Letter to my Grandpa

my grandpa and me

A Letter to My Grandpa

This page is dedicated to my grandpa John O'Neill who passed away in August of 1997. He will be forever missed and in my heart. I love you Grandpa!!

Back in August, I travelled to Ottawa to see my grandpa....for the last time. I never got to see him again. It was one of the most difficult trips of my life. Everyone told me not to cry in front of him so I didn't but deep down, my heart was breaking. You see, my grandpa was a Jehovah's Witness, and I was afraid for his soul.

I remember being very upset many times when I went to visit my grandpa and grandma--don't get me wrong, I love them dearly, but I am a Christian--and to my grandpa that meant I was a pagan. My grandpa and I used to debate religion and our different beliefs everytime I visited. It was rare when it didn't end up with me in tears of frustration because I couldn't make him understand that his "truth" wasn't God's TRUTH.

I wrote a letter to my grandpa about a month before he died. More than anything, I wanted to tell him about Jesus and how much Jesus loved him. My whole perspective on things was all mixed up because I wanted to show him God...the REAL loving God and Heavenly Father...the TRIUNE God that I know and love and the one he denied existed. I was so torn because everyone in my family kept telling me not to stir up trouble...not to upset him...not to upset my uncle and aunt or my mom or my grandma...so I stayed quiet. Meanwhile on the inside part of me was literally dying.

I wrote this letter to my grandpa but I was never able to give it to him. I wanted to share it with you and maybe it might be able to help you and your loved one who is a Jehovah's Witness.

Dear Grandpa,

As I sit here thinking about you and how much I love you...my heart aches. I wish I was there holding your hand telling you this. I think about ALL the times we've argued over religion--right or wrong--only JESUS knows for sure! I'm afraid that God is going to take you away from me before I get a chance to help you see (u) HIM (/u) in all His glory. I am so afraid that I will never see you again. I feel that I have to tell you how much God loves you. He loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you, and on the third day, He rose victoriously. Jesus says that if you believe in your heart and confess with your mouth "Jesus is Lord" then you will be saved.

Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Romans 10:9-13) I know that you love God and Jesus. I know you are so devout. I just want you to pray so hard and ask God to make you SURE--not kinda not sorta BUT AS SURE AS SURE CAN BE...NO DOUBTS!

I beg you that if have even a small twinge of doubt--ask Jesus into your heart--tell him you know He died for you. No matter what just believe Jesus loves you and that He died for you Grandpa, so you could live with Him forever in eternity. I'm not going to argue with you anymore and what you choose to believe is ultimately YOUR decision. I know you say that what i believe is wrong BUT I'm asking you to REALLY REALLY sure.

I love you and pray for you and cherish you.

But NO ONE loves you or cherishes you more than JESUS!! Please forgive me if this letter makes you sad or angry...I really love ya a lot.....Luv Kimberley

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