SeiRanger Multimedia
To save bandwidth, I moved all non-episode related pictures in my new gallery!!!

Here are links to the pics:

Main Page

Seiranger Poster Series
DX Mecha Series
- Wallpapers
To save bandwidth, I removed the links to my mp3's. Instead, I put the soundtracks here. If you want to download mp3s, you can e-mail me. Tell me what song or album do you want. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Fuhen Sentai Seiranger Official Soundtrack
- Seiranger OP - Neo Melodramatic (TV size)
- Seiranger ED - On the Run (TV size)
- Seiranger OP2 - New World (TV size)
- Seiranger ED2 - Egao Biyori (TV size)

Sounds of Journeys 1
- Porno Graffitti - Neo Melodramatic (Opening)
- Home Made Kazoku - On the Run (Ending)

Sounds of Journeys 2
- L'arc-en-ciel - New World (Opening 2)
- ZONE - Egao Biyori (Ending 2)
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