
Jake walks up to a steel door and knocks. The sign on the door says "UWF CEO". The door opens and Jake walks in and takes a seat in front of the desk.

Man behind desk: "Ahh. Mr. Anderson, I heard you lost your last match."

Jake: "Yeah, It was kinda rough on me. I came for some help Jon."

Mr. Hampton: "Please, call me Mr.Hampton."

Jake: "Yes Mr.Hampton,I thought since we've been mates for so long you could help me with my next match."

Mr. Hampton: "How many guys are you facing?"

Jake: "Three, all I know is that one of them is about twice my size."

Mr. Hampton: "Well, that does cause a predicament, doesn�t it? I've got it! I'll let you use IT!"

Jake: "Do you think I�m ready?"

Mr. Hampton: "From the first time I saw you perform that Countdown move of yours I knew you were on this earth for a reason.

Jake: "What's that?"

Mr. Hampton: "You, Jake were born to KICK ASS! IT's right through that door, good luck."

Jake: "Thanks, Mate, This should help me win the match easily."

He walks up to the door and opens it slowly. Inside is the biggest gym known to man. Jake looks at the camera and says.

"The Rumble from Down Under is Here!"

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