
:?-March 30, 2003 :?- 4:12 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Rolling Stones - Time is On My Side

*Good Times*

Last night was a blast. After I got off work around 9 I went up the street to where the cookout had just died down. Unfortunatly I missed it but the rest of the night was awesome. Angela, Brian and I went over to Matt's and hung out with everyone for a little over an hour. We were gunna go see Old School. It was fun being over there, major pillow fights. Assholes! Gangin' up on me, it's cool though I got'em back. I love sitting around and having someone play guitar and everyone just hanging out; it's the best. So Jeremy Hahn told us the movie started at 10:50. We get there and it started at 10:20.. so we missed the first 20 minutes of it. It was Brian, Kevin, Andy, Angela, and myself. After the movie I was dropped off at home so I could change and get my car.. I was still wearing my work clothes and I got my car so I wouldn't have to walk so late; plus it was all rainy and cold out. I had a 4 o'clock curfew! So I go over to Brian's.. chill for a little bit and then we realize we're really hungry. Lol least Brian and I were. So Angela and I take up people's orders and head out to get some cash from the ATM. Angela's getting the money and she calls me over. There were 2 crates of muffins just sitting outside by the ATM.. it was dark inside and they were just sitting out in the rain. So we did what hungry people do; We took'em. One crate full and filled up the trunk. We couldn't stop laughing the entire time after that. We went to Taco Bell/Pizza Hut and I swear the guy must've thought we were high or something cuz we were being so goofy and had a long list of food. We made a few more stops after that.. in search of cherry coke for Bri. Came back and ate. We spent the rest of the night watching movies. I wanted to just spend the night and if this happens again I will.. I left around 4:30. I was draggin my ass.. not good for driving. But I came home in one piece. I still have a tired headache. They're so dumb and annoying. I cracked my neck.. that helped lol. So now I'm sitting here, relaxing. It's been a great weekend.

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:?-March 28, 2003 :?- 3:30 a.m.


:?-Current Music - Cindy Lauper - Goonies are Good Enough

*Happy Yawns*

I had no intention to stay up this late tonight. Just kinda happened. It was a great night. Hung out with the guys at their band practice then Justin came over and we finished watching a movie we had started a few weeks ago. I took him home and chilled over there for a little bit. Love that kid! I drove home, blasting Sublime all the way. I went online as soon as I got home and talked to Brian and said a bunch of people were over there so I joined them. We watched people play video games, watched music videos and hung out for a little while. Then we came back here to the "movies" and watched True Lies and The Goonies. Let me see who was over.. Two guys I just met today, Andy and Kevin, then there was Mike and his girlfriend for a little while, Jeff, Sean, Brian and Angela; although they left and never came back.. wonder what happened to them..? Mike and Kevin went to Taco Bell and brought back food around 12:30.. god that was soo good! I was in an attention getting mood tonight. It was nice I guess. They should have just crashed here.. lol nah my 'rents wouldn't go for that. Oh! and since it was late of course people fell asleep. Mike fell asleep on the bean bag and started snoring. We couldn't get him up so Andy called his cell phone. lol it was the funniest thing ever when Mike looked to see who called and woke him up. Kevin did it another time.. Mike snores really loud lol. If it doesn't seem funny I guess it's cuz you had to be there. I'm suppose to go to SciTrek today or something.. god I dunno If I'll be able to get up! Then work tonight.. which sucks cuz I'm going to miss the cookout tomorrow night.. hopefully it'll still be going when I get off work.. I hope so :) I love cookouts! Although.. it might rain..so who knows. I better go off to bed and try to sleep now. What a good night :) Hope everyone else's was good as well.

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:?-March 27, 2003 :?- 9:56p.m.


:?-Current Music - All Saints - Never Ever

*Representing Truth*

In spite of my past entry, which by the way was expressed out of determination and awareness, I am still doing really well. Check out my April schedule; I'm going to be working a lot! Very good stuff. Tomorrow... Justin! Yays. Gunna go read now :)

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:?-March 27, 2003 :?- 8:51p.m.


:?-Current Music - LL Cool J I believe - Mama Said KNOCK You Out

*This Face is Not Attractive; Please Try Your Other One*

A Weak personality is someone who can not be trusted. Remember THAT. I'll be watching my back.

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:?-March 25, 2003 :?- 10:10p.m.


