Jessica's Biography
Like many others I started dressing from an early age. I remember when I was about 8 or 9 trying on my sisters clothes one day and guess what - I liked it. I progressed to raiding my sister's wardrobe and at night wearing her skirts, dresses, slips and knickers in bed. This continued for a while until one day my mum decided to change the bedclothes and discovered the previous nights borrowed items. When I cam home I was compassionatly approached by my mum who asked me what was I doing with my sisters clothes. I honestly told her I had been trying them on and could not explain why I was doing it. Needless to say this put an end to my dressing adventures for a few years. I often think back and wonder what was the compulsion at such a young age to crossdress and I still dont know what made me do it.

Several years later when I was about 13 or 14, I was in the bathroom and I noticed a pair of tights hanging in the laundry basket. Once again for no apparent reason I tried them on. They were heaven. the feel of the nylon was great. Naturally at this age all sorts of confusing thoughts were going through my head however the one thing that I was sure of was that I wanted to do it again (Once the post dressing guilt died down). The next weekend when everyone was away I tentatively entered my mums bedroom and headed straight for her underwear drawer. My mum obviously had a taste for nice underwear and I spent the afternoon dressed in a pair of french knickers, suspenders, stockings, slip and bra. Once again it felt great. Even at an age when hormones were rushing through me it was more a comfort that a sexual thrill - a sense of well being if you would like. I replaced everything very carefully and had made sure I noted in what order her drawers were packed (no pun intended) as after my earlier experience it probably would not have taken her long to figure out who was rummaging in her things. In the next few months I tried on just about everything in my mums underwear drawers and then progressed on to my sisters things.
Like many other people my dressing adventures died down when I left home and went to college. Sharing a flat with others did not present me with many opportunities to dress. Then when I started working and had my own place I started to dress again. Once again my dressing centered around wearing lingerie and night gowns. In 1998 I discovered the internet and suddenly I was exposed to a massive amount of information on crossdressing. I spent many evenings surfing the web and admiring girls from all around the world. Even with this discovery it took me another couple of years to register an email address and start communicating with other girls.

Eventually with a lot of encouragement from one of my new friends (thanks a million Marie) in 2001 I purchased a wig, a dress and all of the other items I needed to develop my femine image. When I dressed fully en-femme for the first time I realised that my lingerie wearing was just a stepping stone to developing my passion in full. At the moment I am very much a novice and I am still learning with every dressing session. I am fully in the closet and as I stated earlier I am strictly heterosexual. I would love someday to meet with other girls and I would also love to have a dressing session in one of the many transformation botiques. However for now I have accepted who and what I am and I have developed this website in the hope of being able to communicate with other girls from all around the wourld. I have recently had communiaction with a cd from Japan which just goes to show how extensive the internet really is. Anyone else out there who wishes to contact me please do so as i will be delighted to hear from you.


In February of this year (2002) I paid a visit to Transformations in Birmingham for a makeover. I have to admit that I did not like it one bit. I felt very cheap and thought there was something very sleazy about the whole place. The girls in the shop were lovely but the end result did not impress me much. I'm not great at makeup but I felt I could have done better myself. The whole experience resulted in me withdrawing from my time as Jessica and it is only in the last couple of months that I have embraced my femme side again and finally realised that I cannot deny my feelings. I have also decided that it is now time for me to meet up with some other girls - don't ask me exactly how I will do this, all I can say is watch this space.

I have become a member of the UK Angels. This is a brilliant group of girls and for the first time I feel that I belong to a community. I am hoping that being a part of this group will help me to come out of my shell and meet some of the other wonderful girls in the group.

I have started to do a lot of travelling all over England and Ireland and I am getting many opportunities to dress. Now that I am getting chances to dress I am no longer satisfied to dress in a hotel room and I feel more and more the urge to meet up with other girls or to go out to a cd/tv friendly club or pub.............
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