Mars Attacks! (1996)

Mars Attacks! was originally a bubble gum card set from Topps in 1962. It was made into a set of comics by Pocket Comics in 1988 (based on the original set of cards); Topps started another line of comics in 1994, and has produced a number of mini-series since then.*

Mars Attacks! is the kind of film that can't be taken seriously, since obviously, it doesn't take itself seriously. For such a campy film, it has quite a few big names (and some not so big, though you've probably heard of them) - Jack Nicholson (playing two parts), Pierce Brosnan, Michael J. Fox, Glenn Close, Annette Bening, Danny DeVito, Martin Short, Sarah Jessica Parker, Pam Grier, Christina Applegate. There are even a few up-and-coming stars - Natalie Portman, Jack Black.

Although it didn't make a mint at the box office, the movie is a lot of fun to watch, especially if you enjoy science fictions spoofs. The special effects are fairly impressive, too, and, of course, you can't get anything better than music by Danny Elfman.

See it if you like campy horror or B movies.

Don't see it if you don't like science fiction or bizarre humor.

*Thanks to Zelda for the information.

© 2006 Jim Manchester

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