:?-Current Music - Empire Records Soundtrack

*Smell Good Stuff*

Today was a pretty good day. Went to McKendree and helped out with the play. Then my mom and I went and got manicures and pedicures. Love that woman, she's so cute lol. Came home.. helped with dinner.. ate dinner :) and then talked to Angela online for awhile. We've made awesome plans for spring break! We might go to St. Petersburg! More specifically, the beach! Must have tan, need some sun desperatly. I'm soo excited about that! Now I just have to work out.. lol damn lazy streak has to go! Right now though I need to go deep condition my hair. Talk about excitment! haha anyways have a good night all!

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:?-March 23, 2003 :?- 6:28p.m.


:?-Current Music - Sublime - Garden Grove

*Things Are Good*

Well.. I did have the internet out in Vegas but I was so busy all the time I hardly had a chance to get online. It was beautiful. The place is absolutly amazing. I can't wait to go with friends; it'll make all the difference. Anyways to sum the whole trip up.. Mama Mia was awesome!! I didn't know what to expect but I really enjoyed it! To repay for the tickets we went to Andre's. Very very nice. It's a intimate little French restaurant downtown. The next night we ate at the Foundation Room. I'd been there before and it has the most ecclectic atmosphere I have ever seen and I want the name of the decorater. After dinner we went to the Voodoo Lounge. They were checking IDs at the door and I was a little nervous bout that. The guy looked at it for a little longer than he did the others and said "Georgia! You having a good time here?" lol. I was like.. Yeah.. and they stampted my hand and I was free to go upstairs. It was crowded cuz of all the college kids but really cool nonetheless. Thursday my dad and I had planned on a trip. We chose Death Valley. So we're on 93 looking for 95. We ended up going 100 miles in the wrong direction lol. So we were in Utah which I was more than happy to be there and we went to Mount Zion. I miss the mountains. More than anything. Utah is one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. Strange huh lol. That night once we had gotten back my dad and I ordered room service and rented Catch Me If You Can. Good times. So Vegas summed up: Shows, Food, Clubs, Road Trip. I can't wait to go back.
I came home Friday night and the time difference sucks cuz I lost 3 hours by coming home. But I'll live :) Went to the bookstore yesterday and got a couple of books.. always a good thing. And then to Goodies to pick up black pants to work in. I bought Bongo pants and they are so freakin' comfortable! I wore them today. Today was that stallions thing at the Arena. I was in charge of Advanced Ticket Sales again. Which means I stayed the whole time. Hey, it's money! Got my paycheck Friday. It's around $95 and I worked twice. Great money and a lot of fun. Today I sat there watching people with ice cream walk by and I had to have some! This guy I work with said he'd go get me some as soon as he could leave and I asked for cookie dough.. Brusters at the Arena didn't have it! He came back to my window with a list of the ice creams they did have lol. That was so sweet. I had to choose Vanilla.. they didn't even have chocolate! It's cool. So I took my 'lunch break' and ate ice cream while swiviling in my chair. Fun stuff. There is no lunch break but I was the only one there so screw it I wanted some :) The arena is so good for me. I'm meeting all sorts of people and already feeling like a damn vetern lol. Scott asked me to help some new girl balance out. It's complicated crap that you can not mess up on. Something about them not wanting to be short. ha. Anyways so today was a brilliant day and I'm feeling really good. Oscars are tonight! So silly really but I wait all year for them. Must go eat now, or at least help with the rest of dinner. C ya!

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:?-March 16, 2003 :?- 10:20p.m.

Mood:?-headache like

:?-Current Music - Violent Femmes - Blister in the Sun

*Shake It UP*

Today was fun. Beauty and the Beast was spectacular as usual :) and I had a great time with the company that was there. After the show, Aubrey dropped me off and I got ready to go right back out. Drove over to chinese. Yes yes it was Mah Jong, or however you spell it. So we ate there with my grandmother and then I came home and packed. I can only pack so much though cuz I need some of the stuff for tomorrow morning.. 6 'o clock wake up time! Ughhh.. joy. At least I can sleep on the plane. I hate doing that though cuz I always look at the silly people with their mouth open and eyes shut and laugh at'em. Horrible isn't it? I'm not sure which flick is going to be shown; either Star Trek Nemises or Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Either one will do :) and whichever one isn't shown I'll get to watch on the return trip. We leave here at ll:30 our time and arrive in Vegas at 12:30 lol. Short trip ay? Yeah with a 3 hour difference. Which is always a good thing when sleep is involved. 3 extra hours! That's what sucked about coming home when I was in Utah.. lost 3 whole hours. Anyways, I'm gunna go watch a movie or something. I'm pretty sure I'll still be able to type in here. We'll see!! Oh and Happy Saint Patty's Day to ya! Yeah.. I'm a Jew. :) Time to fly!

