Episode 5 - The Little Thief's Story
[Play Opening]

At the city streets of Himeji city, Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari are walking together dressed in uniform. After their school is over, they go eat at Wakudo Burgers (a fastfood store), if they have money. This day is allowance day for the three teens, so they decided to go to Wakudo.

Hikari:"Aah! What a hectic day! First was that stupid torture training yesterday! Then an exam in Science! I'm too tired! How about you two?"
Mitsui:"Hey, don't get too tired, because we have another thing to do: Seiranger stuff."
Akagi:"Nah, I'm beat! I don't want to do anything today....I want to rest, but let's first eat something before going home."

So, they entered to Wakudo for a few burgers and fries. As they head to the counter, Mitsui notices something...

Cashier:"Hi! Welcome to Wakudo Burgers!"
Mitsui:"...Hey! I haven't seen you before! A new waitress? And a cute face too!"
Hikari:"Hey! Why are you flirting her? You have no chance of her liking you, you bad boy!"
Mitsui:"Wh...What the.... I'm not a bad boy! I'm the kindest, coolest, most handsome boy in the world! (What's up cashier girl?)"
Cashier:"Uh....Can I take your order?"
Akagi:"(to the two) Will you stop this nonsense argument! (to cashier) Ahem..I would like 3 cheese Wakuburgers, one w/o pickles for my friend Hikari here, and 3 medium fries. Since you're new here, that is called our "usual.""

While the food is being prepared, a little kid with a covered face stealthily wanders into the Wakudo work zone. The kid slowly grabs for a Wakuburger when Akagi saw the kid's hand.

Akagi:"Huh? What's that?"
Kid (thinks) :"Oh someone saw me!"

The kid then rushed off ninja-style from the work zone, to the table area, then outside! Akagi runs after the kid because he doesn't have time to tell to the cashier that someone stole a Wakuburger. Hikari and Mitsui wonder why Akagi went out, then they finally see the kid being chased by Akagi.

Hikari:"Hey! Let's get that kid by changing into Seiranger so we can publicize ourselves as superheroes!!"
Mitsui:"Well, good idea....(to cashier) See ya, cutie,  I have a hero business to do."
Cashier:"Uh,....hero business?"

Then the two changed into their SeiGear. The cashier can't believe what she saw (it's not common to see someone change outfits in a split second, and looks like wearing tights). Hikari and Mitsui, now SeiYellow and SeiBlue, try to keep up with Akagi, who now turns into SeiRed. Akagi on the other hand, is feet away from the kid thief.

SeiRed:"Hey! You! Stop running or I'll beat you up, you thief!"
Kid:"Try catching me then! (gets a bite of Wakuburger)"

Then the kid finally reached a dead end in the alley. SeiRed quickly grabbed the kid on the arms. The chase is over. The kid's bandanna covering the face fell. The thief is a little girl! She then realized that the one chasing her is a super sentai hero.

Kid:" Cool! A Super sentai man chasing me! I am really honored to meet you!"
SeiRed:"What do you mean? There's no honor in being captured for stealing a Wakuburger!"
Kid:"I'm sorry for what I did. I'm really hungry. I have to steal to live."
SeiRed:"You steal to live? (Thinks) Hey, I heard this thing somewhere..."
SeiYellow and SeiBlue arriving:"Gotcha, you little thief!"
SeiYellow:"Wha! The thief's a girl! Why would a cute little girl steal?!"
Mitsui:"Everyone can steal, you know. Even little girls."
Hikari:"But...She's cute!"
SeiRed:"Oh enough! Anyways, little kid, where's your parents at?"
Kid:"I left my parents... They're no use to me.."
SeiYellow:"What! You left your parents!? That's not what a cute girl is supposed to do!"
SeiBlue:"Maybe her parents are bums."
SeiYellow:"Like you."
SeiBlue:"What did you say?!" (fights with seiyellow)
SeiRed:"Enough!!! So little kid, what's your name?"
Kid:"Well, what's your name first?"
SeiYellow:"Hey! Let's show her what we practiced last time!"
SeiBlue:"....Are you sure?..."
SeiRed:"I think so, so we can know her name..."
SeiYellow (does a striking pose):" Bird-face of the yellow! SeiYellow!"
SeiBlue (does a boring pose):"Uh, (do I have to do this?)....Arrh..Turtle-face of the blue..SeiBlue..."
SeiRed (does a normal pose):"Well, my turn. Dragon-face of the red! SeiRed!"
SeiYellow:"Fuhen Sentai!..."
Kid:"Cool!!!! I will be SeiPink!!"
SeiRed:"No, there's no SeiPink. So, what's your name?"
Kid (does a ninja pose):"OK! Thief of the Wakuburger! Mikan!"
SeiBlue:".Uh,.. you don't have to imitate us..."
Mikan:"But it's fun! I want to be a Cute-face!"
SeiYellow:"Awww. How cute! Hey Akagi, can you let Mikan go? She's too cute to be in jail.."
SeiRed:"But she have to pay the Wakuburger:"
SeiBlue:"Hey kid, do you have money?"
Mikan:"Duh! Of course not! That's why I steal!"
SeiRed:"So you have to be sent to jail for your crime, then."
SeiYellow:"But she's too cute!"
Mikan:"Please SeiRed! Let me go this time! I really need to steal so I can eat!"
SeiYellow:"And she's very cute! I give her pity! Can you please let her go?"
SeiBlue:"Oh, I hate dealing with kids! I can't take this any longer..Hey Akagi, what do you think?"
SeiRed:"<Sigh> Ok, you're off the hook....But we'll find your parents so they can take care of you again and stop stealing."
Mikan:"Thank you! Thank you!"
SeiYellow(hugs Mikan):"Yay! You're safe! Awww! You're really cuuuuutte!"
Mikan:"Owww! Ok! Let me go now!"

