Seven years have passed since the end of the dragonball series, and Goku has settled down after he and Chichi have their first child, Gohan. All is peaceful until Goku's evil brother, Radditz, lands on the Earth. He tells Goku that he belongs to an alien race known as the Saiyan jin, and that he was supposed to exterminate all life on the planet so that it could be sold to the highest bidder. However, since Goku hit his head as a kid, he forgot his orders and became a happy loving boy. Radditz offered Goku to join him in conquering the universe, but of course he was turned down. Angered that he would not do his bidding, Radditz kidnaps Gohan.

Obviously overpowered, Goku teams up with his archival Piccolo to get his son back. Both attacking at the same time, Goku and Piccolo are still no match for the battle hardened Radditz. Piccolo tells Goku of a new attack he has been working on, one that should be able to defeat Radditz. However, it takes a long time to charge up, so Goku has to face Radditz alone for five minutes. Goku puts up a good fight, but gets socked around quite a bit. Piccolo fires his Makankosappo while Radditz is busy with Goku, but he misses. Gohan, enraged by the pain being done to his father, attacks Radditz and greatly weakens him. Goku manages to get Radditz in a hold, and tells Piccolo to charge his attack again. Piccolo fires the Makankosappo a second time, hitting both Radditz and Goku. They both die in a matter of minutes.

Here the story splits into three, which all come together in a climax at the end of the saga. Before dying, Radditz is told about the DragonBalls and their power to grant any wish. He signals the other two Saiyan jins, Nappa and Vegeta, to come to Earth so that they may take the DragonBalls for themselves. The journey to Earth takes one year, giving the z warriors little time to prepare. Meanwhile in heaven, Goku begins his journey to king Kai, who lives at the end of snake way. It takes him a good nine months, along the way demons and giant snakes attack Goku. When he finally reaches King Kai, Goku learns the Kao-Ken technique, enabling him to multiply his own strength at the sacrifice of his body. The third sub story involves how the other defenders of Earth prepare for the battle. Kuririn, Yamcha, and the others all receive training from Kame. During this time Piccolo teaches Gohan how to use his tremendous hidden powers so that he may assist in the battle.

A year has passed, and the Saiyan jins land in a heavily populated city. After destroying it, they head to battle Piccolo and the others. The earthlings put up a good fight, but unfortunately Goku has not returned yet from his training and is unable to assist them. Seeing how weak their opponents are, the Saiyan jins unleash six Saiba men, each as powerful as Radditz was. They are destroyed fairly easily, but unfortunately Yamcha is killed as one of the aliens self-destructs. Nappa then decides to join the fray, and he easily kills Tien and Chaozu without taking much damage. Kuririn then tells Vegeta to wait for Goku to arrive, as then they would have a fighting chance. They wait for three hours, but no Goku. The battle resumes, when finally Goku gets back to Earth. Seeing that he might be a problem, Vegeta orders Nappa to kill the others before Goku arrives. Piccolo is destroyed, and since he and Kame are linked psychically linked, Kame disappears as well. Kuririn and Gohan are the only survivors when Goku arrives. Extremely angry, Goku defeats Nappa quickly. He then battles Vegeta, who proves to be too weak for Goku. Seeing that he was overpowered, Vegeta transforms himself into an Oozaru. He badly cripples Goku before Yachirobe cuts off his tail, the source of his power. Kuririn and Gohan then fight Vegeta, and using Goku's failed Genki Dama, they manage to beat him.


With Piccolo, Chauzu, Tien, and Yamcha dead, Bulma, Gohan and Kuririn begin a journey to Namek to find the DragonBalls and wish their friends back. (Goku is too injured at this time to go himself) They fly their way towards Namek, meeting shape shifting creatures, mirror ships, and other hazards. Vegeta during this time returns to Frieza's base and rejuvenates himself back to full health, and zips his way towards Namek to wish for immortality. Kuririn and Gohan finally reach the planet, only to find that Frieza has already collected five of the seven balls. By this time Goku has recovered, and he uses a special ship that is capable of raising gravity up to 100x that of Earth's. His power increases exponentially under the intense force. Kuririn seeing that he is obviously overpowered by Frieza and his men, goes to the Eldest Namek, Guru, for assistance. Guru awakens Kuririn's hidden power, and gives him the Dragonball that he had created. He warns Kuririn that once he dies the DragonBalls will disappear, and that his time was near.