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:?-March 15, 2003 :?- 9:45 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Ray Charles - Georgia On My Mind

*Smile Baby*

Well.. the 'rents are going to the art expo tomorrow so I don't get to go this year
:( Oh well.. it's probably better that I didn't lol would spend all my money or something. So instead of the art expo my dad and I went to a bead store in my home town of Decatur. I didn't know how hard it was going to be to choose beads.. they had thousands! I make bracelets in my spare time and have made some good money selling them. And for the few who have been given to as gifts, specifically one who I no longer speak to anymore but I know they read this, I hope you enjoy them and think of me whenever you see them. I'll give them to my friends but no more for you! Let's put that aside cuz I really don't care about it anymore I just felt the need to throw it in the mix. What's that saying again... ah yes! 'Life goes on'. And does it ever! Tomorrow I'm going to the Fox. Finally get to hang out with Aubrey! And Justin of course :) and his Michael. Should be fun. Oh man I've got loads of laundry to tackle before tomorrow. I think I'll have the internet out in Vegas so if I have the time while I'm there I'll keep updating. Later!

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:?-March 14, 2003 :?- 11:42 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Steven Tyler P.J.s! Steven Tyler P.J.s!

*Countdown to the Unknown*

Explanation pertaining to current music-Son 'n Law, Pauly Shore. Don't ask :)
Anyways it's been a few days since I last updated. I've been doing a lot of school work.. watching a lot of movies, mainly at night..not sure if moving the t.v. and dvd player into my room was such a hot idea. Oh well. :) Went to the doctor today.. completely uneeded cuz, well, I don't do anything that would land me in their office. Enough on that, if you didn't figure out what kind of doctor it was please stop trying. ha. ok. After that my mom and I went to Joe's Crab Shack and to Belks. I had to pick up some black pants cuz I went into work today to get my shirt! Yes a shirt! And it needs black pants. Came home, have a headache now. Tomorrow is diff. doc. and then to the Dome to go to this awesome art show. They have all sorts of artists from all over the nation and they usually have a lot of mixed media art. Sunday is Beauty and the Beast @ the Fox with Justin, Michael, and mystery person (TBD). :) It should defintely be a good time. And Justin.. those literary people are just deaf and dumb! and they smell funny too. Alright sooo Monday's the big day :). The night we get there we're seeing Mama Mia. The next night is fancy shmancy dinner to repay the people paying for the Mama Mia tickets. Since I'm under 21 the 2 best things about Vegas are: the SHOWS and the FOOD. K Vegas aside, other news. Oh oh my dad was chillin with Clay and Akeasha the other day (Manager of Hifi Buys and Box office manager of Hifi Buys) and Clay asked how I was liking the box office at Gwinnett Arena. My dad said I loved it and Clay turned to Akeasha and asked, "Maybe we should have her work some shows here this summer?"!!!!!! Akeasha was like, defintely. !!! So this summer I'll also be working at thier box office. Which Mel and I know aaaaall about right :). Ozzfest 2002, or was it 2001.. can not even remember.. doesn't matter anyways so whichever one it was it was freakin' hott that day and we went in the box office and cooled down for about an hour. It had fans all over the place and they kept it stocked with drinks and lots of foods. Sounds good to me. I'm excitied about that, meeting new people and all. April should turn out to be a good month. Magic 8 Ball says: ALL SIGNS POINT TO YES. Goodnight!

