Peter N. Lazaros

Director of the Pascuzzi Combine

Once discribed as a one man crime wave, Pete Lazaros was a convicted perjurer and suspected jewl theif. Lazaros sparked a sensation in 1971 when he was convicted of perjury after bringing fourth an elaborate tell of payoffs made by members of the partnership to public officials in Detroit. Lazaros who had a history of heart problems died of a heart attack in April of 1978 just days after having been released from jail in Pontiac, Michigan where he faced trial on 10 counts of fraud. The schemes including the defrauding of several banks and private citizens. Upon his death, authorities learned that Lazaros had been hiding a secret deep within his belly in the form of a stolen diamond ring. Lazaros apparently swallowed the ring valued at the time at $35,000 during a showing by Danaos employees in his hotel room at the Piere in January of 1977. Authorities believe Lazaros secreted the ring within his body to avoid detection by law enforcement agents who were watching his every move. The ring described as which featured two emerald cut diamonds set in platinum was returned to its rightful owner following its removal from the remains of the 44 year old Lazaros. 1
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