Inuyasha Pics

Oooh, prettiful sunlight! ^.^ Fireflies! ^_^ Partaaaay! Battle time I'll be fine! Grrr! Pucker up! Aww, kawaii. ^.^ Oooh, ahh... Look into my mirror... Baaaad people >.< Brawl between the brothers Fun fun! Aww, such a cute couple ^.^ More group fun! Aww, cute! One of my faves ^-^ Another group piccie Yet another group piccie Can they really be friends? Aww... Friends to the end, ne? Suuuushiiiii... Lol The three girls of Inuyasha Awwwww.... Sugoi! Hmm... Sugoi! ^_^ Tweak the ears!! Aww...! Who will be chosen? Personally I'd want to be with someone alive and that didn't want to drag me to hell... o_O It makes me wonder if that's a splatter of purplish blood in the background... Double shot of Inu! ^.^ Japanese symbols are so cool. ^-^ Aww! His head is in her lap!! And they're getting along. ^_^ So kawaii. Awwww!! I like this pic. Those three are cute together in a pic, especially when Kirara is in her chibi form. Shippo-chan! ^_^
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