Wells: "Oh!! That was quite a hit, Bob."

Levy: "Right you are, Jake. Jake Anderson and BoBo the Clown asked for this practice match and so far they've proven their worth here tonight. Bobo can't even hit Jake. Jake anderson has dodged almost every hit."

BoBo swings at Jake but is stopped short as Jake grabs his fist and connects with an armbar. Jake throws BoBo over his shoulder and and climbs the turnbuckle. He dives onto BoBo with an elbow drop and lifts his leg up for a pin.

Mike Burns: "one...two..three!!"

Wells: "And, It's over! Jake, has won this practice match. He's ready for Showdown."

Jake walks out of the arena and is greeted by a familiar face. Sheila is as beautiful as ever with her blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail and her arms open in a warm embrace for her fiance'. She gives him a warm smile and then goes to make sure BoBo isn't bleeding internally.

Sheila: "Are you okay, BoBo. You didn't look so well out there."

BoBo: "The Australian Guy can put up a fight,

I thought I might have been finished tonight.

Jake you can deffinately fight like hell,

with training like that you cannot fail."

Sheila: "Well that's good hon. Oh, Jake sweety, I have a surprise for you. My little sister Michelle is coming to stay with us for the week. I hope you don't mind."

Jake: "That's nice. How old did you say she was?"

Sheila: "She'll be five in September. But she acts very grown up for her age."

Jake: "Well I guess we had better go and pick her up at the airport right."

Jake, BoBo, and Sheila all climb onto Jake's bike and ride off toward the house. When they arrived they decided to take the limo and surprise her. They reached the airport five minutes before Michelle was set to land. Naturally, the plane arrived twenty minutes after the arrival time was set. Michelle ran out of the hanger and leapt into her sister's arms.

Michelle: "Sheila I missed you so much.......Who's the creepy loser in the leather jacket, and why do you have a clown."

BoBo"Such an obnoxious little child,

already her ego is driving me wild."

Sheila: "This is Jake, we are getting married, and that is BoBo. Jake and BoBo are wrestlers."

Michelle: "HaHaHa, I bet those two couldn't wrestle themselves out of a crayon box."

Sheila gave Michelle a scolding look and strapped her into the back of the limo. She acted unimpressed with the large stretch limousine, but her eyes got wide when she realized that she would be riding in it. They drove back to the ranch, all the while Michelle told her older sister all about her flight, school, and anything else that popped into her mind. When they reached the house Sheila unstrapped Michelle from her seat and carried her inside. Michelle looked around the large house in awe. Jake saw her amazement and decided to tell her about his family ranch.

Jake: "This house belonged to my family for six generations. The Anderson family has run a kangaroo reserve for the last seventeen years, ever since I inherited it."

Michelle: "It's really pretty."

Jake: "Why don't I show you where your room is. You can play in there as long as you like.

Michelle: "I want BoBo to show me."

BoBo: "Okay child let's go to your room,

*whispers*before I have to seal her doom."

BoBo grabbed the childs hand and led her off to her bedroom. She looked around the large room and frowned when she saw all of the girly dolls and toys. She never liked those things, but her expression changed when she saw tha Sony Playstation against the wall. She ran over to it and found that they actually had her favorite game. She opened the disk tray and inserted Smackdown VS Raw 2006. BoBo walked out of the room and up to Jake.

Jake: "How about another go cheif?"

Bobo nodded and they walked downstairs into Jake's new training facility. After 30 minutes of nonstop wrestling neither of them had been pinned. While they continued to fight, Michelle crept around the corner and started watching intently. She saw a timer on the wall.


Michelle had an idea.

Michelle: "Toe kick!"

BoBo gave her a puzzled look before he was micked in the stomach.

Michelle: "Gorrila Press!"

Jake followed hor orders for another five minutes before pinning BoBo for a three count.

Sheila: "Michelle! You shouldn't be down here! It's not safe!"

Jake: "It's alright Babe. She can come down here all she wants. I have a great idea!"

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