Carlo Bommarito

Outfit Associate

The son of longtime Detroit crime figure Francesco Bommarito, Carlo was a 1985 graduate of Detroit's Roseville High. Following graduation Carlo spent 4 years in the Navy where he worked as a mechanic. Following the completion of his Naval commitment Carlo returned to Detroit where he found work in his father's catalytic converter business. Government officials contend that Carlo also set out to follow in his fathers foot steps in the criminal world as well. Police charged the younger Bommarito with 2 seperate counts of armed robbery in home invasion style robberies against 2 convicted drug dealers which occurred within 13 days of one another in mid Febuary of 1991. Found of fast cars and even faster women, Carlo became something of a local celebrity when his Trans Am equipped with $25,000 dollars worth of stereo equipment placed first in the annual car Warz Competition held at the Pontiac Silverdome. This Trans Am would later be reported stolen and then damaged in a strange twist which would lead to an 8 month jail term for his father for falsely filing an insurance claim. The underworld of Carlo Bommarito reached it's pinnacle "so far at least," when he was spotted on August 27 1991 speeding away from a burning trash facility in Warren Michigan. Carlo drew the attention of a police helicopter when his red Corvette was spotted speeding away from area in which the trash facility was located moments after it burst into flames. Bommarito crashed his car into a parked jeep but escaped temporarilly with a citation for driving recklessly. Carlo Bommarito's alibi was offered up in an interview his father gave to the Detroit Free Press in a 1993 interview in which he claimed "he fled because he was having sex with a married woman,". This explanation stood up untill John Pree "an old friend and member of a crew of young mob associate's who drew their assignments from gambling boss Vito Giacalone," provided damaging testimony that he and young Carlo had firebombed the trash facility on the order of Giacalone who had hopes of eliminating competition for a company operated by Detroit Outfit friend and beneficiary Anthony Soave of Grosse Pointe Shores. With Pree's defection it seemed assured that Carlo Bommarito would have to serve a substancial amount of jail time for the firebombing and home invasion robberies. Things looked really bad when new charges were brought against Bommarito and other members of the crew for stealing a front end loader in Macomb county. Bommarito's future was dramatically altered when he was acquitted on the home invasion charges when it was learned that the two alledged victims were convicted drug dealers one of which was serving time during the trial and the other was convicted of tax evasion resulting from charges brought against him just prior to the start of Carlo Bommarito's trial. Carlo's fate was helped further when John Pree called for an end to his co-operation agreement with authorities forcing the D.A to drop the charges in connection with the stolen skip loader. With the most serious charges no longer a worry, the last of young Bommarito's legal woes were removed when his firebombing trial ended with a hung jury. Without the testimony of John Pree, prosecutors felt the chance of conviction was not very good and declined to refile charges in that case. Carlo Bommarito escaped his legal troubles and was reportedly made into the Detroit family in 1995 during ceremony in which Jack Tocco under took what has become a rare occurance in the Detroit underworld. 1
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