Whose The One For Me?
By Nutty Moo
Charley sat in her room, looking at a photo. The photo. Shane and her in each other�s arms. Tears rolled down her cheeks. She would have to tell him soon but when?
�Charley?� Hannah looked into the room. �You wanted to talk to me.�
�Sit down.� Charley patted the bed. Hannah sat and saw her best friend, tear-stained and in need of a friend. She also saw the photo and jumped to a conclusion.
�Shane, what�s he done to you? He hasn�t�hit�you has he?� Hannah was concerned and angry at the same time.
�No, it�s not what he did. It�s what I did.� Charley�s voice was choked with tears.
�Charley, you�ve got to tell me what happened.� Hannah took Charley�s hand.
�I had a one night stand.� Charley began but Hannah cut in.
�A one night stand? Who with? Why, Charley, Shane�s given you everything!�
�I know! I know! Please Hannah, don�t make it worse!� Charley broke down into tearful sobs.
�I�m sorry, Charley.� Hannah put her arm around her best friend.
�It was with Kian.� Charley had said it and waited for the reaction as her best friend stared at her.
�Kian! What on earth did you see in him?� Hannah exclaimed.
�I�I�I don�t know.� Charley was speechless. What had she seen in Kian? Was she sober in the first place?
�When was this?� Hannah was determined to get answers.
�Two nights ago. After our girl�s night out.� Charley was trying to remember. Maybe she had been drunk?
�Were you sober?� Hannah hit the nail right on the head.
�I�I�I don�t think so.� Charley was speechless yet again.
�So you were in a drunken state and you go and have a one night stand with Kian when Shane gives you everything you�ve ever dreamed of.� Hannah had explained the whole thing in a sentence. �What�what should I do?� Charley asked Hannah.
�I don�t know but personally I would follow your heart.� Hannah stood up and walked out.
�Hannah! Hannah, I need your advice. Please.� Charley called after Hannah, the best friend she thought would help her come to a decision.
Charley lay flat out on her bed, her face in the pillow. Tears came to her eyes yet again. What to do? Should she keep her mouth shut? Or tell Shane before Kian twisted the tale?
She picked up the photo again. Hannah was right. Shane gave her everything and she was going to blow it just because of a one-night stand that she couldn�t even remember.
She had made her mind up. She picked up her mobile and dialled Shane�s number. She pressed the phone to her ear and heard the ring tone. Brr�brr�brr�brr. �Hello.� Shane�s Irish accent met her ear.
�Hi, Shane. It�s me, Charley.� Her hand began to shake.
�Hi, babe. What�s up?� Shane had detected the worry in Charley�s voice.
�Are you alone in the room?� Charley wanted to make sure no one else heard the conversation.
�Yeah, why?� Shane was getting worried now. Charley could hear it in his voice.
�I need to tell you this, before Kian twists the truth.� Charley got straight to the point.
�What is it?� Charley wasn�t sure if she should tell him.
�I got drunk. Very drunk. On our girl�s night out. I met Kian and�it sort of turned into a one night stand.� Charley told him in one breath and shut her eyes, waiting for a reaction.
�Um�I don�t know what to say�� Shane was shocked.
�Say something, Shane, please. Are you angry? Upset? Shocked? Tell me, Shane. I need to know!� Charley began to cry.
�Well� I�m glad you told me. Kian most probably would have made it out that it was all your fault. But�I need some thinking time.� Shane�s voice seemed calm.
�So, you�re not angry?� Charley asked again.
�I�m�I�m not sure Charley.� Shane was speechless.
�What happens now?� Charley asked the most important question burning in her mind.
�I need some proof. Firstly, were you drunk in the first place? I could probably ask one of the girls you were with that. But, most importantly, I need to know that I mean something to you.� Shane sounded like he was choking on tears and Charley didn�t like it.
�You mean everything to me. I shouldn�t have got drunk. If I hadn�t, this wouldn�t have happened. I could have told Kian to get lost. I could have�� It was all too much and Charley couldn�t speak for tears.
�Charley, It�s okay. I think�I think I should get over to your place and we should talk this over. OK?� Shane had come to a decision.
�No, I don�t think that I would be able to face you so soon after telling you,� Charley made an excuse.
�Okay, I�ll see you soon.� Shane seemed fine about not seeing her straightaway.
�Bye, Shane.� Charley decided to end the conversation.
�Bye, Charley.� �BEEP� Shane had disconnected the call.
Charley got a tissue and moped up her tears. She smiled.
�Kian, you can come out of the cupboard now. Hannah�s gone.� Charley spoke in the direction of her cupboard. The door opened and out came Kian.
�You are one for spinning stories,� said Kian as he slipped his arms around Charley.
�At least Shane now thinks I did it in a drunken state.� Charley replied. Her eyes met Kian�s and she felt the soft, moist touch of his lips on hers. After a while, she pulled away and smiled. She had fooled Shane, yet again, into thinking his girlfriend had a one-night stand a couple of nights ago after drinking heavily.
�What�s the matter?� Kian looked into Charley�s eyes. Charley smiled yet again.
�Nothing, Kian. Now where were we?�
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