So Mikan then departs the place to steal again for food. The Seiranger turned back to their normal state then decides on how they will find Mikan's parents. Akagi thought..

Akagi:"Wait a sec, I think I got a clue..." (thinks of flashback about Mikan saying "steal to live")
Mitsui and Hikari:"Huh? What?"
Akagi (in his head) :"steal to live...steal to live....steal to live...steal to live....steal to live....(then appears the face of a yellow haired, mohawk man)
Akagi:"Aha! I think Mikan is related to Takashi the Gunigumi bike gang leader!
Hikari:"Why made you think so?"
Mitsui:"Ah! I know this cause I kept hearing them saying "we steal to live!" Maybe let's visit them at the police station."
Hikari:"Wha! Mitsui! I can't believe you can think that hard!"
Mitsui:"Why you!" (fights with Hikari)
Akagi:"Ok! Enough! Why don't you two go to the police station and I watch over Mikan, ok?"
Mitsui and Hikari:"K!"

The group then split up to do their duties. Mitsui and Hikari go to the police station to find Takashi, but the recipient said that he and his bike gang pals are on a patrol, and let them wait for an hour. While Mitsui and Hikari warm their butts at the station, Akagi then tries to follow Mikan's tracks to find where she is now, ....could be stealing again, maybe. It is now nighttime. Akagi is wandering for 30 minutes. Then when he arrives at a jewelry shop, he found Mikan.

Akagi:"Ha! Found you!"
Mikan:"Aaah!! Now what?! I haven't steal yet!"
Akagi:"Yeah, I know. I'm just watching you so when my pals found your parents, I can just pick you up and give you to them."
Mikan:"Oooowwww, you're killjoy!"
Akagi:"It's for your own good. Anyway, why are you going to the jewelry shop? Don't you mean you're gonna steal again, aren't you?"

Suddenly, Mikan sees someone else inside the shop! She then hurries to go inside by jumping to the ventilation shaft. Akagi tried to stop her but failed, so he changed into SeiRed and try to catch up with Mikan. Mikan and SeiRed are in the vents moving towards the inside of the shop. When Mikan finally reached the opening, The man in mask with a yellow exclamation point on his trousers and a black beanie saw her, and hurries to get all the jewelry and put in his bag. He then runs toward Mikan who's falling down from the vent. The man quickly catches her and points a yellow gun at her.

Man in mask:"Hey, who are you?"
Mikan:"Let go of me, you thief!! I'll get your stuff that is supposed to be mine!"
Man in mask:"Hmm, so you're trying to steal from a thief? Interesting, but you can't mess up with the Gasp of the Night!!
Mikan:"Quite an ugly name....Ack!"(being choked by Gasp of the Night)
Gasp (ok I'll make my name short):"Mess with me, or you'll die with my gadgetry!"
SeiRed (coming out from the vent):"There you are Mikan!...Huh, who are you?!"
Gasp:"I am the legendary, skillful, gadget-user Gasp of the Night!!!"
SeiRed:"Quite an ugly name..."
Gasp:"Why you! Insult me more or this little thief will get what she deserves!"
Mikan:"SeiRed!!! Help!!!"
SeiRed:"What did I tell you? Stop stealing stuff! Look at what happened to you!"
Mikan:"Yeah, yeah! Alright! Sorry! I will not do it again! Promise! Now there! Rescue me!!!"
Gasp:"Heh! Do you think you can rescue her, you feeling superhero? (You even wear tights!) The Gasp of the Night has never failed any attempts of stealing, and now I will prove it to you!!!"
SeiRed:"Let's see what you got!"

