King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne, was released way back in 1985, one year after the first game, KQI was. Technology wise, it's no better then KQI, using the same style graphics from the original but it has a very different plot indeed.

After spending several years on the throne of Daventry, enjoying the single life, the now King Graham has searched high and low for a maiden with whom he can share the throne, but none have caught Graham's eye. Until one day, when he's sulking around the throne room, a beautiful maiden appears in the magic mirror. Graham falls instantly in love. On asking the mirror who the beautiful woman is, he is told that it's the fair Valenice, from the land of Kolyma and is well known for her kindness and beauty. She seems the woman of Graham's dreams, but, like all love stories, there's a catch. Valenice has been imprisoned by the evil witch, Hagatha, in an ivory tower that is gaurded by the most furotious beast in all the land. Graham immediatly sets out to find this beauty and to make her his queen. Now you take over, after meeting Red Ridinghood, slaying Dracula and having a near run-in with the Batmobile, (see Easter Eggs), you finally manage to save Valenice and make her your queen.

A Map Of The King's Quest II World

Easter Eggs

A Note From Roberta Williams


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