Episode 13 - The Mysterious Man
3:00 AM, Kansai International Airport,
Mitsui and Hikari are waiting at the airport lobby for the flight to China (they also receive invitations from Global Heroism, an organization recognizing heroes).  They are wondering of Akagi is invited, because he�s not there yet. Finally, Akagi arrives with a bag seemingly full of junkfood. He greets the two when another guy is coming at them�.Magnian.

Akagi:�Magnian? You�re invited too?�
Magnian:�Actually no, but I�ll go with you if possible.�
Mitsui:�Why? It�s just a trip to China.�
Hikari:�Maybe he wants to get the honors because he gave us the SeiGear.�
Magnian:�No, no�I must come with you so that you won�t damage the SeiGear.�
Lady in Chinese dress:�Well, well. So these are the Seiranger. I expect three of them, why is there another one?�

[Play Opening 2]

A lady in chinese dress comes at the group to meet the Seiranger. She wonders why�s there an extra one. She looks at Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari to see if they are the ones she need. Seems that she�s right, but there�s an extra one, Magnian.

Magnian:�Um, hehe, if possible, can I go with them, pretty please?�
Lady:�And what for if I let you come with us?�
Magnian:�Um, you see, I�m, like, their mentor, like in those Sentai shows in TV (which I know little of).�
Lady (notices the face marks on Magnian�s face):�Hmmm...I see...Well, I�ll get another ticket�(leaves).�
Magnian:�Well, looks like I�ll go with you!�
Mitsui:�Whoo, that�s a hot Chinese babe! Anyway Magnian, how did you know that we�re going to China?�
Akagi:�You also don�t have an invitation.�
Hikari:�I told Mr. Magnian that we�re going to China.�
Magnian:�Hehe�you�re right. She was very kind��
Hikari:�If not, I�ll return the SeiGear to him..�
Akagi:�You bribed her!�
Magnian:�Uh, that�s what�s supposed to happen! You�re just borrowing the SeiGears!�
Mitsui:��He�s right. I�ll not become famous because of him.�
Hikari:�Yup! That�s why I let him come with us!�
Akagi:�Hmm�.Do you really want to come, Magnian?�
Magnian:�Yeah. I can come to China with my Shinma-03, but the FBI might find me..�
Mitsui:�You know the FBI?�
Magnian:�Let�s say, it�s my alien instinct that avoids me to any FBI confrontation�.�

Finally, the lady in Chinese dress comes at them and gives their tickets (including Magnian). After the procedures, they are led to a private jetplane at the airport and they sit at the plane seats. They are waiting inside the plane until the lady comes in front of the group.

Lady:�Hello, Seiranger. I am Li Chen, the representative of Global Heroism. We�ll arrive at Beijing, China for about 3 hours. Thank you for answering my invitation and enjoy your flight. Do you have any questions?�
Akagi:�What�s Beijing look like?�
Hikari:�Oh, Akagi. Not your nerdy questions again��
Mitsui:�Don�t mind his question, Li Chen. Actually, we�re fine-�
Akagi:�Do we receive an award in Global Hero-�
Mitsui:�Shut up, Akagi!�
Magnian:�Hikari, is he really like this?�
Hikari:�Yup. He sure really annoys us by his nonsense, nerdy questions.�
Akagi:�Wait! Wait! Do you serve wine-�
Mitsui and Hikari:�Enough! (hit Akagi on the head)�
(Akagi returns a punch at Mitsui, and Mitsui pushed Akagi, that Akagi lands on Hikari, and Hikari does a backbreaker at Akagi, until all of them fight each other.)
Li Chen:�Uh, seems we�re okay here��
Magnian:�Uh, I don�t know..I think they�ll turn out ok after the flight.�
(the plane is rumbling as it flies from the runway)

After the flight�.
Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari, all beaten up, come out of Beijing Capital Int�l Airport together with Magnian and the Global Heroism Rep. Li Chen.

