Paul Vitale

Lieutenant/Waste Disposal

Paul Vitali

Who was Paul Vitale?

Born in Cinisi, Palermo Sicily on May 16, 1908, Paul Vitale became a fixture in Greektown gambling circles with his younger but more infamous brother Peter. At 5'7" and 175 lbs, Paul was also the smaller of the duo but was no less important in syndicate affairs. Vitale's criminal record is rather tame in comparison to some of his associates containing a mere 5 entries with the most serious coming on a dimissed charge of investigation of robbery armed and carrying a concealed weapon which was wiped out after he agreed to pay $150 in court cost in connection with the May 22,1949 arrest. Paul's family connections also are evidence of his standing in the Detroit outfit as two of his son-in-laws "Anthony and Dominic Corrado," were the sons of a highly placed and respected member of the partnershipp (Pietro "Pete aka the enforcer" Corrado," untill his death in 1957. Paul was connected through the years with his brother Peter aka Bozzi, bozzi's son-in-laws Joseph Barbara Jr, and Nick Micelli, Tony Milazzo the son of a legendary underworld figure killed in a shooting linked to the formation of the Detroit outfit, Joe Saragusa, Procopio Pizzo in addition to the aforementioned Corrado brohters.

Paul and Tri-County Sanitation Services

Paul was one of the original investors in Tri-County Sanitation Services, a mob controlled company which listed Joseph Barbara Jr, as the companies owner upon it's February of 1962 debut. The story of Tri-County is covered more thoroughly in the bio's Joseph Barbara Jr, and Peter Vitale so there is no need to rehash the events and circumstances surrounding the company here. It is important however to note that Paul received 1/4 of the proceeds of $1.5 million in liquidated stock arising from the sale of Tri-County to the Boston based company SCA Services Inc in 1972. Vitale remained a key figure in the trash hauling business along with family members and another mob associate Rafaelle Quasarano with the formation of Central Sanitation Services. This would prove to be a key point in the career of all involved as the sale of Tri-County and the establishment of Central Sanitation would prove to be a headache for all in involved.

Hoffa and a Tax Fraud Conviction

Paul was one of several outfit members and associate called to testify about the 1975 disappearance of former IBT leader James Hoffa. Paul's interest in Central Sanitation and the often repeated rumor that the facility had been used to dispose of the remains of at least 10 murder victms including those of Hoffa led to his becoming a notorious national figure after nearly 50 years of anomity. The Hoffa investigation turned up no evidence which could be used in the formation of a murder case but investigators did find out enough about the financial dealings of the Vitale's to bring them up on charges of income tax fraud in November of 1979. Paul then living in Leonard, Michigan became the central figure as he appeared with his attorney Peter J. Bellanca on November 21st to anserw to the charges. At the time his co-defendants Joseph Barbara Jr, and his brother Peter were unavailable as they were out of the country in Pete's case or serving a prison term. Paul Vitale was released after posting a $25,000 bond and later pled guilty after it was learned that his brothers son-in-law Nick Micelli would testify against them at trial. Paul received a probationary sentence and returned to a quiet life in Mount Clemons, Michigan where he died January 19, 1990 at the age of 81.

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