:: Action. ::
The scene opens up, outside this time, and in a desolate parking lot. There are a few cars along the front, but other than that there is nothing else to really be seen. There is a fence surrounding the whole thing, and behind the fence is some shrubbery, and some desert looking land, it's so easy to tell it is Australia. The camera pans around a bit more, until we can see a car coming from the far left; it is a blue 79 Dodge Charger. The legendary car makes its way slowly up the parking lot, as we see none other than Jake Anderson, with his love Sheila by his side, standing at the end of the parking lot, watching as the car approached.
:: End Action. ::

Sheila: "Do you think that's him sweetheart?"

Jake: "There's no question in my mind."

:: Action. ::
The car comes closer as the two continue to talk, which could barely be heard on camera. The car comes down, and then begins to speed up, as the loud engine can only purr, sounding nothing short of great. It goes at a good 60, and comes to an immediate stop dead in front of them, the grill almost touching their legs. The car is then turned off, as it makes a couple of ticks, the spotless paint gloss shining in the amount of sun that was in the Outback today. The door then opens, very slowly, carrying a very irritating screech. It stalls there for a moment or so, until a big black bag follows, being tossed out into the heated pavement. Two legs accompany this, as a man of a good stature stands out from the car. He stands around six feet and four inches, and heavily muscular, and is none other than Cade Silver. Sheila gasps at the sight, and Jake can only smile.
:: End Action. ::

Cade: "Well, folks, the whole damn show is finally here.the Outback isn't as hot as I thought it'd be and you're not as tall as you look on TV, Jake. But sorry to be rude and all I'll introduce myself.Cade Silver.Pleasure to meet you."

Jake: "Right back at ya, Mate. This is my Gal Sheila."

Cade: "Sheila, eh? It's a pleasure to meet you two. I do apologize for being a bit of an egotistical asshole back there, but I'm sure that Hampton has warned you about that?"

:: Action. ::
Cade stepped forward, kicking the large bag aside, so that it wasn't in the way, and offered Jake his hand. The two of them shook briefly, with good grips. He then brought his hand from Jake, and then took Sheila's.
:: End Action. ::

Sheila: "Jon Hampton? I'm sure you have nothing on his ego, hon."

Jake: "So are we gonna get to training soon?

Cade: Of course we are, "mate". I didn't grab a flight from Iowa, then come to another state, to hop on another flight, to get all the way here. Not to mention to have my beauty back there delivered from the home. I'm born ready, as you'll soon come to know."

:: Action. ::
Jake nods some, and offers a smile, as does Sheila. Cade turns to look back to his car, thinking he would be the one driving them to their destination, but instead, they were greeted by a long, black stretch memo, traveling in style. Cade shrugs, and gets in as asked, and the scene fades for a bit.The scene reopens, as we see the limo pulling into yet another parking lot, this one looking more like a gym. The three get out, Sheila, Jake, and then Cade, as he follows the two inside. Cade is lugging around the large bag in his arm, watching the pictures along the walls as he went.
:: End Action. ::

Cade: "If you don't mind my asking, who are all these pictures of?"

Jake: "It's my brother. He called himself the Thunder of the Outback, but two years ago he was killed in a wrestling match. That's when I took up the sport."

Cade: That's a horrible thing to hear about, man I have a brother of my own, but by looking at us, you could assume we'd be anything but brothers, but I'm sorry to hear about your loss. To be honest, I think I heard about it back when that happened. A death in the family isn't ever good, especially when it's in front of a crowd."

Jake: Yeah, He's always been the one I look up to. A week after it happened I took on the guy who caused the accident in a cage match. I broke four of his ribs and my arm. But the past is the past, and you should no as well as anyone that the future is now.

Cade: "I know what you mean, bro. I look up to Steve so much, and ask him for so much help and advice, it's unreal. He's always taken care of me, up through my childhood. But it is true, that revenge is a bitch, mayhap not for you, but if I had a hold of the fucker who'd killed my brother, he'd be lucky to ever walk again.

:: Action. ::
The two continue walking down the long hall, and Cade watches as he thinks about his own brother. The last time he had seen Steve, the two weren't in the best of being. He shrugged it off though, Jake was right about the future. They had some disagreement about Cade leaving the XWF, and doing all the things he had done. Deep down inside, with all of his heart, he had wished he listened to his brother. But he was too big of an asshole to apologize first. That's where the real man was. But now we were inside the area in which Jake intended for them to begin. In the center of the spacious room, was a small table, and opposing another, two small chairs.
:: End Action. ::

Cade: "Hampton told me about your match coming up. It may not be the most athletic of matches, but It's best to be prepared for anything."

:: Action. ::
Jake sits down in the chair on the left. Cade follows suit and places his large arm on the table. He gets into position as they lock arms and prepare to arm wrestle.
::End Action. ::

Cade: "If you can beat me you'll be ready to take on anything with an arm."

Jake: "Let's get it on!"

:: Action. ::
Jake grips Cade's hand tightly and nods to signify that he was ready to go. As soon as Jake pushed ever so slightly on Cade's arm his hand smacked against the table with so much force that the table cracked. Cade snickered and they raised their hands again. The scene fades out and then fades in again to show Jake sweating profusely.
:: End Action. ::

Cade: "I think maybe you need a little incintive to win. How about we up the stakes. If you win I'll let you drive my baby to the match, but If I win....I get to take Sheila out on a date"


Sheila: It's okay baby, you're on Silver!"

:: Action. ::
Jake scowls at Cade and then lifts his arm. Jake pushes and Cade pushes back Cade prepares to do just as he did earlier, but Jake stops him. Jake pushes with all of his force. Cade's hand smacks the table and he just looks up at Jake.
:: End Action. ::

Cade: "Thanks Sheila."

Sheila: "No problem, hon."

Jake: "Wait a second, you two had this planned!"

Sheila: "I called him two days before he arrived and told him my idea."

Jake: "Did you go easy on me?"

Cade: "I didn't have to. All you needed was something to motivate you. Just think about that in your match and you'll do great."

Jake: "I guess I should get ready for that sparring partner you sent in. You can stay in our guest house. the limo will take YOU there."

:: Action. ::
Jake cleared his throat and looked at Cade expectantly. Cade sighed and threw him the keys to his Dodge Charger.
:: End Action. ::

Cade Silver & Jake Anderson

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