In the mean time Vegeta has collected a ball himself, and he hides it so that it is out of harm's way. He then battles Zarbon, who almost destroys him. Frieza has Vegeta rejuvenated so that he could reveal the location of the other two DragonBalls. He manages to escape and steal the five balls that Frieza has collected. Greatly angered Frieza sends Zarbon to find Vegeta and bring back the dragonballs. Both Vegeta and Zarbon spot Kuririn returning with Guru's dragonball, and take up chase. Zarbon and Vegeta battle once again, this time Vegeta coming out as the victor. Kuririn gives up the dragonball to Vegeta without a fight, as he knows he does not stand a chance against the more powerful Saiyan jin. Thinking he has all seven balls, Vegeta goes to fetch the one he had hidden. However, Gohan manages to find it and returns to Kuririn and Bulma with the dragonball in his grasp.

With Piccolo, Chauzu, Tien, and Yamcha dead, Bulma, Gohan and Kuririn begin a journey to Namek to find the DragonBalls and wish their friends back. (Goku is too injured at this time to go himself) They fly their way towards Namek, meeting shape shifting creatures, mirror ships, and other hazards. Vegeta during this time returns to Frieza's base and rejuvenates himself back to full health, and zips his way towards Namek to wish for immortality. Kuririn and Gohan finally reach the planet, only to find that Frieza has already collected five of the seven balls. By this time Goku has recovered, and he uses a special ship that is capable of raising gravity up to 100x that of Earth's. His power increases exponentially under the intense force. Kuririn seeing that he is obviously overpowered by Frieza and his men, goes to the Eldest Namek, Guru, for assistance. Guru awakens Kuririn's hidden power, and gives him the Dragonball that he had created. He warns Kuririn that once he dies the DragonBalls will disappear, and that his time was near.

In the mean time Vegeta has collected a ball himself, and he hides it so that it is out of harm's way. He then battles Zarbon, who almost destroys him. Frieza has Vegeta rejuvenated so that he could reveal the location of the other two DragonBalls. He manages to escape and steal the five balls that Frieza has collected. Greatly angered Frieza sends Zarbon to find Vegeta and bring back the dragonballs. Both Vegeta and Zarbon spot Kuririn returning with Guru's dragonball, and take up chase. Zarbon and Vegeta battle once again, this time Vegeta coming out as the victor. Kuririn gives up the dragonball to Vegeta without a fight, as he knows he does not stand a chance against the more powerful Saiyan jin. Thinking he has all seven balls, Vegeta goes to fetch the one he had hidden. However, Gohan manages to find it and returns to Kuririn and Bulma with the dragonball in his grasp.

Frieza, now extremely angry that he does not have the dragonballs in his possession, orders the Ginyu Force to be summoned. Kuririn and Gohan fly towards Guru, leaving the dragonball in the care of Bulma, so that Gohan's powers could be awakened. Vegeta, finding out that Gohan has the last dragonball, takes off in pursuit. Kuririn, Gohan, and Vegeta all reach Guru's house at about the same time, although Gohan has a good lead so that he could get the power-up from Guru. Sensing that the Ginyu force had landed, Vegeta manages to make a pact with the Gohan and Kuririn. All three race to Bulma's hiding place to retrieve the last dragonball, afterwards they rush to where the other five were hidden. Unfortunately, the Ginyu force beats them to the spot, and they use their superior powers to get the other two balls from Gohan and Vegeta. Captain Ginyu returns all seven dragonballs to Frieza.

The rest of the Ginyu force use a sophisticated game to find out who will fight first. (Rock, paper, scissors) It is determined that Guldo will be the first to fight, and he faces off against Kuririn and Gohan. By freezing time and using other various tricks, Guldo gets the upper hand on the fight. At the last moment, however, Vegeta sends a blast of energy and decapitates Guldo. During this time, the Dragonballs reach Frieza. He is unable to summon the dragon and races to Guru's house to find out what the password is. Ginyu guards the Dragonballs, which are buried next to Frieza's ship. Recoome is the next to do battle, and beats Vegeta to a bloody pulp. Kuririn is taken out with a kick in the head, leaving only Gohan to fight. Gohan manages to do some damage to Recoome, but he gets roughed up as well.

