Wind Beneath My Wings
By Mattie Scott
"Mark!" I called out as I spotted him walking through the big center field in front of the university. He wouldn't stop walking so I ran up behind up and grabbed his shoulder.
"Wait!" I tried to make him stop walking.
Mark turned around with his eyes dotted in tears.
"That song�." I whispered as I held onto him. "I don't love Nicky the way I've always loved you." I finally told him how I felt.
Mark softened a little and relaxed his lips. "Then why are you with him?"
I pointed to a small bench under a willow tree. "Can we sit please?"

Mark inhaled the warm air around him as he and Michelle sat down on a wooden bench.
"I� I can't really explain why I'm with Nicky, Mark." Michelle started to say. She took a deep breath. "I thought I had lost you. The real you, you know. Nicky was just there to pick up the pieces." Michelle leaned back on the bench. "I didn't think I would find anyone as special as you again."
Mark listened to Michelle's words. From that moment, he knew he still wanted her more than ever before.
"I've changed Michelle. I'm okay now," Mark put his arm around Michelle on the bench and leaned back too. "That's why I flew here. To tell you that and to hope we could start over."

I smiled at Mark. I could tell he had changed. His smile was just like before - full of life and happiness.
"You're really okay now? We were so worried about you." I told him.
"I know. I was such an ass for pushing everyone away." Mark raised his eyebrows in shame.
"Well, things happen. It's surprising to see how someone can change that much at a drop of a dime." I patted his knee.
Mark turned his face towards me. "As soon as I realized I still loved you, I just couldn't bear the thought of losing you for good. So I made the CD with all of our favourite songs and I hoped you still felt the same way as I do now."
"I never stopped loving you, not even for the slightest second," I touched Mark's soft brown hair. "You still have that snowglobe right?"
Mark chuckled. "I always carry it with me wherever I go," His arm that was around me had moved to my waist. "Does that mean we can start over?"
I sighed. I wasn't ready to jump from one guy to another. "I left Nicky in my room. I guess he knows I chose you over him."
Mark removed his arm and crossed them and let out a sigh of his own.
"I'll tell him when I get back. I think deep inside, he always knew he would come in second to you." I said.
"Are you busy tonight?" Mark changed the subject.
"I think I'm free since Nicky is probably on his way home."

Mark was glad that Michelle was being sincere and reasonable. She wasn't the kind of girl who would abandon someone for someone new.
"Come by later okay? I got to go and find Nicky. I can't keep him hanging around hoping that something will drop in front of him." I got up and blew a kiss at Mark.

***** Michelle's room *****

Nicky finally finished packing his clothes. He knew there was no chance for him to be the number one guy in Michelle's life. It wouldn't be fair to her.
"You're leaving?" he heard Michelle's voice behind him.
"Yeah." Nicky mumbled and stuffed his shirt in his bag.
"I'm sorry�. For everything. For making you believe that I loved you more than Mark." Michelle apologized softly.
Nicky turned around. "Don't be. Your happiness is all that matters to me."
Nicky could see teardrops falling from Michelle's eyes. "Any girl would be so lucky to have you Nicky."
"Don't cry. Come here," Nicky hugged Michelle tightly. "You have the man of your dreams waiting for you," Nicky laughed a little. "I'm just not him."
Michelle sighed as he hugged her more. "I'm glad I met you."
"Me too." Nicky inhaled the scent of her perfume. It would most likely be the last time he would get to do that. "Me too." He murmured.
After hugging her for a few minutes, Nicky finally let Michelle go. "I've got to catch my flight." Nicky picked up his bag. "Don't lose him."
"I won't." Michelle brushed more tears away from her eyes.

