Tour of Muar - B

Scenes and Landmarks of Muar
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Sultan of Johore's visiting palace in Muar. This palace oversee the estuary of Muar river. (Large: 36KB)
Muar Fire department (Large: 28KB)
Grand staircase of the Sultan Abu Bakar Building, this building is where the land office is located. Another beautiful English colonial style building. (Large: 27KB)
A complete view of the Sultan Abu Bakar Building. Right in front of this building is the English school you've seen in the earlier Tour page. (Large: 29KB)
A beautiful Buddhist temple at Jalan Sulaiman (initially I though it was on Jln Abdul Rahman, but a fellow Muarian, Mr Koh Lai Yong corrected me, Thanks Mr. Koh!!)(Large: 32KB)
Muar Court House. Another beautiful English colonial style building. (Large: 26KB)
Muar district hospital. Recently renovated, otherwise it is also originally a British colonial style building. (Large: 20KB)
A beautiful Hindu temple in Jalan Meriam (Large: 22KB)
Medan Ikan Bakar Parit Jawa, Muar. Enjoy delicious grilled fish here!!!�(Large: 27KB)
Presbyterian Church (Living Water Church) in Jalan Salleh, Muar (Large: 32KB)


All photos were taken by Jazlan Yatim unless specified.

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