Just as things are looking their worst, Goku finally arrives in his ship. He gives Sensu beans to Kuririn, Gohan, and Vegeta, and knocks out Recoome with one punch. Jeice and Burter begin to attack Goku, but they prove no match for him. Burter is knocked out as well, and Jeice flies over to Captain Ginyu to get help. Ginyu arrives on the scene, but Goku also overpowers him. In the meantime, Vegeta abandons the fight to find the Dragonballs. Kuririn and Gohan also depart for the same destination, hoping they will beat Vegeta to them. Seeing that he will be defeated, Ginyu switches bodies with Goku. Ginyu uses his new body to return to Frieza's ship. Now in the damaged, less powerful body of Ginyu, Goku chases the rest as fast as he can. Vegeta reaches the ship first, but is unable to locate the Dragonballs. Figuring that Gohan and Kuririn would use the Dragonball locator to find them, he hides and waits. At this time Guru senses Frieza's approach, and sends Dende to tell Kuririn and Gohan the password needed to summon the Dragon. Frieza arrives at Guru's house, but as expected they refuse to tell him the password. Nail, Guru's bodyguard, faces off against Frieza. Even though he is currently the most powerful of the Nameks, Frieza easily defeats him with one hand. Nail tells Frieza that Dende knows the password, and that he was just stalling for time. Frieza races back to his ship, neglecting to kill off Nail.

Kuririn and Gohan use the dragonball locator to find where the Dragonballs are buried, but they are also unable to summon the Dragon. Ginyu gets to Frieza's ship, still in Goku's body, followed by the real Goku. Goku tells Kuririn and Gohan what happened, and they attack Ginyu. Still not used to his new body, Ginyu has a tough time with the earthlings. Vegeta joins in and badly messes up Ginyu. (and Goku's body) Once again outmatched, Ginyu tries his change trick again, this time on Vegeta. However, Goku flies into the beam and is restored to his old body. Ginyu tries again to get Vegeta's body, but Goku throws a frog into the beam. Ginyu becomes trapped in the body of a frog.

Vegeta offers to help Goku, whose body is now badly damaged. Goku is placed in a Rejuvenation tank, which can restore him to full health. Tired from his countless battles on Namek, Vegeta takes a short nap. During Vegeta's sleep Kuririn and Gohan meet up with Dende. Dende summons the dragon, and their first wish is to bring Piccolo back to life. Their second wish is to warp Piccolo to Namek so that he could assist in the battle. At this time Vegeta wakes up, and he realises that they had summoned the dragon without him. He rushes over and demands they grant him immortality, but just before the words could be uttered the Guru dies. The dragonballs lose their power, and Vegeta's wish is not granted. Just when Vegeta thinks things can not possibly get worse, Frieza arrives at the scene.

Although Piccolo has now been wished to Namek, he is no where near the battlefield. Sensing that Gohan was in danger, Piccolo races to him. However, he doesn't go too far before he discovers the battered Nail. Nail offers to merge with Piccolo so that his power would increase several times over, but Piccolo is reluctant. Seeing that there was no other way to beat Frieza, Piccolo absorbs the weak Ki of Nail. Meanwhile, Vegeta and Frieza begin to battle, proving to be equals at this point. Knowing that he would need more power to win, Frieza transforms into a large, demon like beast.
His speed and power increase dramatically, and his new form is much larger then before. Now fearing for his life, Vegeta backs off from Frieza. Using his horns, Frieza rushes Kuririn and stabs him in the gut, rendering the bald hero unconscious and nearly dead.

Since Vegeta fears Frieza, only Gohan is left to do battle. Enraged by what looked like Kuririn's death, Gohan manages to connect a few attacks on Frieza. Now angered, Frieza throws Gohan around, and knocks him out as well. However, unknown to Frieza, Dende has the power to heal, and restores Kuririn to full power. Using a Kienzan, Kuririn manages to catch Frieza off-guard and cuts off his tail. To give Dende time to heal Gohan, Kuririn leads Frieza on a wild goose chase.

