Episode 15 - Seiranger Unifies!
Episode 15 � Seiranger Unifies!

Suddenly, a twinkling star appears on the sky. It appears as a spaceship going straight to the ground! The group sees this and runs for cover, then the spaceship comes crashing to the ground! After the dust from the impact fades off, it reveals the spaceship to the group, and they went towards it. Then surprisingly, out from the spaceship comes metallic robots! They jump to the group and surround them very quickly! After the teens, Magnian, and Li Chen are blocked, they wonder what is happening. They look up to the spaceship which seems there�s someone coming out again.

It�s��..a being wearing white SeiGear similar to the Seiranger!

[Play Opening 2]

Akagi and the others transformed into SeiGear and fought the oncoming robots, while Magnian looking surprised at the crashed spaceship. The SeiGear Being jumped down the spaceship to join the ongoing fight.

SeiRed:�What are these things?!�
SeiYellow:�I think they�re like the grunts on Super Sentai!�
SeiBlue:�Well these grunts are good fighters! They seem to know some martial arts!�

As the Seiranger are fighting, the SeiGear Being starts attacking SeiBlue! It does a Sei-Uppercut to make SeiBlue fly and Sei-Airstrike him crashing to the ground! Meanwhile, Magnian came out of hiding to approach the spaceship together with Fong and Li Chen wondering what is he doing instead of helping the Seiranger.

Magnian:�What the-! It�s Shinma-04!�
Fong:�What does that mean?�
Magnian:�It�s an Obsardian ship! It came from my planet!�
Li Chen:�Then that group fighting the Seiranger��
Magnian:�Are my people!...But, (looks at robots)�I think I know who this guy is.�

The fight is still going on, SeiBlue and SeiYellow are cornered by the robots while SeiRed fights the SeiGear Being. SeiRed seems at a disadvantage because his karate skills are no match for the Being�s arts. When it does a Sei-Roundhouse that will make SeiRed�s head break, a blinding light suddenly interrupted it! It�s a laser that hit the Being�s foot and blasted it away from SeiRed! Magnian fired the laser from his staff!

The Being stands up, recovering from the fall, and looks at Magnian. It took out a pendant from nowhere and raised it up. As it shined, all the robots disappeared. Then the Being took off its SeiGear, and revealed a teenage man, having white hair and orange bangs, and face marks similar to Magnian. The Being then said gibberish no human can understand, but Magnian seemed to understand it. They were both surprised and hugged each other. It seems that they were glad they have seen. While they talked in Obsardian language, the Seiranger starts to stand and go to Magnian and asked him what�s up.

SeiRed:�Do you know him Magnian?�
Magnian:�In fact I do. He�s one of the four Obsardian Towers I�m talking about. He�s the current Master of Meiri, Shirian.�
SeiBlue:�I see.
SeiYellow:�Why did he attacked us earlier?�
Magnian (talked to Shirian and translated):�He said he�s sorry about the ruckus earlier. He�s just being cautious, since he just landed on this planet.�

The Obsardian Shirian talks to Magnian about something. Magnian told the Seiranger to wait for him as he will do business with Shirian. The Seiranger went back to normal, while Fong and Li Chen go towards them. Magnian asked Fong if where is the nearest village from the shrine. Fong told them and the two Obsardians run away quickly. The people left behind start to wonder what�s the problem with them.

Mitsui:�What�s taking them so long?�
Hikari:�Maybe they�re finding a brain to use.�
Li Chen:�Brain?! What do you mean?�
Akagi:�Uh, so they can speak our language, I think.�
Fong:�You mean they will take someone�s brain?!�
Li Chen:�They have to kill someone!?�
Fong:�Man, and I led them to our village! What are they trying to do?�
Hikari:�Well better catch up to them!�

As they started to run, Magnian and Shirian appeared to them out of nowhere. They were shocked about this sudden appearance, and Shirian seems to have eaten a brain when he wipes his mouth from blood.

Fong:�Did you�take a brain?�
Magnian:�You told them?�
Akagi:�uh-sorry. It�s Hikari�s fault, telling about the brain..�
Hikari:�I can�t help it! Sorry!�
Li Chen:�Whose brain did you take?!�
Shirian:�I think I took a bum�s brain. He looks like he doesn�t have relatives of any sort, according to this brain. And he�s about to die out of hunger anyway..�
Fong:�But he�s still a human being! You can�t kill innocent people!�
Magnian:�I�m sorry but we have to! Or else we�re having a hard time explaining everything to you, from Shirian�s arrival and our revolution.�

Finally, Fong and Li Chen dropped the brain issue and everyone listened to Shirian�s story. From this point, Shirian will be our narrator.

Shirian:�As you found out, I came from Obsardium, same as Magnian. I am one of the four Obsardian Towers, Master of Meiri, specializing in Martial Arts. I�m also pro-Paradyze (ep 7) so I�m your ally. Anyways, I�m a close friend of Magnian, and knew about his plan a little bit, but I knew the main parts. When he left the empire, I saw a remaining GodBracer and hid it, so that�s why I have this right now (points at GodBracer). The empire thought Magnian had all of it, so they chased Magnian through space but he narrowly escapes, hopefully. I followed him then, but the empire thought I�m after Magnian to destroy his ship. Suddenly I was hit by an asteroid and my spaceship got off course. But before I missed Magnian�s spaceship, I used my arts to remember Magnian�s aura and track for it later.

