JMT 37

J 29717

Despite the extent of the damage to this JMT Ford R1014, which lost a battle with a granite wall around 1990, the bus was sent to England for repairs and is still in service today. The route it was serving at the time is clearly seen, one of the many involving narrow roads, although it is obvious that it wasn't just a brush with a grass bank.

The advertising livery is a reminder of the days when the promotion of tobacco products on public service vehicles was not considered unacceptable. Around 1992, when the policy to renew such contracts on expiry changed, many vehicles were simply repainted white until the introduction of a revised fleet livery in mid-1993, and few buses at the time carried the fleet colours of blue and white. Number 37 has been in fleet colours since the mid 1990s and the newer vehicles notably the Dennis Darts now form the majority of the fleet used for adverts.

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