Now about to move in for the kill, Frieza is confronted by the now fully healed Gohan. But just as they were to begin the battle, Piccolo arrives! He boldly states that he will take on Frieza by himself. Now a "Super Namek," Piccolo proves to Frieza that he is not only his equal but is fact a superior fighter. With his back to the wall, Frieza decides that his 2nd form would not be enough to defeat Piccolo. He announces that he can transform two more times, and proceeds to his 3rd form.

Piccolo resumes the battle after the transformation, but Frieza is much faster in his 3rd form and much more powerful. Seeing Piccolo being blasted repeatedly pushes Gohan over the edge, and he manages to land a few key blows. Once again Frieza feels he is being outmatched. He says that they were going to be very lucky to see his final form, as he never had to use it before. During the lengthy transformation process, Vegeta tells Kuririn to blast a hole through his torso. Vegeta believes that the boost in strength a Saiyan gets through being healed after a near death experience will be enough to change him into a Super Saiyan. Unwilling to rejuvenate one whom had killed so many of his people; Dende flies over to the badly injured Piccolo and revives him. Flying over to the young Namek, Kuririn and Gohan convince Dende that the only way to win the battle would be to heal Vegeta.

Now fully recovered, Vegeta gives Dende a swift hit for not healing him sooner. Frieza finally changes into his 4th form, and his first order of business is killing Dende. With no one left to heal the z warriors Frieza knows that the odds are in his favour. Vegeta goes head to head with the now small and round looking creature, but finds that even with his new power that he is simply a toy. Frieza counters all of his attacks with ease, and proceeds to beat him to a pulp while Piccolo and the others watch helplessly. Just as Frieza is about to administer the final blow, Goku arrives fully recharged from the rejuvenation tank. Vegeta mocks Frieza, and is shot through the heart by the angered villain. But before he dies, he tells Goku that a Saiyan must destroy Frieza, as Vegeta's pride took a big blow in his defeat. Touched by Vegeta's courage and honour, Goku gives him a decent burial at the battlefield.

Frieza and Goku begin the long battle, with neither side getting the immediate upper hand. Using an energy trap, Frieza manages to paralyse Goku within a ball of energy. Goku survives the onslaught he receives in paralysis, and there is a slight pause in the action. Frieza announces that he can defeat Goku without using his hands, and does manage to keep Goku busy even with the handicap. However, Frieza underestimated his power, and is forced to use his arms to defend himself.>

Meanwhile, Captain Ginyu, trapped in the body of a frog, has managed to get Bulma to place a device on him that would allow him to speak. Yelling "CHANGE," Ginyu takes over Bulma's body and turns the confused girl into a frog. Wanting to see how his master was doing, Ginyu races in a speeder to the battlegrounds (With Bulma hanging on for dear life). Seeing that Goku was equal to him at this level, Frieza powers up to 50% and begins to wallop the Saiyan. Ginyu, in Bulma's body, attempts his change technique on Piccolo, but Bulma leaps in front of the blast. Now back in his frog form, Ginyu tries his best to avoid getting killed by Frieza and Goku's stray blasts.

Goku, getting messed up pretty badly, powers up using the Kaio Ken technique with a factor of 20. But even with this extra surge Goku is no match for Frieza at half power. With no other options left, he begins the lengthy process of gathering a Genki Dama. Needing a few minutes to charge it up, Piccolo launches a suicide attack on Frieza to distract him. Even with the occasional help from Gohan and Kuririn, a much stronger opponent sorely beats Piccolo. With Piccolo down, Frieza turns his attention to Goku. Since the Genki Dama was gathering very high up in the sky, Frieza had no idea what Goku was doing holding his arms straight up.

As these events take place on Namek, the Ginyu force (except the captain of course) now confronts Tien, Chaozu, and Yamcha on Kai's planet. Challenging them to a battle, the two groups fight it out. Realising that the Ginyu were no match for them, they use their various techniques to send each down to hell.

Even after a few attacks by Frieza (who thinks Goku is mocking him), Goku maintains his pose. As the giant ball of energy is completed, Frieza gets fed up with Goku's attitude. He begins to gather energy to destroy Namek, but then notices the tremendous Genki Dama directly above his head. Goku sends the ball of death towards Frieza, causing a huge explosion that scars the planet. After the dust settles, Piccolo, Gohan, Kuririn, and Goku all gather on a small island. Thinking they have finally beaten Frieza, they half-heartedly celebrate. However, looking up at a tall pillar of rock, Kuririn sees that Frieza is still very much alive. Firing a blast at Goku, Piccolo jumps in front of it and takes a hole in the chest. Not stopping there, Frieza uses his powers to lift Kuririn into the air and blow him to pieces. Completely enraged by his best friend's death, Goku's hair begins to turn blond and his eyes begin to turn green. Goku has finally become a Super Saiyan!

