I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, except through me. -John 14:6

This is one of my favourite verses, reminds me that Jesus is Lord and the one and only way to God!

To me the image of a pair of hands reaching out towards the cross represents our need for Jesus Christ, Our Saviour.  For HE is the answer to our problems. He guide's us, when in doubt always ask yourself this question : WWJD = What Would Jesus Do?    

 I can't thank GOD enough for bringing me to CHRIST.





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Left Behind Series

There are 12 books to this series.  The 10th book is The Remnant and it's out.  These books are most interesting, infact it scared me at first.

The story begins with Jesus rapturing his Church ...... read it for yourself ....   well, friends you can borrow from me if you want.,


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