
:: Action::
The scene opens up, the day is around noon, and the light is seemingly sparse, due to the lack of sunshine that had been hidden behind the dark and angry clouds outside. The day in the Australian outback had been dull for once, quite a rare sight indeed. But never a dull day for a good old fashion work-out. We see the front of a door, in which the text inscribed along the fine wood, read; �LOCKER ROOM�. The door is opened, by a small, soft feminine hand, in which we pan around to see it is none other than Sheila. She�s finally inside, and walking around the well lit locker room. The room is of vast size, four lockers facing the opposing door, four on the other side, as well another set of lockers on the other side, being nothing but duplicates. To the locker she is standing in front of, is inscribed �SHEILA�. The nice, fine blouse she has been wearing, is slid down the perfect, slender figure, and laced along the ground, revieling that which she had under. From behind her, the notorious Jake Anderson was sneaking up behind her, enjoying the little thin thong she wore, and without making the slightest sound, stood behind her, slid the first two fingers of each hand into her underwear, and slid them down quickly to her knees, causing her to scream. Once she turned to see it was her Jake, he could only grin, making her do the same.
:: End Action. ::

Sheila: �Wow, you�re in a good mood.�

Jake: �Of course I am. Walk into the locker room; see some lovely blonde standing in front of me, wearing nothing but a thin, little thong, that doesn�t have as much cloth as the tag, then I�d be a little bit happy to. Just so happens, you fulfilled that fantasy yet again for me. Ready to do some actual work?�

Sheila: �Well, of course�.anything you want, babe.�

:: Action ::
Sheila pulls back up the underwear again, giving Jake a bit of a wink, and puts on a nice little gym outfit, consisting of a pair of short-shorts, that cut just below her ass, so that the fine shape of it could be seen, and a sports bra, so that to could be displayed, seeing as they were alone. She glances to Jake, who is now removing his shirt, wearing a pair of work-out shorts himself.
:: End Action. ::

Jake: �You look like you�re trying to turn me on, while working out, as much as I wouldn�t mind to see that one, I�m not here to work out�.today. All I want, is to lay back, and have a nice relaxing massage with yours truly�unless, that is too much to ask?�

Sheila: �No, not at all.�

:: Action ::
Sheila offers him another small smile, and motions for him to move over to the bench she had changed on, and lay down. He does so without a bit of hesitation, and lays down on his stomach, so that he could lay down like so. His eyes slowly close, and he lets out a long, almost exhilarating sounding sigh. His eyes are closed, as he then feels the approach of Sheila, and smiles at the feeling. She rubs some kind of oil along her hands, just after sitting a nice bottle of cold water at his finger tips, and then straddles along the back of his legs, her hands now gently approaching his shoulders.
:: End Action. ::

Sheila: �So, Jake, what are you going to do about this arm wrestling thing? I mean, come on, he�s a ref, some OLD ref�.do they really expect this to be a five star show?�

Jake: �Well, to be completely honest with you, I have no idea what it�s supposed to be. But Phan is acting as if it�s really going to happen�and seriously. But since I�ve not been given a chance into XBZ again, I�ll have to take it as serious as possible�.I called up an old friend yesterday, and asked if he�d come by in a few days and help me out.�

Sheila: �And who would that be?�

:: Action. ::
Sheila pushes her hands deeper, but gently along his flesh, caressing it every so gently, moving them along the tired, strong muscles. Jake shivers at the feel, of simply how good she was with her hands. He took a hold of the bottle of water that she handed him, and removed the cap, but finished out what he was about to say, first.
:: End Action.

Jake: �Cade Silver, another guy in the company�.he told me since him and Jon were on such good terms together, and done so much, that he�d return a favor from a friend of a friend�.and after that, I have a new partner stopping by, to keen up on my boxing skills.�

:: Action. ::
She nods somewhat, caressing her hands along his back, and now away from the shoulders. She finds her hands now along his upper, and mid back, caressing along him. She does remove her hands for a moment, to pour some oil along his back, and goes back along him, his eyes closing as he took another drink of the water during the small break.
:: End Action. ::

Jake: �I�ve made a slow start into the XWF, one that I can�t say I�m so happy or proud about. Most of these assholes, like �Superstar� Steve Matthews can flaunt about how good their little record looks, while I�ve been sitting back, and not even managed to win my first match. But then again, if everyone bragged about what they had, I�d be telling the world about how large my penis is, but how original would that be, seeing all the sick fucks that run this place? I just want to be different from everyone, and I guess that�s what everyone pushes for. It just so seems, that what I want to do, isn�t as good as what everyone wants to do. But as soon as the time is right, I�ll let myself be heard�right now, I�m where I want to be�.no one expects me to do anything, so I�ll lay low and let them all think that.�

:: Action. ::
Sheila continues doing this for a while, going down the rest of his back, this causing Jake to slowly open his eyes, searching through the locker room, thinking deeply, but thinking was a little hard to do, when you had a woman such as this on his back. He closed his eyes once more, and continued talking.
:: End Action.

Jake: �You see, all of those, York, Shotgun, and the gang all think I�m just some kind of joke. Here�s a new rookie guys, let�s watch how bad he sucks�.give him a few little matches, just so we can flunk him out of the XBZ�well, that�s what happened, and I�ve not had the most experience to get into top shape, not yet. But as soon as I�m ring-ready, I�ll be more than ready. With greats such as Jon Hampton, and Cade Silver, not to mention upcoming Bobo�where else is there to go, but up? But I don�t want to brag too much, because then I�ll look like I�m just trying to fit in with the club. I want to make a name out of myself, not let some head honcho make a name out of me. I want to come about a title, the right way, and not the wrong way. I was told that the XBZ would give me a good shot, and a good bit of experience�but I guess I won�t get that shot�not yet.�

Sheila: �I wouldn�t let it bother you, that the big guys won�t let you into their match, I just wouldn�t let my mind waste on it. Just try to focus on what opposes you right now, as little as it may seem. Ravnos may be trying to test your patience, and if you run out of the arena, and aren�t seen again, I doubt ever seeing a shot. So you�re doing the right thing.�

Jake: �But am I?�

:: Action. ::
Jake sits up, with a bit of a groan, his bones giving a couple of cracks as he sat up. He rested there for a minute or so, and then stood back to his feet, walking slowly over to a mirror, one in which that was big enough to show his old body, it was almost directly in front of them. He glanced over his cold, hard figure, looking over all the old scars along his chest, which criss-crossed down his arms.
:: End Action. ::

Jake: �I�m getting tired, Sheila. I�m still young, I have a good life to still be living, and I don�t want to spend it out being nothing, and die out like a lot of good potential has in their careers. I want to be able to retire a healthy, rich, and lively man, still wanting more. I want to go out like Brett Farve, still knowing that I�m the best, and always will be. I want the fact to be, that everyone for years to come, will look up, and try the best they can to use me as their image, and try to be who I am. If they see how hard I came up, and how much effort I put into becoming the World Champion, in time, I may be getting half of the respect I deserve�.and only then, my work will be done. For the time being, all I can do is take all of the little shit end jobs seriously, until I can move up, and have better gigs. But you know what, Sheila?�

Sheila: �What�s that?�

:: Action. ::
Jake grins in the mirror, placing his arms down, and by his sides, clinching his muscle tight, so that it bulges out in front of the mirror, along with the shaped chest.
:: End Action.

Jake: �The Rumble From Down Under�is here.�

The scene fades to black.

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