Informing Gohan that Piccolo is not dead, he orders him to return to the ship with the unconscious Namek. Not wanting to let anyone get away, Frieza moves to strike Gohan, but is halted when Goku grabs onto his hand and crushes it. Trying a variety of attacks, Frieza is unable to damage Goku in any way. As nothing else seems to work, Frieza gathers another Planet destroying energy ball, which Goku is unable to deflect. The ball creates a huge hole in the planet that goes all the way to its core. Frieza says the planet will be completely destroyed in 5 minutes, and that only he can live in outer space.

With Piccolo resurrected, Kami has also risen from the dead. Quickly gathering the Dragonballs, King Kai asks him to make a wish to bring everyone that Frieza had killed back to life. Guru was brought back to life with all the others, and with him returned to the mortal plain, the Namek balls regained their power. Porunga, the Dragon of Namek, still had one wish remaining, and Dende is ordered by the Elder to go and make the wish. Goku then asks that the wish be altered instead of transporting everyone except Frieza to the planet earth that they transport everyone but Frieza and himself so that they can continue the fight a wish to transport everyone except Frieza and himself. Dende yells out the request, and Frieza is left alone with Goku to do battle. With his job done, Guru gives the power of the Dragonballs to another Namek, and passes away peacefully.

Now able to fight to the death, Frieza charges up to full power. Goku has a little trouble with Frieza, but not much. Feeling that he is superior to the purple villain, Goku says that there is no point in continuing the match, as he will win it anyway. Greatly insulted by this remark, Frieza forms a Kienzan and hurls it at Goku who is now slowly flying away. It barely misses him, and Goku is forced to resume the fight. Chased around by an energy disk, Goku still manages to keep clear of it. Frustrated, Frieza forms ANOTHER Kienzan, and sends it to follow Goku as well. Using clever tactics, Goku gets Frieza to slice himself in half with his own technique. Now almost dead, Frieza begs Goku for help. Unable to leave Frieza to die, he gives him a bit of his Ki so that he may leave the planet before it explodes. But Frieza has other plans though, and uses Goku's gift to make one final attack. Angered by Frieza's stubbornness, Goku vaporises the remaining part of his body.

With Namek about to destroy itself any second, Goku frantically rushes to Frieza's ship in a hope to start it. Unable to locate the controls, the ship plunges into a lava-filled ravine. With no alternatives, Goku screams "NOOOOO!" Namek is blown away into dust, and Goku's whereabouts are unknown.

With the Namek balls now on Earth, Tenshinhan, Chaozu, and Yamcha are all wished back to life. They try to bring Goku back to life, but Porunga informs them that Goku is not dead, and does not wish to return to Earth yet. Baffled, Goku's friends continue and use the balls to locate another habitable planet for the Nameks. New Namek is established, and the former inhabitants of Old Namek are teleported there. Yet the wait for Goku continues with no further contact from our hero...


This series starts off as Dr. Gero plots his revenge. He starts off by creating Android #19 to destroy Goku, and then turning himself into one, so the two androids roam the city streets, absorbing human energy as they go along. The Z Warriors investigate the happenings, but Yamcha ends up getting impaled by Dr. Gero (#20). Fortunately, Yamcha is saved quickly by a Senzu, but Goku, Tienshinhan, and Piccolo remain to do battle with the androids. Goku practically annihilates Android 19, but then, the heart attack that Trunks told of started to take hold of him. Because Goku never felt any symptoms, he never took the prepared medicine. Goku leaves the battle as his saviour (who is surprisingly Vegeta) kicks Goku's limp body to Piccolo. Vegeta faces Android #19 and, to everyone's astonishment, turns Super Saiyan right before their very eyes. Dr. Gero's plot fails and Android #19 is easily destroyed. Vegeta then chases Dr. Gero all over the place, ending up with a battle between the android and Piccolo. Piccolo quickly overpowers the android, and breaks of his arm. In the end, Dr. Gero gets away when he sets a distraction by destroying Bulma and Yajirobe's ship.

