
:: Action ::
Jake walks up to the airport terminal and looks around. He can see all the happy people waiting for their loved ones. He wonders what this new guy will be like. As all of the people start to walk off the plane he holds up a sign with BoBo written on the front. Jake watches as all of the people get off and go to their destinations. Nobody comes over to him and he starts to wonder if Cade was lying......Nah.
:: End Action ::

???: *honk* *honk* Are you Jake Anderson?

:: Action ::
Jake turns around and can't hide his surprise when the voice he had heard belonged to a CLOWN! Jake nodded and shook his hand still in a slight state of shock.
:: End Action ::

Bobo: I'm your new personal trainer Bobo. I'm also coming to the XWF. I hold two trophies for Norweighan cage fighting and a black belt in Clown-Fu.

Jake: Clown-Fu? Are you sure you didn't make that up, mate?

Bobo: "If you question the way I fight, maybe I should have stayed on that flight."

Jake: "Nevermind let's just get to work."

:: Action ::
The two get into the shiny Dodge Charger and drive away from the camera. As the scene reopens Jake steps into his private gym, dressed and ready to box. As he practices on a punching bag Sheila walks in with a puzzled look on her face.
:: End Action ::

Sheila: "Honey, Why is there a clown in my fridge?"

Jake: "Oh, sorry that's just Bobo he said he wanted a drink before we got to work."

:: Action ::
Bobo walked in and took off the leather jacket he had wrapped around his waist. He got into a boxing position and winked at Sheila suggestively. Just as Sheila started to roll her eyes Jake's fist hit him in the side of the face.
:: End Action ::

Bobo: "I see that you're ready to fight the clown. Just so you're going down!"

:: Action ::
Bobo and Jake began to square off. Bobo kicked Jake in the gut and moved behind Jake. He kicked Jake over and honked his nose. Jake turned around and lifted Bobo high into the air, only to bring him down with a powerbomb. Jake laughed triumphantly as Bobo just smiled and lifted his hand up for help. Jake helped him up.
:: End Action ::

Jake: "Well I think that we need to take it up a notch, eh mate?"

:: Action ::
Jake leads him into another room. Inside is a normal size wrestling ring. Jake steps over the ropes and looks at Bobo expectantly. Bobo climbs over the ropes and gets ready the to dive at each other and begin a no-holds-barred slobber knocker. The camera pans out as the two continue their struggle. Sheila is standing against the wall drinking a martini.
:: End Action ::

Sheila: "Something tells me that I'll never break these two apart."

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