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Has Chairman Arafat and the "Palestinian Authority" declared Holy-War against Judaism and Christianity (and History itself)?
The "Palestinian Authority" has begun excavations on the Temple Mount.

posted December 5, 2000
The enclosed letter is a press release from Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organisation of America.
Judging from this letter, Chairman Arafat has been reading his George Orwell, and may surpass all previous dictators in carrying through the philosophies of Totalitarian thought control.
While the founders of Islam sought to build on history, choosing the site of the Jewish Temples as symbolic of their own connections to that Holiness, Chairman Arafat's government seems to be intending to wipe out the memory of Three Thousand Years of history and basis of even their own sacred spaces.

IZAIA Talking Points
A Publication of Hadassah�s National Israel, Zionist and International Affairs Department

December 4, 2000
7 Kislev 5761

Palestinian Attempts to Undermine Evidence of Jewish History on the Temple Mount

One aspect of the recent anti-Israel violence perpetrated by the Palestinians is an attempt to transform the political struggle to achieve a Palestinian state into a religious war of Islam versus Judaism and Christianity. In this effort, the Palestinians are simultaneously attacking Jewish religious institutions around the world and Jewish holy sites in Eretz Yisrael. At the center of this effort is an attempt to religiously and physically eradicate Jewish historical ties to Har haBayit, the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem. By erasing all archeological evidence of Jewish worship at this site, they hope to garner international recognition of the Temple Mount as solely a Muslim holy site, and not one shared by Islam, Christianity and Judaism

Palestinians Altering the Status Quo:

  1. The Palestinian Authority has taken control over the waqf - the Islamic religious authority - contrary to the signed Israeli-Palestinian agreements. Previously, the waqf was comprised of officials appointed by the Jordanian government.

  2. Under the auspices of the waqf, the PA is changing the status quo on the Temple Mount, in an attempt to eradicate all evidence of Jewish historical connection to the site. PA Chairman Yasser Arafat has publicly stated that Jews do not have any historical connection to the Temple Mount.

  3. By undermining Jewish historicity on the Temple Mount, Arafat and the waqf also are undermining Christian historicity. The Temple Mount is the site where Jesus had his pidyon ha-ben ceremony, where he confronted the religious authorities of the time, where he overturned the tables of the moneychangers in his attempt to reform the Judaism of his day. Christians also believe that Mary, Jesus� mother, lived on the Temple Mount during the formative years of her childhood.

  4. According to Israeli archeologists, the PA is in the process of paving over the Temple Mount and digging 12-14 meters down underneath the current plaza. This excavation, which is being executed around the clock, is destroying precious Jewish artifacts from both the First and Second Temples. This digging is not connected to building any additional mosques on the site, and is not being undertaken within the recognized parameters of the Israeli archeological authorities.

  5. The PA waqf plans to turn the Temple Mount into the largest open-air mosque in the world. This would permanently alter the nature of the holy site, in an attempt to erase any physical Jewish connection to Judaism�s holiest site.

Jewish Connection to Har haBayit, the Temple Mount:

  1. The Temple Mount is Judaism�s holiest religious site. For 3,000 years, Jews have made this site the focus of their worship - both during the time of the First and Second Temples, and afterward. Today, Jews pray three times each day in the direction of this site, maintaining its centrality in Judaism.

  2. Archeological evidence has identified the Temple Mount as the site of the First and Second Temple. This evidence includes the identification of Solomon�s Stables, several excavations, and the recovery of decorations from the High Priest�s vestments.

  3. While some Rabbinic authorities have forbidden Jews from visiting the Temple Mount, not all rabbis agree. Moreover, the reason that some authorities have made this proscription is to ensure that Jews do not approach the "Holy of Holies," and not, as some Palestinians have erroneously claimed, because the site is not at all holy to the Jewish people. In fact, the Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism, and this prohibition is designed to protect its sanctity.

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