Android #20 then works on developing a better android model. Meanwhile, he unleashes two of his other creations, Android #17 and Android #18. Androids #17 and #18 get annoyed with Dr. Gero. As a result, they kill Dr. Gero. However, the doctor had finished creating another android in a different timeline. That android stole Trunks' time machine and came to the present three years before Trunks arrived. His programming was to absorb the two rebellious androids that betrayed Dr Gero. Android #17 and Android #18 then leave the lab (which got blasted by Trunks' Burning Attack) and unleash Android #16. But as it turns out, Android #16 is a peaceful android. As time passes, the Z Warriors become aware of the new androids as they battle again and again but always reach a stalemate. However, the Z Warriors are still no match for the androids because they are androids they do not tire in a long battle while the Z Warriors eventually run out of energy. The Saiyan's do not continue to fight the androids. Instead, they train in the hyperbolic time chamber to get stronger. Meanwhile, Piccolo fuses with Kame, his half father, to become stronger. Dende, a Namek child, replaces Kame as guardian of the dragonballs. The new, much stronger Piccolo, goes in pursuit of the "other android" that is known as Cell, Piccolo is stronger than Cell, but fails to defeat him, and so Cell continuously plagues the cities. Androids #16, #17, and #18 try to find Goku to destroy him. Piccolo finds the androids first and begins to fight them. Cell tries to find Androids #17 and #18. On his way devours the bodies of the unlucky civilians he passes to become stronger. Finally, he meets with the other androids and to the heroes' surprise, they learn that Androids #17 and #18 know nothing about Cell. Cell and Android #17 threaten to kill each other. Android #17 heads out to fight him. But, he does not stand up to Cell and is easily defeated. This is when our heroes learn the great powers of Cell. Android #18 is now worried, but Android #16 flies out to fight Cell. To everybody's amazement, Android #16 is able to stand up to Cell. However, he is still destroyed. Cell now heads for his goal and absorbs Android #17 with his tail. Cell now changes into Cell-form 2. With the power of Android #17 combined he becomes stronger than ever. Then, he heads over to devour Android #18. At this moment and time, Vegeta and Trunks come out of the Room of Spirit and Time to do battle with Cell. To everyone's amazement, Vegeta can easily destroy Cell. Yet, with Vegeta's goal to be the most powerful entity in the universe he lets Cell go and find #18 in order to make himself a worthy opponent. Even though Trunks wouldn't allow it, Vegeta kept Trunks from saving #18, She is devoured, and now Cell changes into Cell form 3, and becomes Perfect Cell.

After Cell is gone, Bulma collects the body parts of Android #16 and repairs him. But, he is re-programmed to fight on the Z Warriors' side. Our heroes now head out to fight Cell. But, Android #16 is once again destroyed. Cell grows strong enough and reproduces. From his body came 7 Cell Juniors, young, blue duplicates of Cell. After a few more battles, Gohan, now teenager watches Cell crush #16 and Gohan reaches Super Saiyan level 2. He then destroys all the Cell Juniors. In one of the battles that follows, Cell is kicked and Android #18 is spit back out. Cell turns back into form 2 and is defeated. But, he activates his self-destruct mode so that when he dies, the world will blow up with him. To save the Earth, Goku teleports Cell away from the Earth and on to King Kai's planet, where Cell blows up. Thus, Goku, King Kai, Bubbles, and Gregory die as well.

The Z Warriors mourn the loss of Goku, but at the same time they cheer at the victory over Cell. Unexpectedly, a fireball flies out of nowhere and pierces through Trunks. Upon Trunks' death, Cell, in form 3, appears. He says that when he blew up, a brain cell survived. From that cell, other cells multiplied and he was once again formed. Cell happily laughs as he says that he is amazed he is able to rebuild himself into form 3, though because of the Saiyan DNA, he was able to drastically improve his power after facing death, making him Super Perfect Cell! Then, Cell threatens to destroy the earth. Vegeta tries to take on Cell, but is knocked down in one blow. Cell fires a shot at him that would have killed him, but Gohan rushes over and takes the blow, injuring his arm. For the first time ever, Vegeta apologises. Now it was up to Gohan to try to save Earth. With one arm, Gohan prepares a Kamehameha wave. He fires at Cell and Cell fires back. A stalemate is meant, but with King Kai's help, Goku is able to talk to Gohan and encourages him. Meanwhile, Kuririn protects the unconscious Android #18 and Yamcha, Tienshinan, Piccolo and Vegeta attack Cell in hope that this will help Gohan and distract Cell. Kuririn eventually joins them. With the help of the now dead King Kai, Goku is able to communicate with Gohan and tells him to use all his power to defeat Cell. Gohan overpowers Cell and Cell is disintegrated by Gohan's Kamehameha wave. But, Mr. Satan takes credit for Cell's death and lies to the reporters.

