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Loving (and sarcstically) refered by the rest of us as "Mouth", Robbie's a very quiet guy, yet he knows the perfect time to interject on smart comment that's has you rolling! Robbie loves football, is that best Halo (straight video games player) I've ever come across. He has a very genuine peace and love in him that makes him great to hang out with.
Robbie Shimming
Age: 20, Sept. 13th, 1984
Lives In: St. Joe, currently
Likes: Football
Doesn't Like: Being load
First Met: April 2003, volenteering at the AFT in Kansas City
"...........in the eyes of the beholder"
Sheresa is one of the girls that sees the world a little differently than the rest of us, and it's always hilarious. So easy to get along with, likeable, she's like a breath of fresh air one the rougher days around here. She comes from a big family already, so her big sister and tollerance for others qualities are an amazing blessing to the rest of us. Laid back, very creative, hilarious, I love my sister in Christ.
Sheresa Zion
Age: 20, March 29th, 1984
Lives In: St. Joseph
Likes: Soundtracks, funny movies
Doesn't Like: Conforming
First Met: Sept 2003, at church the first day of Auxano
"What am I? A dog that you come at me with STICKS?....Had you not plowed with my heifer, you would have solved my riddle!"
When Derek first showed up in my room it looked like he'd brought his whole apartment with him. Well he did (guys got some nice stuff!) Derek's a very smart guy, entrepreneur and has a huge desire to study the world and grow in the Lord. He works in Solomon's Porch too, and is involved in Elevation with Pastor Shea. He's also trying to grow his fro back. Rock on.
Derek Evans
Age: 21, Nov 24, 1983
Lives In: St. Joe, currently
Likes: "The Tingler"
Doesn't Like: Clothes from Wal-Mart
First Met: Feb 2003, at WOLC, while he visited Auxano.
"Oh, you turkey!"
Nathan French
Age: 21, May 18th, 1983
Lives In: St. Joe, currently
Likes: Making movies, acting, Oral Roberts
Doesn't Like: Sleeping in
First Met: July of 2003, he came down for Elevation at WOLC.
He's been to ORU, he's amazing in the world of dramatic expression, he's so SMART you think his head explode... Nathan's a very gifted friendly guy who we all know has a strong calling on his life. He's ment alot to whatever ministry he's been with (PROPS, woo hoo!) And he's the greatest dancer ever! Yah!
"Captain Jack Sparrow... yeah, at ORU......"
I really didn't know what to think of Brandon at first. Now I know he's a big guy with a big heart who can easily relate to anyone he meets. We've had many deep conversations on theology (which he loves to debate) He's so much fun to hang out with, plus he has this split personality named Grimice who's a very special boy. ("Grimace ride the bus wit' Patrick Evensuuuun. He's the bestest bus driver in the whole wow-uld.") Much love Brandon. ( I hate you )
Charles "Brandon" Haag
Age: 22, Oct. 7th, 1982
Lives In: St. Joe, currently
Likes: Acustic guitar, debating
Doesn't Like: Spooning
First Met: Sept 2003, the first day of Auxano at the campus house.
"Haha, right on!"
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