. Then, Kian remembered a conversation  he had had with Sinead a few weeks ago. The nurse was going to lead Lynda to see her  daughter, when he stopped her.

Light of my life keeps shining baby,
Light of my life...

"I have the same blood type as Sinead McMahon," he stated. "Oh, that's wonderful!" the nurse cried. "We would hate to see such a young  girl die. That is, would you consent to donating blood?" Ever since Kian was a little boy,  he hated needles. No reason for it, he just had an aversion to them. He saw Lynda looking up at  him, so hopeful. He was hesitant. But then he looked into Mrs. McMahon's eyes. The eyes she passed onto her daughter. The daughter they both loved. Kian swallowed. Putting his fears aside, he agreed. Lynda hugged him and commented on how she would never be able to repay him. He shrugged  it off. He didn't want Sinead to die either! The nurse lead him away. All he had to do was fill out  and sign some papers, let them steal his blood and  Sinead would live. Or so he thought. After the nurse started  taking his blood, she explained something to him. �You know, there is always the chance that  her body will reject the blood," she said as causually as if she was talking of the weather! "What?!" Kian cried, and tried to sit up. "Don't worry, it's a very slim chance. I  just felt as though you should know." Kian calmed. "What'll happen if the blood is rejected?"  he wondered. The nurse sighed. "It'll turn to poison in  her bloodstream and she'll die." Kian sighed. This was going so slow! "I know it's slow, if we talk, it'll go  faster," suggested the nurse.  "All right," Kian agreed. "What's your name?" "It's Katherine. So, you're the boyfriend?"  she asked. "Yes, we've been seeing each other exclusively  for five months now. Tonight, I was going to tell her  I love her," Kian said sadly. "That's a little ironic," commented Katherine. "Huh?" Kian was a bit confused. "I said that it's a little ironic. Here you  are, saving her life and you had just wanted to say  �I love you'," Katherine giggled. "Yeah, I guess so," Kian agreed. Katherine sensed that he wasn't in the mood  for chit-chat, so she remained silent the rest of the time.  "That's all we need," she said, removing the needle from his arm. She bandaged him and explained  how long it would be sore, etc. Kian was taken back to the waiting area. He  and Lynda waited for half an hour, then Katherine  returned to them. She had a big grin on her face. "She's accepted the blood," she stated,  smiling uncontrollably. Kian and Lynda smiled and hugged each other. "You can see her now," Katherine took them to see Sinead.

Once in a lifetime, out of the blue,
Here comes an angel, I know it's you

Lynda and Kian could only go in one at a  time, so as to not overwhelm Sinead. Being the  gentleman that he is, Kian allowed Lynda to see  her daughter first. After about ten minutes, Lynda came out.  She had tears of joy in her eyes. Letting them out,  she squeezed Kian in a hug. "Oh, thank you so much for saving my little  girl's life!" she said. "You're welcome," Kian replied, feeling a  little uncomfortable. "There's no way I'll ever be able to replay  you! I don't think I could live without my baby!" "I don't think I could either." Lynda looked  at Kian, wondering if he was going to say what she thought he was. Kian nodded. "Yes, I love her." Giggling, Lynda told him he should be telling  her daughter this and pushed him into the room. As he entered, Sinead's green eyes lit up.  "Kian!" she said. Kian rushed to her bedside. They hugged. "They said you save my life!" she exclaimed. Kian blushed. "All I did was donate some blood." "So, technically, we share the same blood!"  Sinead laughed. Kian didn't. "What's wrong?" she said seriously. "Nothing. I nearly lost you, that's all."  Kian looked down at the blanket his fingers were  fiddling with. "Sinead, I love you." Tears formed in Sinead's eyes. "Oh Kian,  I love you too!" she cried. Kian's eyes drifted up to her face. "Really?" he asked with a huge goofy grin on his face. Sinead smiled and nodded.

No one has touched me like you,
Yes I want you baby,
No one, no, no one,
Has loved me so true,

Kian couldn't believe it. She loved him back. His angel loved him! Without warning he cupped Sinead's cheeks and kissed her.

Yes I'm ready to go through the tunnel of love,
Yes I'm ready to be all you're dreaming of,
So I swear to you now and to the stars above,
Let's walk through the tunnel of love,
Oh yeah,
So I swear to you now and to the stars above,
Let's walk through the tunnel of love

Okay, that's it. So, did you like it, or hate it? Please please PLEASE tell me!! A fan fiction author is paid in e-mail, so far, I'm not very rich! Oh, and I guess I should thank you for reading this stuff. It's not exactly very good, but as my  editor/helper/friend Elise said, it's a cute story. Man, she's helped me out so much!! Plus, she helped me feel good about this story. THANK YOU ELISE!
Anyway, to you the reader, thank you for reading this.
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