Jewish Warriors

Resource Links
Norman J. Finkelshteyn Editor

[email protected]

Historical Overview

Caveats in Researching Jewish History

Hairstyle of the Jewish Khazar

Jewish Partisans in WWII

Israel Today --
Notes on the Current Conflict

Readings of interest

Submissions Guidelines

Copyright and Authoring information

Norman Finkelshteyn's
Armour History Site

Silk Road Designs Armoury

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The links and addresses provided at this page are not in any way under the control or supervision of this site or its author or editor. I have tried my best to make sure that all of them are relevant to and advance the stated purposes of this WEB Site (see Submissions Guidelines).
If you would like to Submit a Resource Link or Address or if you find that a resource listed here is, in some way, Inappropriate, please proceed below, to Guidelines for Resource Submission.
NO Advertising is accepted by this site and all listings are FREE and provided as an informational service.
Sites that are not just informational but provide goods and services are divided into two categories - Reviewed and Unreviewed.
Reviewed resources are listed with comments and a review of the product or service they provided.
Unreviewed resources are listed with a brief description of the claim made by the provider.
If you are afraid of a bad review, do not send me the product.

[ Informational Sites ][ Portal Sites ][ Products and Services ]

Informational Sites
Armour of the Silk Road Historical overview site -
Of use for those who want to know just what the Jewish Warriors of old wore into battle.
This is my site -- "Jewish Warriors" started as one article on that site. The site centers on the armour of Central Asia's nomadic nations and shows their relation to the armour in the rest of the world. It is quite an extensive site. Started more than three years ago, it is continuously growing as I add to and improve the material presented.

The following World War II Sites were provided by Andrew Strassmann with his article on
the Jewish Resistance - notes are his

The Ghetto Fighter�s House: Museum of the Holocaust and Resistance.

Israeli museum with searchable archives. Many articles and pictures online.

Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. -
Uses the history of genocide and resistance to it to argue for the right to bear arms.

Museum of the Slovak National Uprising.

Museum in Slovakia dedicated to their 1944 armed uprising against the Germans, one result of which was the Jewish Novaky brigade.
Anniversary of the said Uprising -

Simon Wiesenthal Center -
Has material on the Warsaw Ghetto uprising as well as general Holocaust information.

Jewish Portal Sites
The following sites provide massive lists of Links of general Jewish interest. Note - the sheer size and scope of these sites does not necessarily allow for careful review of the sites listed. While they do try, it is often hard to distinguish at first glance a genuine resource from an anti-Semitic provocation.
Leonard Grossman's Lengthy List of Jewish Links --

Products and Services
Reviewed Sites [ Unreviewed Sites ]
The Silk Road Designs Armoury on line --
For the reenactor or collector. This is the online catalogue for an armoury that offers hand made, custom armour. The armourer (this is my armoury) is well versed in Historical Style and is a skilled craftsman. The catalogue is substantially incomplete and the interested visitor is better off visiting the sister site Historical Overview to get ideas before contacting the armoury.
Read the Review

Unreviewed Sites [ Reviewed Sites ]

Resource Submission Guidelines

Please send all communications to the Editor at [email protected]
The Subject of new submissions must be "jew-war links new".
The Subject of complaints must be "jew-war links bad".
E-mail with attachments will not be opened.
All communication must be simple TEXT E-mail.
Your resource does not have to be a WEB Site. Simply provide the address or phone number of the resource instead of the URL address (otherwise follow the submissions rules below).
For a new submission provide the URL for your site, a Title for the entry (if you want one), and a short description of your site.
For a complaint provide the URL and Title I have for the site and a description of what your issue with that site is.

All submissions MUST comply with the general rules for submissions fully stated at the page Submissions Guidelines.
NO Advertising is accepted by this site and all listings are FREE and provided as an information service.
Sites that are not just informational but provide goods and services are divided into two categories - Reviewed and Unreviewed.
Reviewed resources are listed with comments and a review of the product or service they provided. A small banner is permitted for reviewed resources.
Unreviewed resources are listed with a brief description of the claim made by the provider.
E-mail for details on providing a product for review.
Reviews will be as unbiased as human nature allows.
If you are afraid of a bad review, do not send me the product.

Main Page

Articles and Illustrations by Norman J. Finkelshteyn.
Web Site designed and implemented by Silk Road Designs.
Contact us at [email protected]
Copyright Norman J. Finkelshteyn 1997 - 2000 -- All articles and illustrations at this web site are Copyright protected material. Use of these articles and illustrations is subject to appropriate restrictions under United States, International, and local Law.

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