By: Mommy Ann

With leg cramps, I'm so terrified...
Some sleepless nights, I cried;
Couldn't ignore the pain 'though I tried,
In the bathroom, I run to hide.

I scream for cramps anywhere,
Yet so glad your daddy's here;
To massage me and show his care,
For mommy and esp. for you, little girl!

It's a GIRL
By: Mommy Ann

Today,  the doctor we're going to see,
To find out what are you gonna be;
Boy or girl...we're excited to know,
As the ultrasound checks of what you're going to show.

Oh, how glad we are to know,
When the doctor sees the organ you show;
It's a girl...it's a girl...your dad was in tears,
While holding my hands and embraces me with care.

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