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Hacking Windows 9x from a primitive 95/98 box
( [email protected] )

Ok, first check to see that you have all of the necessary files. Here they are, these should be in the control panel (start, run, control panel, network).

  1. NetBEUI
  2. TCP/IP
  3. IPX/SPX
  4. Client for Microsoft Networks
  5. File Sharing for Microsoft

Of course you will also have a dial up adapter or an ethernet adapter based on your network topology.

Ok, now that you have all that installed, you can check out remote computers. Windows 95 is very limited in the ways you can attack remote hosts. After many long hours I figured out a way that always works. Ok, so first get an IP. These are easy to get. You can go on IRC and just /whois people or you can use Legion, just check a search engine to check a bunch of IP's with filesharing enabled.

Ok, so now that you have an IP, try this...

C:\WINDOWS>nbtstat -A 123.456.789.1 (Fill in actual IP)

Netbios Name
SHARE <00>
SHARE <20> That's what we want!
FILE <1b>

and so on..

If they have the 20 there that means that they might be vulnerable. So, go to start, programs, accessories, notepad. Then, go to start, run, c:\windows. Then click and drag the lmhosts (exactly lmhosts, not lmhosts.sam. Check winfile for extension) into the notepad. Add the following. So, we have our IP and netbiosname

123.456.789.1 SHARE #PRE

Then, click on File, Save. Then from MS-DOS prompt type

C:\WINDOWS> nbtstat -R <-- to refresh netbios>

Then, go to start, find, computer and enter the netbiosname of the computer of the IP you have. If it finds it, that means that it has filesharing on it, if you get a password prompt, you can try but I wouldn't suggest it. Many computers don't have password protection. So, this was really brief but it works, and that's what matters.

Need more clarification? [email protected]


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