The Rumble from Down Under is here!
Jake Anderson started wrestling 6 years ago. He came up from Sydney to watch his brothers first title match in the ECW. He accidently walked in through the stage and managed to do it just as his brother's music was playing. His brother had won the match and saw Jake. He was beconing Jake over from the top of the ladder when his opponent climbed to the top and punched him off. Jake's brother was killed instantly when he landed on his head. Jake ran to the ring and speared him to the ground before walking over to his brother. Jake's eyes grew red and just as he was about to attack his brother's opponent again Jake was grabbed and pulled out of the building by a man in a black suit. "Son are you gonna let that Son-of-a-Bitch get away with this."  "Hell no!!" said Jake as he rose to his feet. "Now hold on Son, I got an idea." said the unknown man. "I'll set you up a match against him next week." he said with a smile." I'll even make it a Cage match."

A week later Jake walks out to the ring playing his brother's music. As the cage was lowered  you could see the fear in Jake's opponent's eyes. After 20 minutes of non-stop beating, Jake grabbed him and climbed the cage with him in his arms. The crowd was confused. He threw his opponent onto the announcer's table and jumped 30 feet ontop of him. Jake's opponent broke four ribs and no longer wrestles.
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