The Black Hand Armoury

Sword Maintenance kit!.

Congratulations on buying this fine sword, and weapon maintenance kit, using this should help keep your weapons in fine working order for many years to come.

Your maintenance kit should contain;


To de-burr a sword blade after battle, first use the file to remove the worst of the marks, and re-form the metal. using the file across the blade will achieve the best results, and file until the blade is flat, an clean.

Next using the sanding paper, stroke lengthways along the blade, to smooth the finish or the blade, and rmove any smaller burrs.

After that, using the leather, rough ide first, then clean side polish the blade, and clean it of any metal filings. The filings should gather eventually on the leather, creating a very fine sanding, which will improve the smoothness of the blade as time goes on.

Adding a little ionised oil to the heavy cloth rub a fine sheen of oil to the blade. The oilis magnetised, and shall hold tight to the blade forming a protective barrier saving the blade from rust, and corrosion.

Finally polish in the oil with the linen, to bring her up to a fine shine.

Last of all, go to the beer tent with your finely maintained sword, and show it off to your envious mates ovr a tankard or two of ale!

Try to avoid touching the blade with bare fingers, as burrs can be sharp, and the oil on your skin is slightly corrosive, the finer the blade steel, the easier it will corrode.

Repeat when necessary, and your sword, or weapon should be clean, safe, and well kept for many years of happy use!

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