NoteMaker ReadMe

Version 0.60 Preview Release, 23 November 2003.
This is open source software.

Contents of this Document

For more information please refer to the included manual (PDF format) and the online help.


NoteMaker requires an operating system capable of supporting Java 2 SE version 1.4.0 or later. For more information, see It is also beneficial if your operating system supports Unicode and TrueType fonts.

NoteMaker's help is provided by Sun Microsystems' JavaHelp platform. Part of JavaHelp is provided with NoteMaker for your convenience. JavaHelp can be downloaded from


  1. Place all of the files object.jar, NoteMaker.jar,NoteMaker-Help.jar, and jh.jar in the same directory. Suggested directories are C:\Program Files\HPGCalc on Microsoft Windows or /usr/share/hpgcalc on Linux. Mac users - make a new folder in Applications.
    If you have any other HPGCalc programs installed, make sure they are all in the same directory.
  2. Install the HPGCalc font HPGCalc.ttf following the instructions provided by your operating system.
  3. Create shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) or symlinks (Linux) or aliases (Macintosh) as appropriate. To launch NoteMaker the shortcut should use your Java environment to launch notemaker.jar. The command is usually similar to java -jar notemaker.jar.
    In most cases you should just be able to double-click on notemaker.jar


Windows users
Make sure that Java (from Sun) is installed properly and is version 1.4.0 or later. Note that the Microsoft Java virtual machine is probably NOT enough to run NoteMaker.

Other users
Use the appropriate functionality of your Java virtual machine to load a JAR file. On most platforms with a console/terminal, you should be able to run NoteMaker by issuing the command java -jar notemaker.jar

If you have problems running NoteMaker and are absolutely 100% certain that your Java is version 1.4.0 or later, you may try running NoteMaker using the -ignore parameter. This parameter will cause NoteMaker to not check the version of Java and assume it is correct. This makes the above command java -jar NoteMaker.jar -ignore

To check the other command line parameters use the -help parameter.


Simply delete the files you copied, delete any shortcuts and remove the HPGCalc font.

Current Features

NoteMaker currently offers the following features:
Additional features will be added into the future. Please regularly check the NoteMaker website(s) for more information.

Known Issues

These are the known problems with NoteMaker:
If you find another issue - please contact us.

Contact Information

NoteMaker web pages

There are a couple of web pages maintaining information on this project.

Joshua's web page -
Matt Grosvenor's web page -
Colin Croft's HP Home View -


There are support forms on Joshua's web page which you use to get support for NoteMaker. Please note however that is preview release software and is still in development. Please check to make sure that you have the latest version of the software before requesting support.

All support will occur via e-mail so make sure that you enter a valid e-mail address into any forms.

Direct e-mail address: [email protected]


Joshua King, programmer/designer/tester/webmaster
Matt Grosvenor, programmer/designer/tester/webmaster

Special thanks to Colin Croft and Tony Jones of Hewlett Packard for their contributions and assistance.
All trademarks are the copyright of their respective owners.
Last updated 23 November 2003.

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