How Can I Be Saved?

What's Necessary To Save Your Soul?

"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?" (Acts 16:30-31) By God's will, the human body must have the right combination of air, food, water, etc., in order to live. Likewise, by God's will, the human soul requires a combination of spiritual necessities in order to be saved live eternally. In the Bible, God tells us that all of the following are necessary to save our souls: *The Sacrifice/Blood Of Jesus (Ro. 5:9; 1Th. 5:9-10; Jn 3:16; Acts 4:10-1 2) *The Grace Of God (Acts 15:11; Titus 2:11; 3:7; Eph. 2:5) *The Mercy Of God (Jam. 2:13; Titus 3:5) *The Longsuffering Of God (2Pt. 3:9) *The Love Of God (Jn. 3:16: Ro.9:5-8) *The Father, Son, And Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5; Mt. 28:18-20; Jn. 14:16) *The Gospel (Scripture/Doctrine/The Faith/Truth/Word of God - Ro. 1:16; Jam. 1:21) **Our Love For God (Jn. 14:15-16) **The Preaching Of Faithful Preachers (Ro. 10:13-17; 1Ti. 4:16) **Our Righteous Fear of God (Acts 10:35) **Our Hearing God's Word (Jn. 5:24; Ro. 10:17) **Our Belief/Faith In God (Ga. 3:26-27; Acts 10:43; 13:38-39) **Our Confessing Belief/Faith In God (Ro. 10:9-10) **Our Hope Of Eternal Life (Ro. 8:24) **Our Calling On The Name Of The Lord (Ro. 10:13) **Our Obedience To God's Commandments (Jn. 3:36; 2Th. 1:8; Rev. 22:14) **Our obedience to Baptism-Our Being Immersed In Water For The Forgiveness Of Sin (Acts 2:46; 16:30-34; Ro. 6:1ff; Heb. 3:21; Mk: 16:16) **Repentance - Change Of Mind Which Results In A Change Of Life (Lk. 13:3 ; Acts 3:19) **Continual Faithful Living Till Death- "Fighting The Good Fight" (Mt. 10:22; 2Pt. 1:10; Ga. 2:20; Rev. 2:10; 1Ti. 6:12) * What God has done so we may be saved **God requires these necessities of us in order for our souls to be saved. So, should we pick the easiest of the above necessities and then believe we are saved? No, God commands all of them. If we, as selfish humans believe we can omit any one of these necessities of our salvation and still be saved, then we are in essence believing we can be saved by God on our own terms. God is the Author of our salvation (Heb. 5:9; 12:2). He wrote the book on salvation, the Bible (2Ti. 3:16-17). It is not financially profitable or popular to teach people God's plan/commands for salvation. Everyone wants to be saved, but not everyone wants to change their life to satisfy God. False preachers cash in on this sad fact by telling congregations and generations of people just what they want to hear about salvation. Doing so makes them popular, draws large crowds, and results in large financial contributions to the false preacher. Think about it, what sounds more pleasing to a selfish person, believing in God and having to obey all His commands, or simply believing God exists and continuing in sin? God requires people to change their ways a nd imitate Christ (Ph. 4:5). False preachers don't tell you salvation is impossible by mere belief apart from obedience to God's commands. They get rich and popular by instilling a false sense of security concerning salvation. Everyone is familiar with the popular man-made plans of salvation. The Baptist preacher has one plan, the Methodist preacher has another, a nd the list is never ending. The most popular is "one verse salvation."One verse salvation is simply telling people they are saved by merely believing Jesus died for their sins (The preacher normally quotes one verse like John 3:16). Although John 3:16 is true, the salvation God is promising in this verse is based on an obedient belief - opposed to one who believes who Je sus is but does not obey His commands. Belief which saves our souls is belief which obeys the one in whom we believe. Do you obey the one in whom you believe? Or, does your belief in Jesus mirror the belief Satan has in Jesus? Satan believes in Jesus. He spoke face to face with Jesus. He quoted scripture to Jesus. But, he di d not obey the one (Jesus) in whom he believed. (Lk. 4:1-13) If you really want to go to heaven, obey all God's commands for your salvation. Reject man-made tickets to heaven. Do not pick-and-choose what you believe is necessary for salvation. Just as your body will die when one of its necessities is ignored, your soul will die when you choose to igno re any of God's necessities. Obey what God, the Author of our Salvation, says is necessary and you can't go wrong! If you believe with all your heart that Jesus is the son of God an d He died for your sins, then confess His holy name, repent of your sins, and be baptized/immersed in water to rise in newness of life - born again. Thes e are simple commands which you can even obey right now in the privacy of your own home. Do not delay! Begin a faithful and obedient life in Christ to day and He will prepare a home in heaven for you (Jn. 14:1-7). I hope to see you there. "Therefore, my beloved, as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure." Phil 2:12-13

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