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:?-March 11, 2003 :?- 11:02 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Temptations

*Time's They Are a Changin'*

Girl scout cookies are evil! Evil I tell you lol. I'll work it off :) I watched a show last night on the mummies of Rome. Very very interesting; Rome had a love affair with my beloved Egypt during the height of both civilizations. Watching archaeologists and egyptologists make discoveries and uncover artifacts from ancient times makes me want to dive right in with them. Maybe that'll be my career path; has always been right up there as an option so who knows :)
In other news.. went to McKendree today and helped out with the play. My kids are the cutest little peoples ever! One of the little boys who really didn't want to be in it left. This boy was adorable but the only way I could get him to listen was if he could sit by me. So we got a new 'gosling 4'. Just as cute and he was in it last year so he knows what it takes. It was kinda boring today; just going through the rest of the play and blocking it. I ended up lieing on the ground with the other kids lol they love to see that too.. makes them feel like I'm just a kid like them. After play rehearsal my mom and I went out to dinner and then to the store. She's awesome to spend time with, most of the time lol. Nah I love her a lot and I got some beads at the store so I'm all about making some bracelets tonight. I know, wild isn't it? I was talking to my dad the other night and I said that he had to love me because he's my parent and he said "No. I don't have to love you." I was like.. um.. he went on and said, "I love you because I want to, not out of obligation." I guess I was a little doubtful of his feelings for me at that point in time and just him saying that made all the difference. I wonder if other kids have that with their parents. It would be awful not to. It's sappy but it's a good thing to say 'I love you' to those people and have it back in return. The best part about my relationship with the 'rents is that they're not a crutch for me, they're supportive in my decisions and motivators for my actions. I have my own life, a not so bad one now :), and I know that they'll always be there for me; unconditional support and love. Not to mention the Brown family has a gross perverted side that is HIGHLY entertaining. I feel bad for people that can't talk to their parents. Not about everything, but if something's bothering you, just knowing that they're there to listen if you decide to vent and ask for advice. I'm glad I learned about communication at such a young age; cuz God it makes all the damn difference in the world.

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:?-March 9, 2003 :?- 5:48 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Sublime - What I Got

*Around the Corner Please*

Had to work the Force game today. Went in around 10 and Tara said I would be doing the 'back window'. The 'back window' is accessable from inside the arena only and usually is used for advanced ticket sales. So that's what I did. All by myself :) I was a little nervous at first but I've pretty much got the whole system down now. Just need more experience. Tara and Scott came over (they were great cuz they were always checking on me) and they asked me if I could work til the end of the game. lol i so did not want to stay that long but Tara said I was her best worker and knew that I was capable of doing all of the things that needed to be done and that she knew I was available to do them. So I stayed until 3:30. I sold $1661.50 worth of tickets. Not to bad. After I close up the computer and register I have to total everything up. Including the bank ($250)the different cards for credit card purchases, and then the cash. And I got to use this awesome money machine. You just put the money on top of it and it sorts and counts it! I went through the money first to make my bank out of the smallest bills possible but that machine kicks ass. I don't work again until the 23rd which sucks because I really do love it there. We get our shirts tomorrow! Finally! I'll soon be getting my April schedule which should be a full month because of Disney on Ice, which goes on during the day and I'm available to work those shows. Soo I should make a lot of money in April. Got my first paycheck Friday! 4 days of working = $103-taxes= $95. Not bad for 4 days work :). Change of subject; last night I hung out with Justin. I love that kid! We went out for chinese and then came back here and watched Jem and part of Auntie Mame. Fun stuffs. Well I gots to go help out my 'rents with dinner. C ya!

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:?-March 7, 2003 :?- 12:06 a.m.


:?-Current Music - Coldplay and Elton John baby!

*You'll Never Know Because You Don't Care,
and I'm So Happy*

Just got back from the Coldplay concert with Melody! I had a really great time :) We got there a little early, cuz that's how I am, and went right up to the box office doors and I pulled out my badge..don't ask why I brought it lol, and Scott let us inside. Everyone outside was like what the hell??? ::smiles:: Anyway so I go up to the window and my friends are working; these people kick so much ass. And Scott was like.. you wanna go back there? lol.. yeah so Mel and I go in the box office (she got to see where and how I work) and talked with my coworkers for a bit. Funny as hell man. Anyways box office opened and it gets crazy so we said our goodbyes and headed inside. We were in Suite 30 upstairs. When we got to the top escalator I asked the person where it was and then this guy behind me said "Hey are you the Brown girls?" I was like yeah lol. See we got these tickets from Mr. Bell, some big time liquor distributor who knows more people than god himself, and I had never met him before (thanks to Akesha we were able to snag two unused tickets) The suite was great, so much food and the angle toward the stage was perfect. The Music, it's a band, opened and was incredible. I'm not a big Coldplay fan but it was fun all the same :) Mel and I were thinking about leaving but we went back into the suite, thank god we did. All of the sudden the lead singer of Coldplay was talking and said "We were here 2 years ago and played the Tabernacle and you guys in Atlanta basically started our career and the only way we could think to thank you was to.. BRING OUT ELTON JOHN! That was so awesome!! Nothing could top that so Mel and I left about 2 songs shy of the concert ending. Things are going so well.. I keep dropping pounds, I have a great job with people I like and in a place that's very influencial, my parents love me lol always a plus right, and I'm strong. Mentally and emotionally. I'm feeling pretty damn good. :)

