
:?-June 18, 2003 :?- 11:19 p.m.

Mood:- okay

:?-Current Music - Green Day - Time of Your Life

*There's a Time and a Place*

This is neither. All my venting is put aside for personal observation only, on a separate area for displaying my thoughts. It's amazing how much of a release it is to just write. My one escape from my mind.. everyone needs an outlet. Much like this website I seem to have neglected my need to express how I'm feeling. There's something different when actually seeing the words you've blurted out all over a page; a home for discontent feelings and insecurities. It becomes exhausting when having to deal with those but I know it's something I just have to do. And thankfully, I'm capable of it. Because I know who I am. I'm aware of my flaws, my strengths, my abilities to handle situations. I may be indecisive, but when I make up my mind I stick with that decision. But I won't be close-minded. I'll open myself up once again to a possible catastrophe of emotional proportions. It's silly really; When you touch a stove and get burned, you know not to touch it again..

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:?-June 17, 2003 :?- 1:14 p.m.

Mood:- fine

:?-Current Music - Q and not U - Hooray for Humans

*Ahhh Neglect*

I seem to have 'forgotten' about my website. It's been quite a while since I've done anything to it, including update. I'm hoping to spend more time on this..hmm.. yeah. Anyways, I'm off to do, something else now.

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:?-May 20, 2003 :?- 4:30 a.m.

Mood:- fine

:?-Current Music - _________

*Rest Easy OK?*

I wish I didn't give a damn about who I hurt; Seems some people don't.

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:?-May 12, 2003 :?- 2:39 p.m.


:?-Current Music - R Kelly - Ignition remix

*Jumpin the Fence*

Angela is great :) We just went swimming. It's awesome to have a friend like her. Someone who cares and is sensitive to other people's feelings. This summer is going to be awesome too. We're going up to Virginia Beach and staying with my Uncle in Norfolk which is just 20 minutes away from the ocean. So free lodging =) haha.. yeah and then once we're all tanned and stuff we'll be driving across the country.. bout 2200 miles. lol. Going to go visit peoples! =) I'm so excited. We're going to go through Utah and I can take her to New Haven.. so yeah..now I'm just waitin for her to get back from Brian's.. swimming wears me out man. Not to mention I got a little amount of sleep.. thanks Russ ;) Well I'm gunna go do.. something else. =) lata.

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:?-May 5, 2003 :?- 3:07 a.m.


:?-Current Music - Tom Petty - You Don't Know How It Feels

*My Life Began 3 Years Ago This Day*

There are things in life that are just unfair. Loss, Love, Rejection...Lonliness. But there's always someone there, you may not feel it, but they're defintely there. With you, supporting you. Because you are the truest friend I have ever had. I hate that your tears are endless tonight, and that he that should care, does not. Someday you'll leave this all behind. Just don't leave me behind; 'cuz I want out too.

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:?-May 1, 2003 :?- Rather Not Say


:?-Current Music - Further Seems Forever

*Lots of Thinking*

I would just like to say thank you to Angela.. seriously =) I love you! I'll eat pizza lunchables with you in the middle of the night while trying to figure out strange sounds around us anytime! I would rather have one really close friend then 10 people to just hang out with. It's nice to hang out but everything can change so rapidly. The dynamic of our group has taken a drastic turn and I'm just so thankful I have one person who I know I can count on. Screw the rest of you lol.. nah I dunno.. I get angry but I forgive, but I'm still angry. You don't throw personal things back in people's faces maliciously. I've never, ever understood people like that. No matter how much you're hurting and you want that person to suffer too, you just do not do it. It's called being grown up about a situation. K I'm done preaching/venting. Tomorrow err today, is a new day. And I'm in need of some medicinal attention stat.

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:?-April 30, 2003 :?- 7:36 p.m.


:?-Current Music - B52's - Love Shack

*It's Amazing How Close you can feel to someone when you just let yourself feel *

All this time Geocities has not been letting me update. And sooo much as been going on, it's crazy. But everything is alright now; as much as it can be. Just gotta keep on goin'.

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:?-April 17, 2003 :?- 9:42 p.m.

Mood:?-worn out

:?-Current Music - Further Seems Forever - The Sound

*Good Lord.*

Sometimes working with the public is so damn frustrating. Why can't people just be polite? Why must they be assholes?? I really really hope the next few days of Disney on Ice aren't like tonight. I mean, I can handle it.. it's just.. people suck. And Disney, everyone knows I love it, also sucks. They have like 10 different voucher coupon things and they've made selling their tickets extremely complicated. K I'm done venting; or not one more thing.. I'm not looking forward to getting up at 6 tomorrow.. and working until 8:30 or 9. It's money.. it's money.. have to keep telling myself that. Come visit me! Do it! K. Anyways I'm gunna go eat something.. anger makes me so very hungry. :) Bye.

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:?-April 16, 2003 :?- 4:40 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Count the Stars - Left in July

*I'd Rather Not Be Here*

So.. waiting on family to come over. I usually love Passover but there's something different this year.. Ah yes, I don't want to be here. Course I have to get over it and stick it out..so that's what I'll do. Good news though, Tara called and said the show for tomorrow morning is canceled so I don't have to go in at 8:30 in the morning! Hell yes.. I hate the a.m. Anyways, I'm waiting on Andy now. He's bringing me a cookie! lol I'm so easily pleased it's not even funny. I look alright today but I smell like clorox.. that sucks. Oh well I'm clean :) lol I better go do something so it looks like I care.

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:?-April 15, 2003 :?- 4:44 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Count the Stars - All Good Things

*You Make Me Happy*

Ok so this is new for me but I'm defintely catching on. to you. you know. I love being with all those people; makes me feel alive again. I can't wait for the Further show next week! Like I need more emo lol. And Angela, I love you girl. Don't worry; I promise. I have to go get ready for math now...joy. Later!

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:?-April 13, 2003 :?- 6:03 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Reggie and the Full Effect - Relive the Magic

*insomniac got sleep*

It's been awhile since I updated here. A lot has gone on. Been hanging out with new people which has been great. Aaaand got my computer back.. it was so sick and I lost almost everything on it. =( but it'll be ok, it's good to start over once in awhile. I don't really feel like typing anymore right now.. This living thing is getting hard.

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:?-April 5, 2003 :?- 4:19 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Further Seems Forever - I Am

*Oh Well.*

I really want to go to the show in Athens tonight :( but I have to work. Selling tickets to middle aged people stuck in the 80's at the Big Hair Prom. Maybe I should bring a camera lol. It's just I know I'll get home and no one will be around to do anything and thinking about that pisses me off. So I'll put it out of my mind.. like many other things.. and go do my job. I have to finish getting ready now, just needed to vent a little.

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:?-April 2, 2003 :?- 10:27 p.m.


:?-Current Music - Coheed & Cambria

*Makes Me Smile*

I really, really have missed hanging out with everyone. Lots of good nights lately. I don't really have all the much to say right now.. just killin time.. Angela and I watched part of Fifth Element; a total classic. And the guys were so funny tonight..blah ok anyways. I'm gunna go.. do something else. :)

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