Li Chen:�Hehe�Seems we�re still okay here. We�ll wait for our escort coming out right�..now!�
(A rickshaw goes in front of them.)
Hikari:�Hey! What�s this thing?�
Akagi:�I believe this is a rickshaw. I saw them at my notes-�
Mitsui:�Ok, Akagi, we get it..�
Li Chen:�Ok, Seiranger, hop on the rickshaw and let�s head to our destination.�
Rickshaw driver (in Chinese) :�Sei-Seiranger?! Cool!!! They�re the Seiranger?�
Li Chen (translates):�Hmm.. Guys, seems that the driver knows about you.�
Hikari:�Wha-what! You know us?�(Li Chen translates)
Driver (in Chinese):�Yeah! I saw you guys on the News Abroad on TV! You�re popular here! People!!� (Li Chen translates)
Li Chen:�Seems he�ll tell the good news��
Akagi, Mitsui, Hikari:�No!! Don�t!!!! Li Chen, tell the driver to stop!! Or else�..�
Driver (In Chinese):�I HAVE THE SEIRANGER HERE!!!!!�

Suddenly, many people noticed the Seiranger on a rickshaw! They started to run towards them, and they won�t seem to stop! Akagi tells Li Chen to make the driver hasten the travel, because they will be trapped by the Chinese fans. Then the driver learned the consequence of shouting that the Seiranger�s here. He will run while pulling the rickshaw really, really fast all by himself!!!

After the agonizing travel by the group (actually, by the rickshaw driver, who�s very exhausted avoiding the citizens, but Mitsui helped him pulling the rickshaw), they are in front of an old oriental shrine out in the forest (just 10 miles from the capital, talk about running that far with a rickshaw!). The group then goes inside the shrine, while Li Chen pays the driver with tons of money (payment for the effort). When they are inside, they are in a room filled with drawings of dragons, birds, turtles, and tigers with Chinese characters surrounding the drawings. There are also statues of animals as pillars. Akagi is wondering why did they go here to hold the Global Heroism party, because of the fact that this place doesn�t look like a party house.

Akagi:�Where the heck are we? This isn�t a party!�
Mitsui:�Maybe there�s a secret underground somewhere where there�s really the party place.�
Hikari:�Li Chen�s still outside paying the rickshaw driver.�
Magnian (looking at the drawings):�Whoa, these things are familiar to me��
Li Chen (comes in from the door):�Welcome, to the shrine. I�m sorry to tell you this, but�.�
Akagi:�What is the meaning of this!?�
Li Chen:�Will you let me finish? There�s no Global Heroism. There�s no party. I called you because you are very important people!�
Mitsui:�Important people?�
Hikari:�VIPs. There�s really a party here! You�ll gonna show us to the VIP room?�
Li Chen:�Ahem, there�s no party here, ok? The reason I called you here is because the prophecy is finally fulfilled!�
Akagi:�Prophecy? Does us becoming Seiranger a prophecy?�
Mysterious man (hehe, episode title):�It�s not actually a simple prophecy�..�
(The mysterious man talked from behind the curtain, seeing his silhouette.)
Li Chen:�Master��

The curtain finally arose. It shows a young man, probably around 25-35. He has braided hair, wears a cap, and dons a simple orange Chinese suit. Li Chen runs to him and accompanies her �master�. He greets the four people welcome in his shrine.

Mysterious Man:�So you must be the Seiranger�..and you are? (referring to Magnian)�
Magnian:�Uh, I�m Magnian��
Mysterious Man:�Magnian�.Magnian��(gasp!)�.Your face (looks at face marks)�Well, well, so you�re the Obsardian who will bring the promised one to this shrine��
Akagi:�You know that Magnian is an Obsardian?!�
Hikari:�What promised one?�
Mitsui:�Magnian! You work for them?!�
Magnian:�Hell no! I don�t know these people! I work for the (betrayed) Obsardian Empire! (to Mysterious Man) How did you know I was coming to this planet?!�
Mysterious Man:�I�m sorry I haven�t introduced myself. I am Long Wong Fong, the monk of the Shu Ling Shrine.�
Akagi:�But�you�re too young to be a shrine monk!�
Fong (his first name):�Oh, I inherited this shrine from my deceased father, Long Wong Dong, back when I�m 17. Anyways, this is my attendant Li Chen, the 67th of the Li attendants serving here.�
Mitsui:�Dang, this shrine�s old!�
Magnian:�Shu Ling Shrine? You know about the Universal gods of Obsardium?!�
Fong:�Yes. And the gods have a prophecy about you. I learned it from my forefathers. They read the story about my ancient father Long Wong Tong, the founder of the Shrine, who actually talked to the Obsardian gods.�
Akagi:�Your ancestor talked to a god?!�
Li Chen:�That�s what we believed in. But other monks mocked us by saying that our beliefs are fake, because talking directly to a god is impossible.�
Fong:�Allow me, Li Chen. I can tell the whole story. Get the scroll.�
Mitsui:�Uh oh. Another history lesson.�
Hikari:�Quiet, Mitsui!�

From here on, Fong is the narrator as he tells the story of his ancestor from the scroll�.

Fong: Long time ago, in the year 125 AD, a young rascal by the name of Long Wong Tong is loitering around an old peasant village. (shows footage of a Tong who looks like Fong being drunk). As he was frolicking, he didn�t notice that he was going outside village boundaries. After two hours, Tong was in a forest. He then figured out that he was lost.. He was so nervous, that he awoke from his drunkenness and didn�t know what to do. As he was finding his way back home, there was a shooting star up the sky. Then it blew up, and Tong looked up while walking to see what it is. He didn�t noticed that there�s a rock in front of him so he tripped and fell down. He tried to get up, only being hit by another rock on the head, and became unconscious�.

Tong then woke up, being on a cloud-filled sky, resting on a cloud. He noticed that there are four people standing in front of him. He regained his focus and to his surprise the people are not human! There�s one who looks like a lizard (Lizard), a big speechless man with a talking snake belt (Bulky), a woman with wings (Winger), and a cat-man (Cat). This is their conversation:

Tong:�Who-who are you guys?�
Winger:�We are the Universal Gods of Obsardium�. We come to tell you about a prophecy��
Lizard:�Wa-wait�.Are you sure that we�ll give him the Paradyze?�
Bulky:�Thaattt�sss whaaat weee plaaannedd, riiiiight???�
Winger:�I�m sure�.I�ll make sure this plan will work..�
Cat:�Heh�.Do what you want�.I don�t care if this prediction of yours is right��
Winger:�I�m sure it will happen!! (to Tong) Young Earthling, will you do us a favor?�
Tong:�Uh��sure�but what�s Obsard-�
Bulky:�Heeerrre. (a ball of energy appeared on Bulky�s hand) Taaaake thiiiisss. (throws the energy at Tong)�
Tong:�OOOOWWWCCHHH!!!!!! (energy sucks into his body) What the heck is that!?!�
Lizard:�You have gained the knowledge for building the Paradyze.�
Tong:�Th-the what?!?�
Winger:�Young Earthling�..You see�..I have this prophecy that there�s another world, like your place, called Obsardium that will be dying in the future because of their sinful living. You have the answer to the cure for their world to be reborn back to healthy state.�
Lizard:�She wants you, Earthling, to build the Paradyze, a magical pedestal�Then be the keeper of it.�
Cat:�You done? C�mon�let�s go..�
Winger:�Wait!! (to Tong) There will be someone, a foreign being with face marks (show a picture of the face mark) who will take the Paradyze you�re holding. He will bring companions with him who will check if he can have the Paradyze. So you make sure to guard the Paradyze, because the Paradyze is the one who will know if you can give it to that foreign being.�
Bulky:�Aaaann Ooooobssaaaarrdiiaaannn..�
Tong:�Obsardian? What�s that?�
Lizard:�It�s the �foreign being� she�s talking about.�
Cat:�Woman, there�s no hope for Obsardium to be reborn�Let them die for their sins�It will be their fault if their planet will be extinct��
Lizard:�I don�t know if this plan will work��
Tong:�Wh-why give an important job to me? A simple man? To a keeper of this, paradise?�
Bulky:�Iiiitt�s Paaaraaaadyyyzzzzeee.�
Winger:�You lizard! Not all of the Obsardians will be bad! There�s also good people. And I�m sure they will use the Paradyze for a good reason��
Lizard:�And you plan to put the Paradyze on a far place so that the Obsardians will have a hard time finding it?�
Winger:�Yes�That will make sure if they�re the right ones to inherit the Paradyze..�
Cat:�Then why did you have to hide the Paradyze, if the Obsardians will have a hard time getting it? Why not just use the Paragard (ep 7) and pay for their sins?�
Winger:�The Paragard will kill all the Obsardians in exchange for world rebirth, even those who will not be responsible for the future damaging of their planet! I�m giving them another chance�I�m also regretting I took participation in building that dreadful Paragard�.�
Lizard:�Young Earthling, I�m afraid we have to let you go, the gods here are arguing, and it�s a bad sight.�
Tong:�Wa-wait!!! I want to know more about this task!!!!!�
Winger (stops arguing):�Earthling, we�re sorry we have to leave you with a heavy burden, but I know it will be safe in your hands, because we can�t physically guard the Paradyze for we are spiritual beings..�
Tong:�Wh-why me? Why don�t you protect your own planet instead of this mumbo-jumbo?�
Lizard:�We only create things�.We can�t be able to do resurrection, unless the final god will be born with that power.�
Winger:�And four beings with pure courage, and a host with a good intention will summon the final god and resurrect Obsardium��.�

And suddenly, Tong woke up and noticed he�s back in his village. He thought that the conversation with the Universal gods of Obsardium is just a dream. But he noticed that the rock that hit him on the head is still beside him. As he picked it up, he saw that there was text on the rock, and it said: �How to Build a Paradyze. Eat it and you can build one�. He was curious if he could eat a rock, but he tried anyway. He was surprised to found out that it was not a rock at all, but a candy that looked like a rock (which tasted like mooncake). He then found out the steps on building a Paradyze and built one out of a block of wood. After building the Paradyze, he guarded it with his life.

Years later, he reformed himself from a village bum to a monk, and founded the Shu Ling Shrine. He then had a family, and made his sons inheritors of the shrine, and their sons as the next generation inheritors, up to the one who is reading this scroll. The End.

Magnian:�Wow, I didn�t know that my gods talked to your ancestor! And I�ve finally known where is the Paradyze! Fong! Show me where it is!�
Fong:�Fine, but beware! There�s more to the Paradyze than being a pedestal!�
Akagi:�I know that. It�s the trial that Magnian�s talking about (ep. 7).�
Li Chen:�Yes. It�s the Trial of the Paradyze. You will face the Universal gods of Obsardium to see if you can use the Paradyze.�
Fong:�But it seems that one being is missing�Li Chen, how many are the Seirangers again?�
Li Chen:�Three.�
Fong:�Seems that you�re missing another brave soul that carries the god beast.�
Magnian:�Oh�.I�m afraid I left the ShinmaShinjuu on Obsardium�.�
Fong:�Well, tough luck. It seems that you aren�t the prophecy, even though you have the three Shinjuus��
Akagi:�God beasts? You mean the ShinmaShinjuu?�
Magnian:�Yes. The ShinmaShinjuu is used for the gods� physical body.(ep 7)�
Hikari:�But we�ve come this far! Mr. Magnian has found what he�s looking for!�
Akagi:�Yeah! We have to return the favor to him!�
Hikari:�WAKE UP!!! (slaps Mitsui)�
Mitsui:�Wh-wh-what! Oh, the story�s done��
Fong:�Hmm�.very well�.Let�s see if you�re the prophecy�..Li Chen! Get the Paradyze!�
Magnian:�Akagi, Mitsui, Hikari. Now�s the time you fulfill my favor, after the famous celebrity hero treatment you�ve got from your people! Help me revive my world!!!�

What is the trial gonna be? What is the 4th God Beast Fong is talking about that makes the group not the prophecy? Find out in the next episode of Fuhen Sentai Seiranger!!!!

[Play Ending 2]

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