And the fighting begins! Gasp shoots SeiRed until he hit SeiRed's arm. SeiRed is frightened, but he sees that there's no wound! The training with Magnian worked! Anyway, Gasp is also surprised that he shoots SeiRed many times, but still, not a single wound. SeiRed then charges to Gasp when Gasp pointed his gun at Mikan and shoots!......But there's no bullet left!!! Yay! Mikan is safe! Then unexpectedly, the gun turned into a blade that looks like an exclamation point (for gasp"!"). He points it again to Mikan, and SeiRed stopped charging.

Gasp:"Ha! Now what will you do?"
SeiRed:"Oh drat! Now what?"

Mikan then bites Gasp's arm which is grabbing her and tries to escape. As Mikan runs away from Gasp, Gasp then uses his homing darts that look like exclamation points (again, for gasp"!"). Mikan is suddenly hit to the wall with the darts sticking her clothes to the wall, preventing her to escape. Gasp then again draws his Gasp Blade to attack Mikan, but he forgot SeiRed! SeiRed give him a whopping Seipunch! (just a punch, but with SeiGear power). Gasp is then thrown off the air and landed on the glass displays, which trigger the alarm, unfortunately. SeiRed then grabs a very long gold necklace and uses it to tie Gasp.(What the heck! Such an expensive material just used as a rope?!). Then the police came, who is led by the Gunigumi bike gang leader Takashi. Mitsui and Hikari are also there with the police. Former bike gang members Shoutaro, Shinji, and Kia are there, too.

Hikari:"Mikan!!!! (runs to Mikan) Are you alright, you cute girl?"
Mikan:"I will be alright if you let me down here" (still on the wall)
Mitsui:"Well, how's it feel being a real hero, Akagi:"
Akagi (changes back to normal):"It's good, really. But it's better if the person you're rescuing isn't like Mikan.."
Takashi:"Hey! Looks who's here! Akagi! Long time no see!"
Akagi:"Uh.. It's just two days..."
Shinji:"Hey, if the boss say it's a long time, it's a long time!! Got it?"
Kia:"Shut up! (hits Shinji on the head) Well, look who's the hero now? I told you you'll be heroes someday."
Akagi:"Yeah...Oh! Takashi! I gotta question..Do you know anyone named Mikan?"
Takashi:"Mikan?......Oh! Mikan! Yea I know her."
Shoutaro:"Well actually, she's my daughter."
Akagi and Mitsui:"Your daughter!!?!?!"
Hikari (coming to them w/ Mikan):"Whatdaughter?"
Mikan:"Well, my no-good dad is him."
Kia:"And I'm her mom..."
Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari:"Whaaaat!!?!?!"
Akagi:"So, that's why you're sort of always close together...I nver wonder you're married.."
Mitsui:"And have this naughty kid..."
Hikari:"AND Mikan being a thief.."
Akagi:"Oh well. So Mikan, I think you have to stay with your parents. Here you go, Shoutaro. Don't let her go away from you. She might steal again."
Shoutaro:"Nah, don't worry. I have this job as a policeman, so I can feed her."
Mikan:"Really? You're a policeman? But, why are you wearing leather?..."

Takashi and the bike gang took of their leather jackets to reveal that they actually wear police uniforms.

Takashi:"We're just uncomfortable without the smell and feel of leather.."
Hikari:"Well I think because they're a bike gang. I was also wondering why not they're wearing police uniforms."
Kia:"So Mikan, let's go home now. We've finally got a house for us to stay."
Mitsui:"Wait a minute. You got a house already? But you've been working at the police station for a day!"
Shoutaro:"Well, it's my dad's house. He's dead, so I own it now and my family can live there."
Akagi:"Well, good luck in your police job, ok? And Mikan, try to be a good girl and stop stealing."
Mikan:"Well, I think I can do that, since my parents finally have a decent job."
Shinji:"Boss, what about the stolen goods? Can we take them?"
Takashi:"Fool! (hits Shinji on the head) We're police now! What I will do is call the jewelers to go to this place and worry about that problem."
Takashi:"OK! Let's get this thief lying down here and report back to the station!"
Bike gang:"Yes boss!" (Wears back the leather jacket and tied up the thief, now with rope, to one of the bikes)

And so, the jewelers arrive at the shop and have a talk with the Gunigumi bike gang police. Then, the Akagi and the others left the crime scene, together with and bike gang and Mikan.

Takashi:"Ok! This is where we split up. See ya, you three."
Akagi:"Oh, sure! And Shoutaro, take care of Mikan. She's very stubborn."
Hikari:"Bye Mikan! Be very good with your parents!! You're really very CUUTE!"
Mikan:"....yeah, ok."
Mitsui:"Come on, let's go! I'm really tired."
Takashi:"Ok! We're leaving!"

Akagi, Mitsui, and Hikari say their goodbyes to the bike gang at the intersection. The three then also said their goodbyes to each other, and head home. As they walk, the screen rises up to the sky, showing the moon and the stars.

[Play ending]

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