A white limo pulls up to the stage and our hero gets out. He is wearing his pink and black suit and Sheila is wearing a short black dress with her hair pulled back. She is clad in a pair of black reading glasses and her lips are pursed as she looks around. She walks toward the ring and snaps her fingers. The Australian Ambassador follows her and they climb over the ropes. Sheila picks up a microphone and clears her throat.

Sheila: "May I present your Australian Ambassador.....Jake Anderson!"

Jake: "Thank you Shelly."

Sheila: "That's SHEILA."

Jake: "Riiiight......anyway. Their are a few things that I'm sure everyone wants me to talk about. First things first. Mr. Steve Matthews has interfered and cheated in every match I've had from the time I met him. I'm just about sick of this bullshit. Phan was smart enough to ban him from my match, because if I even look at him before our next match his ass is mine. I don't care about being "fair" or worrying about those little "laws" that frown upon murder. I have diplomatic immunity!

The crowd goes wild as Jake bobs his head and smiles at the camera, his shiny teeth glaring. Jake holds up his hands to stifle the crowd.

Jake: "Now for this week. Matt Sharper, hmmm? He is the only real competition that I've had since I came here. Matt Sharper has the balls to fight without weapons or other forms of cheating(unlike some people). He has strength and a moderate amount of intelligence. This will be a good match, but I have news for Mr. Sharper. I've been training.

???: "Bullshite!"

BoBo walks up to the ring wearing a fake mustache and speaking with an Irish accent.

Jake: "Oh yeah, Why don't I prove it to you sir? Can I have a volunteer from the audience?"

Jake looks around at all of the people and picks out one man who didn't raise his hand. The man stands about 6'5 and has a long beard. He is wearing a leather jacket and a red bandana. His sunglasses hide his eyes, but his mouth curves slightly into a half-smile. Jake points to a table that had just been set up by BoBo.

Jake: "Now, I'm going to lie down on this table and wait quietly while you climb onto the turnbuckle and jump onto my chest."

The man smiles and nods while Jake climbs onto the table and lays down. The large man climbs onto the turnbuckle and does a belly flop towards it. Just as he gets close enought for Jake to feel the breath from the him, Jake rolls off of the table and onto the floor as the man lands on the table and goes right through. The crowd gasps as Jake helps the man to his feet and shakes his hand. He hands him his hat and the man limps off to his seat. Jake laughs and BoBo picks up the table.

BoBo: "Well I guess you have been training. With someone as big as Matt Sharper it's not always smart to stand there and take a blow. Sometimes it's best to outsmart your opponent, and it's not smart at all to lay on a table."

Jake: "Right you are unknown stranger. Not to mention that all of the strength in the world won't help you if you can't hit your opponent."

Sheila: "That's good advice Mr. Ambassador, but what about if we connects with one of his strong attacks?"

Jake: "I'm glad you asked Sheena."

Sheila: "Sheila."

Jake: "Whatever, Mister unknown stranger will you please be kind enought to demonstrate what would happen if he where to connect with one of his patented attacks."

BoBo picks up a baseball bat that was "conveniently" sitting in the ring and swings with all of his might at Jake's chest. Before it hits Jake stops the bat with his hand and twists it around, twisting BoBo's hand with it.

Jake: "The answer to your question is that simple. What happens when he hits me? The answer is



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