The empire thought I was gone for good, but I hid on an empty planet out of nowhere. I stayed for awhile until I got my spaceship repaired. After that I started the search for Magnian�s aura and led me into this place. But when approaching your planet, I got hit (again) by an asteroid and came crashing to your place. When I came out and saw the SeiGear you�re wearing (points at Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari), I thought you stole it from Magnian and attacked you, but I was wrong.�

Magnian:�I told Shirian about you guys while on search for a brain. So he got the idea about why you had the SeiGear. (looks at Fong) I also told about him the Trial of the Paradyze, so, are we ready to continue?�
Fong:�I think we�re ready.�
Akagi:�Now we have all the GodBracers. We can finally complete the trial!�
Mitsui:�I�m amazed that Shirian arrived exactly as we had the gods� essence!�
Fong:�It�s the power of the propechy! You can�t stop its will!�
Hikari:�Then afterward we�ll go to space!�
Mitsui:�And don�t tell my parents coz I think I don�t like the answer when we say goodbye.�
Hikari:�Glad to meet you Shirian!�
Shirian:�You too. I hope I can do this��
Hikari:�It�s so easy, you�ll just be asked about what planet you will save, either your planet or another.�

And so, everyone goes back to the shrine, and Li Chen brings out the Paradyze to be used by Shirian. Shirian puts his GodBracer onto the hole and suddenly, it shined white light! A vortex appeared in front of Shirian and sucked his soul! Everyone watched this and hoped that Shirian will come back safe.

At an empty place, the background is pitch-black. Shirian came out from the vortex and lands on an invisible floor. The four gods of Obsardium shows up and talks to him.

Suzaku:�Finally! The last soul�er, greetings, Obsardian. We are the Universal Gods of Obsardium.�
Shirian:�You�re the real deal, as said in the legends. I�m honored.�
Seiryuu:�I think we have to leave him now.�
Byakko:�Yeah, yeah. Go and leave. (to Shirian) Obsardian, I will see if you have the right courage to help resurrect your planet.�
Shirian:�I�ll do my best!�
Byakko:�Hehe. We�ll see about that��

The gods disappear. Shirian readies as the background becomes orange and a shining light appears in front of him. He touches it and suddenly the area becomes very bright. The next moment, he was on a white area, looking asleep. A godly voice spoke to him.

Voice:�This is the trial of the Paradyze. Your actions will tell what kind of courage you have. All you have to do is focus on your motives in using this Paradyze, and tell your answer.�
(Silent Moment)
Voice:�Seems that your heart and mind is clear. Now, prepare to say your intention in the form of an answer to this question: �Two planets are in the verge of destruction: your planet and another planet. Which will you save, and why? Choose your answer in your mind, and I�ll read it.�
Shirian (in his mind):�I have to save my planet, of course! That�s why I risked all my life following Magnian, and help with the revolution. I may help the other planet, but I have to save my planet first!�
Voice:�Now that I�ve read your answers, face your fate��..�

The area becomes pitch-black. Suddenly, a big snowflake the size of a palm appears, illuminating the area with white light. It shows the cat god holding it.

Byakko:�I am Dai Byakko. You are worthy to receive my essence.�
Shirian:�Thank you. I�m honored to receive such gift.�
Byakko:�Hmmph. I chose you because you think about yourself before others. Your courage has a selfish attitude.�
Shirian:�I�m doing what is right.�
Byakko:�But still you give high priority to your benefits. Anyway, I�ll give you now my essence�..Frost Outburst!!!!!�(thrusts Shirian with explosions of ice)
Shirian:�GGAKKKKK!!!!!!� (Ice shatters and starts glowing with white light together with Dai Byakko, absorbing to Shirian who�s also glowing with white light, illuminating the whole area)

While at Shuling Shrine, Everyone are still waiting for Shirian to gain consciousness. Suddenly, Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari are floating in mid-air! Magnian, Fong, and Li Chen are shocked to see this phenomenon. Then, the three swooped toward the Paradyze and lands on their respective places. The GodBracers were involuntarily removed from their wrists and placed themselves on the holes. A vortex appears and sucked their souls, making them unconscious.

Fong:�I think they are all needed in the final part of the trial.�
Li Chen:�I hope everything�s all right.�
Magnian:�They must make it out alive!�

Back to the trial, Akagi, Mitsui, Hikari, and Shirian are lying on the ground inside a dark, empty room. As they stand up, the four gods appear to them.

Byakko:�Hehehehe! This is my favorite part!�
Suzaku:�Oh shut up! I just hope they succeeded this part.�
Byakko:�I won�t give them mercy!�
Seiryuu:�I think they are awake now. Get ready, brethren.�
All gods:�Fuse Energy! God of Spirits! Arise!�

The gods suddenly become spirits of energy and merge together to form an ultra-bright light! As it grows larger, it starts to form to a huge armored warrior with decorations of the gods� representations. It has a phoenix head, turtle shield, tiger torso, and dragon boots. It is the God of Spirits!

Akagi (gains consciousness):�What�s going on..�
Shirian:�Earthlings, I think we have to help together with this.�
Hikari:�Mr. Shirian, lets call our mechas!�
Akagi:�I think she means the ShinmaShinjuu, is that what you call them?�
Shirian:�Right. You already know how to combine?�
Mitsui:�Yea. But we haven�t tried your mecha though.�
Hikari:�How about we try it now!�
Akagi, Mitsui, Hikari, Shirian:�Sei-Kara-Oh! Henshin!!!!

The Seiranger (now with Shirian) are about to battle the God of Spirits! Can they succeed on this trial set by the Universal Gods of Obsardium? Why is this the favorite of Dai Byakko? Because he�s mean. Anyway, find out what happens next in the next episode of Fuhen Sentai Seiranger!

[Play Ending 2]

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