***** Later that night *****

I answered my door when I heard a gentle knock on it.
"Hi Mark. Come on in." I held the door wider for Mark to come in. He looked so handsome. He even dressed up - wearing black dress pants and a blue blouse.
"Hi Michelle." He greeted me warmly and kissed me on the cheek.
"You look good." I complimented his outfit. "Sorry I'm not the same." I looked down at myself. I was wearing only my khaki shorts and a sweatshirt.
Mark laughed. "You still look beautiful, as always." He sat down on my computer chair. "How did it go with Nicky?"
"He took it really well. Like I figured, he always knew," I tried to smile a little bit to show Mark that I wasn't all that sad.
"I need some fresh air. Would you like to go for a stroll?" I asked Mark after I felt my face turn slightly warm.
"Sure." He didn't hesitate in his answer.
"I know a little spot by the university. It's where I go to collect my thoughts." I got up and Mark got up at the same time too.

***** Macdonald Fountain *****

"I can't believe how far we've gotten today." Mark commented as we sat down on the fountain.
"Five years." I quipped and punched good-naturedly in the shoulder.
Mark grabbed me by the waist and proceeded to tickle me. "Remember the good old times Carrots?" He started to tickle my ribs.
"Ah!" I exclaimed and writhed in his grips. But the tickling had caused me to fall in the water behind me.
"Oh!" Mark laughed as I sputtered.
My hair was all wet and probably dirty.

Mark saw Michelle grin mischievously as she tried to get herself back up after falling backwards into the fountain.
"Don't you dare!" Mark scooted further away from here. It was too late. Michelle had already pulled the sleeve of his blouse and caused him to fall face first in the water.
"I don't care if this blouse is Gucci or how much you shelled out. You deserve to be wet too!" Michelle splashed some water into Mark's face.
Mark wiped the water away from his eyes. "Come here you!" He got up and started to chase Michelle around in the fountain. It was only knee deep full of water. He managed to grab her by the waist and push her down.

I felt my whole body topple over into the water and Mark turned me around and I found myself gazing up into his deep blue eyes. He looked down at me the same way and brushed a wet strand of my hair off my cheek. It wasn't until then he leaned down on his knees to kiss me on my lips.

Ohhhh, oh, oh, ohh
It must have been cold there in my shadow
To never have sunlight on your face
You were always content to let me shine
That's your way
You always walked a step behind

Mark wrapped his arms around Michelle's wet clothes and pulled her closer in the water they were sitting in. He felt his heart skip a beat as he lovingly kissed her soft lips.
"Don't stop Mark." He heard Michelle whisper to him as she caressed the back of his neck. Mark obeyed her and kissed her even more fervently.

So I was the one with all the glory
While you were the one with all the strain
A beautiful face without a name for so long
A beautiful smile to hide the pain

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
And everything I would like to be?
I can fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

I felt my knees grow weak, even though I was standing on them. Mark's kisses were more passionate than before. I wrapped my arms around his neck tighter and let him slide his tongue into my mouth. I felt him run his arms up and down my back - giving me chills down my spine.

It might have appeared to go unnoticed
But I've got it all here in my heart
I want you to know I know the truth, of course I know it
I would be nothing without you

Did you ever know that you're my hero?
You're everything I wish I could be
I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings

When I finally pulled away from Mark, I saw the moonlight's reflection in his eyes.
"I love you. I don't ever want to lose you again." I whispered, not letting go of him.
He put his hands on my waist. "I love you too Carrots. For five years, I knew you were always going to be the one. From that day I laid my eyes on you, I didn't need anyone else in my life."

Did I ever tell you you're my hero?
You're everything, everything I wish I could be
Oh, and I, I could fly higher than an eagle
For you are the wind beneath my wings
'Cause you are the wind beneath my wings

Oh, the wind beneath my wings
You, you, you, you are the wind beneath my wings
Fly, fly, fly away. You let me fly so high
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings
Oh, you, you, you, the wind beneath my wings

Mark pulled me closer again. This time our chests were touching each other's and I could feel Mark's rapid heartbeat. He kissed me again on my lips.
"You'll always be my Jennifer Grey." He whispered with a smile.
I giggled. "Yeah, and you'll be my Patrick Swayze." I kissed Mark again in the fountain lighted by the moon's opalescent glare.

Fly, fly, fly high against the sky
So high I almost touch the sky
Thank you, thank you
Thank God for you, the wind beneath my wings.

song performed by: Bette Midler in "Beaches"
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