At the end, the warriors gather the dragonballs to bring those killed by Cell back to life. However, Goku is still dead because he's already been brought back once, but tells the z warriors that he is okay and is now with King Kai. Android #18 awakens and flees. However, everybody learns here that Kuririn has developed a crush on Android #18!


The final series of Dragonball Z starts off with Goku competing in a fighting tournament in one of the four Kai's planet. The result is that Goku ties with his worthy opponent. Meanwhile, Gohan is training Goten in martial arts while Vegeta trains Trunks. Both Gohan and Vegeta are surprised at how strong Goten and Trunks are as they turn into their Super Saiyan form at such a young age. Gohan also has a girlfriend (Satan's daughter).

Later, Gohan, a hero who has achieved the identity as the Great Saiyan Man, attends a tournament. When it is the Great Saiyan Mans turn to compete, he turns into his Super Saiyan form and his disguise is blown off. Everyone is amazed that a nerd, Gohan, is the Great Saiyan Man. All of a sudden, Spopobitch and Yamu come out of nowhere and absorb Gohan's energy into a "lamp" to revive Boo. Kaio-shin and his partner, trying to prevent Babi-di's and Dabura's plot to reactivate Boo, allow this to happen so that he could follow the energy stealers to their hideout. (Babi-di's goal is to destroy all life just for the fun of it.) But, he revives Gohan first. The Saiyan warriors decide to go as well. A fight follows. Darbura turns Kuririn and Piccolo into stone and Kaio-shin's partner is killed. The Z warriors learn that Kuririn and Piccolo will return to normal once Darbura dies. In battle, Vegeta is turned into Babi-di's slave and an "M" appears on Vegeta's forehead. His energy is used to reactivate Boo. Boo betrays Dabura and eats him. Thus, Piccolo and Kuririn are returned too normal. Majin Vegeta beats Goku, and then goes to fight Boo. Upon failing, Vegeta self-destructs and dies. Afterwards, Bulma gathers the dragonballs to revive all those killed since the fighting tournament. In the fights later on, Goku gets angry enough and reaches Super Saiyan form 3 for the first time! (In stage three, Goku has long hair and is more powerful than ever.) Gohan also heads to Kaio-shin's planet, pulls out the Z sword, and trains under Rou Kaoi-shin. Goten and Trunks train as well to get stronger. From Goku, they learn the art of fusion to fuse to become one, becoming Gotenks!

However, our heroes are still no match for Boo. Although Dabura's, the Prince of Darkness (Babi-di's associate who looks like a devil), and Babi-di's (a little ugly sorcerer with tiny hairs growing out of his body) other minions are killed, Buu gets stronger. Buu later revolts against his master (Babi-di) and kills him. Before their deaths, the villainous Babi-di and Dabura have cast a spell that turned Vegeta evil. However, in addition with fighting against Goku, the evil Vegeta also fought Boo. Although defeated by Boo, Vegeta later turns good again. It is here that Vegeta finally becomes one of the good guys. (In previous times, Vegeta only aids our heroes to assure that Goku lives long enough for him to kill Goku. But, he never attempted to kill Goku since the early battle against him in the Vegeta Series. Next Boo separates into two forms one good and the other evil. Evil Boo defeats good Boo and turns him into a cookie, and eats him. From this method, the evil Boo gains the good Boo's powers and changes into a stronger form. Boo, previously fat, is now skinnier and taller, not to mention a lot stronger. Gotenks is also stronger; he is now able to turn into Super Saiyan stage 3, like Goku. But, he is still defeated on one of his encounters with Boo and Boo engulfs SSJ3 Gotenks. Thus, Boo absorbed Gotenks' powers and becomes stronger again. He changes form again! (His "antennae" grows longer and he now wears a black vest like Gotenks'.) Piccolo is also defeated and eaten by Buu. Meanwhile, Gohan had mastered the Z sword and learned how to use his hidden powers without getting angry under training with Dai Kaio-shin. (He does not turn into his Super Saiyan form for the rest of the series at this point.) Unfortunately, he too is defeated and engulfed. Buu, now with Gohan's powers, changes form again. (He now looks like he's wearing Gohan's clothes.) With the other warriors defeated, only Goku and Vegeta are left to battle against Boo!