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:?-March 6, 2003 :?- 12:30 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Rolling Stones - Satisfaction

*Personal Truimphs*

Not to much happenin' right now. Need to go take a shower.. I'm soo excited about Las Vegas. I'm going with my dad 'cuz he has business and I get one of those badge thingies for the convention too :) which should have some kick ass electronic equiptment and such in there. The night we get there we're seeing Mama Mia. Don't know to much about it but I never say no to a show. And hopefully while we're there we can catch The Blue Man Group at Luxor. That's one of the best shows you'll ever see. That and 'O'. But I don't think we'll have time to see 'O'. It's at Bellagio which has now become one of my favorite hotels. We're staying at Rio.. it's off the strip which sucks but there's a lot to do there too and I'll have transportation to go around the city. Mama Mia is playing at Mandalay Bay which is where I stayed last time and is an incredible place. The bathrooms there are all large and marble. I have a thing for bathrooms. Anyways it's a beautiful place. There's so much to do in Vegas. This'll be my 3rd time visiting. The first time I was there, 2 1/2 years ago, my dad and I drove out into the desert in search of Area 51. lol needless to say we didn't find it but it was a lot of fun. Ok well there will be a lot of time to ramble on and on about Vegas but for now.. time to hit the showers! err shower. It's just an expression!

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:?-March 3, 2003 :?- 2:48 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Weezer - Photograph

*Don't Be Indirect*

I would first like to congratulate Kym on her new employement position at Friedman's. :) I hate Gwinnett Mall but I'll suck it up and come visit you lol, I want free diamonds. Anyways I'm soo very close to being done with this English III. I've been doing school work everyday. As opposed to burning myself out with 6-7 hours of work on one day and then not doing anymore for a week. So this is a good thing.
Went over to Mel's the other day.. I really missed her :)
And let's see..what else is going on.. woodworking was boring as hell but I did get to talk to this Bryan guy who's really awesome and who I work with. He reminds me a lot of my brother. Meaning much older than me. Anyways he knows sooo many people! Defintely a good thing.
Oh something not so good, the other day when my family and I watched a movie, I was upstairs getting something and my dog, Sam, was standing up strangly and I was like "are you ok??" (like she could answer or something) and then all the sudden it looked as if she was going to sit down but instead she fell backwards and I swear her eyes looked like a scared human. I caught her as she fell back so her head would miss the coffee table and turned her on her side and she started having a seizure. Scared the shit out of me. Dad says it may not have been a seizure and that the rapid movement all over her body and head was just her being scared. Yeah. Right. I've seen her scared and shake but never so jerky. After a minute or so she got up and seemed embarrassed. She moved a little ways from us and hid her head under the coffee table. My poor baby! She'll be 13 next week and is like my sister. Damn I don't want to lose her. I know eventually I will and she's had it better than 40% of some humans on this planet but I'm going to miss her and it hurts to think about it. So I won't dwell. I'm gunna go do situps instead.

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:?-March 1, 2003 :?- 10:46 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Blues Brothers

*Sleepy Eyes Predict the Morrow*

Must get up early tomorrow. And this is so exciting cuz right now I'm actually tired!! It's an insomniac thing. Just got done watchin' a movie with my parents. It's really great. Once in awhile we have movie nights and just chill and laugh together. It's good spending time with them. :)
Makin' 60 bucks tomorrow.. I keep telling myself that. Oh and Miami Circle was a lot of fun. We visited Vera Struck, she's an artist, who we had talked to before and spent about 45 minutes chatting and looked at art. Her work is amazing. I told her I'm saving up to buy one of her paintings. lol it'll be awhile. Gunna make 60 bucks..

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