Forgive me, Lord.
Forgive me when my focus is on this world.
When my thoughts are of what is before me rather than what is around me.
When my life is filled with what I can see and touch,
Rather than what I can feel and know.
Forgive me when my mind concentrates on the present, past, and future,
To the exclusion of the eternal.

Forgive me, Lord.
Forgive me when I lose myself in the details.
When I can't see the Creator for His creation.
When my life is a string of moments that are not bound into a whole.
Lord, I want you to be that binding power.

Forgive me, Lord.
Forgive me when my life is more about me.
When my thoughts for me overshadow my thoughts for others,
My thoughts for you.
Forgive me when my spirituality is more about my life and how it can serve me,
Than about your plan and how I can serve you.

Forgive me, Lord.
Forgive me when I allow the horrors, the tragedies, the annoyances, the irritations
To push you away.
When I allow the joy, the happiness, the pleasantries, the "good things"
Of this life to make me forget the joy found in you.

Forgive me, Lord.
Forgive me when I take the good over the best.
When I accept law over grace.
When I look for the wrong before looking for the right.
When I look for differences rather than similarities.
When my walk with You is hampered by my fixation on the walks of others,
When I pay more attention to where I've been than where I'm going,
And when my actions are hindered by fascination of beliefs
That are owned by others and are in my past.

Forgive me, Lord,
And purge from me these addictions that keep me from you.

4 November 2003

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