Goku is still dead and watches the fight through Kaio-shin's crystal ball. Seeing the unfortunate odds for our heroes, Rou Kaio-shin sacrifices his life to Goku and dies. Goku's halo disappears, and Rou Kaio-shin wakes back up with a halo over his head. Now, Goku teleports into the battle. Vegeta, still dead, is also sent into battle by the judge of death. Goku acquired a pair of special earrings from the Kaio-shins that when each one is worn by two different people, the two will permanently fuse. With Goku wearing one of the earrings and Vegeta wearing the other, the two are pulled together and fused into Vegetto. As Vegetto's turn to fight Boo, Boo seems to be no match for Vegetto, but Vegetto purposely gets eaten by Boo to save the other Z warriors. This cancelled the effects of the permanent fusion in Vegetto and they turn back into Goku and Vegeta.

Next, Boo undergoes another form change and temporarily becomes very muscular as he stands still in pain through the form change. Goku and Vegeta are now inside of Boo's organs. They find Trunks, Goten, Gohan, and Piccolo, and rescue them by carrying them out of one of Boo's pores. As they leave Buu, the warriors grow bigger and are restored to their normal size. Fat Boo, the good Boo, also escapes from Boo's body. The evil Boo, still "puffy" and bulky, is undergoing his form change to restore to his original form. (The Kaio-shins cursed him into his previous fat looking form for destroying their people.) Afterwards, he is little and short. Next, evil Boo does a giant fireball and blows up Earth! Luckily, Goku had enough time and teleported himself and his comrades to another planet. Later, the Namek dragonballs are gathered and a wish is made to restore the earth. The little Boo also met with the fat Boo. They fight, but the good Boo is once again defeated.

Eventually, Goku and Vegeta are fighting Boo. Vegeta stalls Boo as Goku gathers the energy to do a Genki Dama. While Vegeta is getting kicked around by Boo, Piccolo, Gohan, Goten, and Trunks are on earth trying to convince the earthlings to raise their hands so that their energy will be given to aid Goku strengthen his genki dama. Because no one on earth listens to the heroes, a new approach is taken. Satan is contacted for help. Because of his fame, he tells the world to raise their hands to show their appreciation to Satan. With everyone's hand raised, energy is transferred to Goku and now he has enough power to destroy Boo. With a single genki dama, Boo is destroyed.

At the end, the fat Boo, who was beaten unconscious, awakens and enters our heroes' side. Ten years pass. Goten and Trunks are now teenagers. Gohan married Videl and now has a 5-year-old daughter, Pan. Goku wished to fight the evil Boo all over again, so he wished for the reincarnation of the evil Boo. The evil Boo, now Uboo, is reincarnated (and not evil anymore) and under the training of Goku. There is peace on earth...
Movie List

Movie 1: The Dead Zone
Movie 2: This Worlds Strongest
Movie 3: The Tree Of Might
Movie 4: This Is The Super Saiyan Goku
Movie 5: Fantastic Ultimate Strengh V.S. Ultimate Strength
Movie 6: Crash!! The 10  Billion Power Figher
Movie 7: The Ultimate Battle! The Three Super Saiyans!
Movie 8: Broly The Legendary Super Saiyan (Personal Fav.)
Movie 9: The Galaxy's in Danger! The Super Awesome Guy!
Movie 10: The Mischievous Partners, Super Warriors Never Rest
Movie 11: The Super Warrior Clone!
Movie 12: The Rebirth of Fusion!
Movie 13: Dragon Fist Assault!
Movie 14: 100th Anaversery Special (Goku Jr.)
DBZ Special: The Trunks Story
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