Welcome to the land of Johto. This site has an array of features from news to interactives, to even a Pok�-DEX. You can read the Pok�mon episodes you missed or even cruise on down the Goldenrod City Game Corner. While you're there, check out the newests Pok�mon games or go to the interactives. You can play the slots at Celadon city or the card flip game at Goldenrod. After that read the latest news at the Pika-NEWS. Then see the newest Pok�mon cards at the TCG section. Well the journey's up to
Pokemon Top 40 Site List
Trading Card Game
Episode Guide
Link to Us
Adopt A Pok�mon
Video Games
Welcome to the land of
Johto's Map
Pika-News-The latest news on the Pok�mon world
Trading Card Game -Tcg set check lists, killer decks and much much more!
Episode Guide -Every thing you need to know a bout the T.V show
Pok�-Dex -Johto's very own Pok�-dex
Link to Us -Buttons so you can link to Johto and from Johto
Awards -Do not distrub the little creatures
Video Games -The spot for every thing on Pok�mon Video games
Adopt A Pok�mon -The place to get your very own Pok�mon!
Sup! I finished the Adoptions page! Go on in it's great. If you have any question just e-mail [email protected].
Later! ^ ^
Sup! I have just added a Character Bio (brought to you by Jonathan again) on Gay in the Character Bios section (in the Episode Guide). It's great! Check it Out
Thanx Jon. Later! ^ ^
Sup! Jonathan dropped by and gave me a new article on Neo Destiny. It's a great article with awesome pics so check it out at Pika news. I also added the new promos on the tcg page. It's located on the TCG page. Thanx again Jon.
Later! ^ ^
Sup! Jonathan wrote up another outstanding article for Pika-News. This one is on the new Pok�Mon tcg set Legendary Collection. It has very cool pics so check it out at Pika-News. Wow! Another one. Thanx again Jon. Later! ^ ^
Hey! I got an E-mail the other day saying there sould be more on theme decks in the tcg page. I thought about it and then said ok. I then E-mail Jonathan (who dose most of the writing around here) and toldhim to improve the Theme deck Page (notice i said page, as in singular). Now i come and start up my copm. and go to Jhoto, to check out what Jonathan did. Now that he is done i can now say we have 34 theme deck pages! There is now a index pag nd an info page for each deck! He even added pages for the new Legendary Collection decks. This is no where nere what i thought he would do. I thought he would put a couple of tables next to each name with the list. So head on down to the tcg page and check out all the hard work he did. Until next time Chow.
Sup! There is a new news article on some new Pok�Mon. Check it out at Pika-news. There is a very weird Pok�Mon there and if you know any thing about it E-mail Professoroak77. His E-mail address is [email protected].
This is the first time I have posted an update on this site and well here it goes. I added some new episodes in the episode list on the Episode Guide section. Check it out.
YO! There are some new Poke-Dex Pages that you should check out. Also the theme deck section has been updated.
^ ^
Later! ^ ^
Well it's that time again... News Artical time!! There is anews artical just posted about some pokemon ctoons. Go and check it out in the news section.
Later! ^ ^
Hey, It's Jedidude77. I know this site has not been updated for a long time but, stick with us. Later! ^ ^
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