Australian Ambassador
A dark pink limo pulls into the parking lot with Australian flags on the front. The seal on the door says Australian Ambassador. A pair of polished black shoes step out of the limo and slam the door.

Wells: Welcome everyone to another installment of the XWF. And have we got a......

Just then he is interrupted by Hail To The Chief blasting over the P.A system.

Sheila walks out to the ring looking very professional. She walks to the announcer table and hands Jake Wells a slip of paper.

Wells: It appears we've got an interview scheduled for this segment with The Australian Ambassador!

The music strikes up again as Jake Anderson walks out to the ring wearing a pink business suit that is about two sizes two small. He steps into the ring and holds up his two fingered salute.As the crowd screams approvingly He holds up his hands to quiet them.

Sheila: It's nice to see you Mr. Ambassador. I understand you had something to say.

Jake: Yes M'dear I did, but I'm afraid you have me confused with someone else. Can't you tell by my Ripplin' biceps that I'm ROY RAGE!!!!!!!!!!!

Jake flexes his muscles inside the small suit and rips it to shreds.

Jake: Or I should say Roid Rage. The only thing smaller than my brain is my dick.

Jake: No Wait! I'm Sean Parker. Couldn't you tell by my 90 pound body and sad excuse for a gaotee.

The audience laughs hysterically.

Sheila: Well Mr. Parker I'm sorry I was mistaken.

Jake: Parker? Please I'm The "SUPERSTAR" STEVE MATTHEWS!

The crowd howls in approval.

Jake: You should have known by obvious use of continuing to make out with my "girlfriend" to hide my homosexuality. I just have to say that my chances of making it to XBZ are a billion to none. If I win this match at Showdown I may even go home and put on my Batman suit. Samantha can dress like Robin.

Sheila: Well that's deffinitly interesting Mr. Matthews.

Jake: Please call me The Australian Ambassador!!!

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