Last Rites

©1982, 2004 John C. Lind

The Heavenly Host will Serve tonight
The Holy Ghost will say Last Rites
At the Critical Mass to be held today
The Lamb will ask mankind to obey

The Father and the Son will entertain
An Envoy of Satan, representing his name
“We’ve word from Lucifer, he sends his regrets.
We’ve many newcomers, who’ve yet to be met.”

“Is the Brimstone in Hell sufficiently hot?
Would you please tell how many Souls you’ve bought?
Creationists reside in eternal bliss
On clouds we glide. Nothing’s amiss.

Etheric homes float upon thin air
The Stellar Dome shimmers everywhere
Our Eye has seen the Forbidden Light
The Lurid Beam of Eternal Night.”

The American Church

They’ve got a neon cross, custom pews
Recently painted, red, white and blue.
Keep your eye out for the vulture’s perch
And soon you’ll find the American Church

Reverend Paul E. Aster wants you all to see
How truly joyful life could really be.
Just buy a Bible, for which you will not search
For they sell them All, at the American Church

Watch our broadcast and Gospel Jubilee
Every Sunday morning on cable TV.
Hear the sermon; the bodies writhe and lurch
In charismatic joy at the American Church

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