Gerald James Hayes

Toledo Gambler


Local Boy

Toledo Ohio has the produced some of the biggest names in gambling over the years. Men like Jackie Kennedy, Billy Scott, Chalky Red Yaranowsky, Bill Pompili, Irving Shapiro and the Walker brothers Ed, Louis and George gained national reputations running some of the top gambling establishments in the world. Most of these names owe their success to pioneers like Gerald James Hayes. Known as Jimmy, Hayes was one of the first and last independent Toledo gamblers to establish himself as a major player outside of the Toledo area with the highly successful Ramona Casino in Harbor Springs, Michigan. The establishment of the Ramona was quite an accomplishment for Hayes who began his career as a driver of a horse drawn carriage carrying the local high rollers to the hottest spots. As the automobile age dawned, Jimmy was one of the first drivers to retire his horse carriage in favor of the auto. Hayes joined Charles (Chaw) Scalley, Jimmie McFarland and Bobbie Smenner in establishing Toledo's first motorized taxi service. From the corner of Madison Avenue and St Clair Street, their cars stood awaiting the cream of the gambling crop. It was during this time that Hayes learned the ins and outs of the gambling business. After several years of saving his fair and the generous tips of his patrons, Jimmy moved into the gambling arena himself. Well known to the operators and the players, the likeable Hayes had no trouble establishing himself amoung the important people in Toledo and quickly word spread about the honest games run by Hayes. In addition to the gamblers, Jimmy's success was also noted by the local authorities who launched a raid of the Villa (a Hayes owned gambling spot,)in which police found 75 couples spending their hard earned cash in the facility equipped with roulette wheels, slot machines dice games and more. The raid which took place on August 14, 1924 cost Hayes the clubs $1,500 dollar take that night and served as the catalyst for his expansion into Ohio. As Hayes gained in stature, he branched out and opened several nightspots in Cleveland.

Money and Trouble In Cleveland

Ever mindful of a lucrative business oppurtunity, Jimmy Hayes moved into Cleveland in a big way during the mid twenties opening the Washington club and the Taylor Bowl a boxing arena located just blocks from the Washington. Inspite of his success and likeable persona with the patrons of his houses of chance, Hayes success provided the oppurtunity to make plenty enemies some of them potentially deadly. While business was smooth in Cleveland his intrusion on the turf of the local mob was taken as a personal affront. When approached about cutting the pie up and allowing the local boys a piece of the action, Hayes politely declined the offer and continued to operate unafraid of the certain repercussions. The reply to his denial was delivered on the night of September 9, 1926 when a car load of gunmen pulled along side of Hayes near Jefferson and Sixteenth street and unloaded a charge from a sawed off shotgun. Hayes hit in the head, shoulder and left side, crashed his auto into a tree where he lost consciousness. Jimmy was critically wounded in the attack suffering from the effects of the crash and more than 20 buckshot that were extracted from his body during a long surgery performed at St. Vincent's Hospital. Investigator's later learned that the Washington had been bombed shortly before the ambush which nearly killed the Toledo gambler. The shooting of Jimmy Hayes served to remind him of how dangerous life can be for an unprotected operator in a foreign land. Inspite of the close call, Hayes continued to operate in and around Cleveland and eventually moved into Northern Michigan where the Ramona Club became a symbol of his influence and may have led to his death.

Jimmy and the Licavoli Invasion

When gangland boss Yonnie Licavoli moved his gang into Toledo following his release form a Canadian prison in 1931, the local boys were split into two factions. Those who gave up their independence and joined the Licavoli mob and those who refused and were immediately targeted for elimination. Initially Jimmy was one of those who refused and took up arms. While the mostj recognized symbol of rebellion during this time was Jimmy's fellow Irish gangster/gambler Jackie Kennedy, Jimmy lent his support, influence and experience in combating the unwanted takeover. While Jackie battled on the front lines in some cases knocking out some of the toughest Licavoli gang members with his fists and dodging automatic weapon fire. Jimmy supported the effort with his money and political connections. While not totally unmolested by the locals, Jimmy was allowed to operate rather freely while most of the attention went to the Licavoli's and their operations. For a period lasting nearly three full years, Jackie Kennedy and a handful of others engaged in a battle which littered the Toledo streets with the bodies of those to subborn to bow to the will of the Licavoli gang. Following the death of Jackie and the jailing of Yonnie Licavoli and his entire gang, only one man was left standing in Toledo and that was Jimmy Hayes. This struck some members of the underworld as odd and a plan was put in motion to silence the song that was believed to have been sung by Jimmy in a desperate attempt to free Toledo's symbol of evil.

The Death Of Gerald Jimmy Hayes

On the morning of Thursday, October 4, 1934 the headlines blared the discovery of the body of Gerald Hayes the suave master of gambling in Toledo in a Detroit alley. Hayes had travelled to Detroit with a party of friends and business associates to attend the opening game of the world series. Hayes reportedly checked into the Book-Cadillac Hotel where he met with Edward Young a Toledo businessman who had made the trip as a member of the Hayes party. Hayes was later spotted in the company of several members of the Detroit mob faction headed by Yonnie's brother Pete at the Club Maxine. Amoung those seen in Jimmy's company were Charles Bracco and the infamous Joe Massie, a gunman known to have committed several killings on behalf of the Licavoli interests. The events leading to the 7am discovery of Hayes bullet riddled corpse slumped against a fence in a Detroit alley remain cloudy but speculation immediately led to an investigation which focused on Hayes involvement in gambling in Northern Michigan. By operating in the backyard of the Detroit family and refusing to pay or allow them a piece of the action much like the situation years before in Cleveland returned to claim the life of the old gambler. Later reports pointed to the start of the Licavoli trial for murder and the rumor that Hayes had secretly given testimony detailing the Licavoli activities in Toledo. Whatever the case, Jimmy Hayes is officially listed as the 15th victim in the battle for control of Toledo's rackets during the early '30s.
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