WWF Insurrextion

Saturday 5th May 2001
Earls Court, London

The event began with Vince McMahon asking William Regal what it said on his desk, when Regal replied Commissioner? Vince snapped at Regal, asking him why he�d let his wife change some of the matches then. Just then Linda McMahon entered the room and reminded Vince that she was the CEO of the WWF. And, as such it was within her power to make matches and therefore tonight�s main event would be The Undertaker against both Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin in a handicap match for the WWF Title because The Undertaker had requested it!

  1. Eddie Guerrero beat Grand Master Sexay with a roll-up pin.
  2. The Radicalz (Dean Malenko & Perry Saturn) w/Terri beat The Holly�s (Hardcore & Crash) w/Molly.
  3. The Big Show called out Test, who had injured ribs, by calling him a coward. He then attacked Test�s injured ribs before heading to the back where he was met by Bradshaw. The two then had an impromptu match which Bradshaw won after Test, who was receiving medical attention on the outside, gave The Big Show a boot to the face which Bradshaw followed up with a clothesline from hell.
  4. Edge & Christian won the 4 team tag elimination match, after The Hardy Boyz had eliminated X-Factor and The Dudley Boyz had eliminated The Hardyz, with help from Rhyno who was put through a table after the match with the help of little Spike Dudley.
  5. Steven Richards and Ivory of the Right To Censor then came out and claimed that the United Kingdom was depraved as it allowed it�s children to look at page 3! Richards then stated that Commissioner Regal had given him control of the Women�s Battle Royal to restore some semblance of decency and therefore he had cancelled it! He then called out the participants, Jacqueline, Lita, and Trish Stratus, and told them to change their ways but instead they stripped Ivory down to her bra and extremely large Granny knickers! Trish then came on to Steven and knelt down in front of him telling him that he needed to chill out, she then gave him a low blow and the three women pulled down his trousers revealing a pair of big blue y-fronts. Richards then ran to the back with his trousers around his ankles!
  6. Chris Benoit beat Kurt Angle in a best out of 3 falls match 2 � 0! He won the first fall after 3 german suplexes and the flying headbutt from the top rope, and the second came when Benoit pinned Angle with a small-package. This was a very technical match after which Benoit told Kurt not to worry about his medals as they were in a very safe, warm place. At which point he pulled them out from the front of his tights and Angle chased him to the back.
  7. Chris Jericho beat William Regal for the Queens Cup in another technical match when Regal tapped out to the Walls of Jericho. However after the match Regal hit Jericho over the head with the Queens Cup!
  8. The Undertaker beat Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin in a handicap match when Vince McMahon tried to hit Taker with a chair and missed, accidentally striking Triple H. However The Undertaker did not win the WWF Title as he pinned Triple H and not Steve Austin. The Undertaker was exhausted by the end of the match and badly bloodied from behind one of his ears but he left on his Motor Cycle with everyone lying in the ring from three giant choke slams!

All in all this was another quality event from the WWF and lasted a little over two hours with the main event lasting around 15 minutes. All the matches were of a high standard with the stand out match having to be Benoit/Angle, although Jericho/Regal wasn�t too far behind and the main event was of an extremely high standard also. The most refreshing aspect of the evening would probably have to be the finishes to the matches, Benoit winning 2 falls to 0 was a nice surprise as was The Undertaker emerging victorious over both Austin and Triple H.


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