This is a Tribute page to John Shea the actor of Mutant X. He stars as Adam in the show who is the leather of the team. But before that he was one of the creators who made these mutants.Now the GSA who he had worked for is trying to corret there mistakes by caporing all the mutants. So now its up to him to make up a team of Mutants and train them to fight back but with all his  efforts to train them he also helped them control and understand there mutant powers. He created a mutant Sanctuary, for all the mutants to findout there true self and become one with there mutant powers.  The charcator Adam is more and less of a mistery man eve he own team doesnt know much about him as the days and missions go on they learn more of their mistery leader.
John Shea, who is one of the olderest actors on the show has acted a lot in his life and still continues to do great with all his effort. He trulys thinks and acts young cause he preforms great stuns in Mutant X. He shows his talent will when in some episodes he kicks ass with martial arts. Even when it comes to trying to catch up to the youger actors, he does great in that field.
Actor Info:
John Shea (Adam)
He acted in Lois and Clark the new adventures of superman as Lex Luthor in 1993-1994
he also acted in:
Thats Life
Sex In the city
The human interest story 1985
The man form Atlantis
The adventures of Sebastian Cole
Awill of their own
How I learned to drive

John Shea:
Born: Massachusetts USA
Age: around his 40s
Collage: Yale School Of Drama
Ahievments in school: scholarship for football.
Acting, directioning: ( won an emmy for the movie Baby M)
For more info on the show check out there site at
Hosted by