James Galici

Windsor faction section leader

FBI# 4247519

By the time young Jimmy Galici had been featured as a section leader in the Windsor faction of the Detroit Outfit, he had risen to the upper levels of the Windsor faction as the handpicked succesor to Cockeyed Joe Catalonotte. Galici had cut his teeth under Catalonotte participating in old Joe's gambling enterprises while also doing a bit of counterfitting. Galici's rise through the ranks was halted by a 1950 narcotics conviction which cost him his exhaulted position within the family. Upon his return from prison, Galici returned to the drug trade serving as an aide to Sam Caruso. Galici never regained the status he had enjoyed before his conviction and by the time the Valachi hearings roled around had been superceded in the faction by both Caruso and young Jimmy Finazzo a relative of an important member of the Detroit partners. 1
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