Main Event

Cade walks into the prison with a slight grin on his face. The halls are well lit but he still has an uncomfortable feeling. As he walks up to the desk at the end. He gets dirty looks from the officers standing around the room. Cade nods to the guy behind the desk. The man is about five feet tall and wearing a white overcoat with a badge on it. The man leads Cade down another hall that is not as brightly lit. About halfway down we hear a harmonica being played. BoBo is sitting on a stool playing softly. He smiled when he saw Cade standing in the doorway to the cell. BoBo threw his harmonica at Jake who was staring out the window blankly. Sheila was asleep, her head resting on Jake's lap. He awoke her and then smiled up at Cade.

Cade: "Well, well, well. It's a good thing you dumbasses called me. The pay-per-view is tommorrow."

Jake: "I knew I could count on you man."

Cade: "Yeah-yeah, Let's just get you guys back to my hotel. They kicked you out of yours."

Sheila: "I don't want to stay with those snobs anyway."

The four of them get into Cade's blue 79 Dodge Charger. They skid out of the parking lot and drive to a small hotel beside a bar. Cade tosses Jake the key to the hotel room and the three of them get out while Cade drives to the bar.

BoBo: "My heart is racing

I feel wired

you'd think at this hour that I'd be tired."

Jake: "I know what you mean, Mate. I can't stop thinking about tommorow. It's the first day of the rest of our lives."

BoBo walks into the bar while Jake and Sheila open the door to the room. Jake flicks on the lightswitch and takes a look around the room. It's a lot larger than Jake thought it would be. There are three two beds in the room. A pillow and blanket are lying in a broad windowsill. It's large enough to accomodate two people, but Jake knows he can just stick BoBo there. Sheila walks over to the bed on the far left and picks up her suitcase. Jake's was beside it. Cade obviously went to the hotel and got their stuff. Sheila pulls of her tank top and looks over at Jake expectantly. He gets the message and walks over and kisses her on the neck. They finally have a moment to themselves. Jake pulls her skirt down to her ankles and she slowly steps out of it. Jake moves his mouth to her lips and they lay on the bed. The scene fades slightly and then resurfaces as we see Sheila in the bed covered up watching Jake. His hair is wet and he has a towel wrapped around his waist.

Sheila: "Honey, what's wrong. You seem a little too stressed. I thought you'd feel a little better now."

Jake: "It's not that. I really meant what I said earlier. This match means everything. If I don't prove my worth here I can't prove anything. I haven't won a single match since coming to the XWF. I've lost almost every shred of self-esteem I have ever had. Look at me Sheila. I seem cool and collected on top, but I'm not. Where are you Matt?"

Jake sits down at the edge of the bed and stares at the ground. Sheila slides to the edge of the bed and wipes a tear from Jake's cheek. He puts his arm around his loving girlfriend and they lay down and sleep. Jake looks around the room. It's his old cabin back in Sydney. His stepdad walks into the room.

Stepdad: "Boy, get in here!"

Young Jake: "Yes sir?"

Stepdad: "Go get me a beer."

The young Jake goes to the refridgerator. He couldn't have been older than seven years old. He brought back a can of beer. Jake's stepdad pulled the tab and was hit in the face with a spray of cold beer. Jake can't hold back a small chuckle. The large man looks at Jake with a look of pure anger. He lifts his arm to strike the child but is stopped in midair. Jake's older brother Matt grips his stepdad's arm tight. Matt's dark brown hair is unable to hide the anger in his eyes. He throws the old man back into his chair. Matt appears to be about fourteen years old.

Matt: "Don't you ever touch him again. He's not your son and neither am I."

Matt grabs the young boy by the hand and leads him out of the house. Matt grabs the sobbing Jake and lifts him onto the hood of the truck outside. He then hops onto the truck beside his little brother and puts his arm around him.

Matt: "Don't worry Jake, He'll never touch you again. As long as I'm around you'll never have to worry about anything."

Jake: "Prove it."

Matt: "Here take this and blow on it. I'll always come running."

Matt hands his little brother a black whistle. Jake blows on it and laughs. He puts the whistle around his neck and hugs his older brother. The scene then swithces. Jake is running into the kitchen. He is about 12 years old. Jake's stepdad is smacking his mom. He walks over and pushes his stapdad over onto the floor causing him to land on a nail sticking out of the floor. Jake's stepdad stands up and picks up his shotgun. The butt of the gun smacks Jake across the face. Jake grabs his whistle from under his shirt and blows it loudly. His mom is laying on the ground unable to do anything as a loud bang goes off. The old man hits the ground with a thud. Matt puts away his gun.

Mom: "Matt what have you done? You have to get out of here the police will arrest you for murder."

Jake: "No you can't go. You can't!"

Matt: "I'm sorry. I have to. She's right. I'll go to America. I can make a living there."

Matt hugs his brother and kisses his mom before running out the door and driving off towards the airport. Jake starts to sweat profusely. He rises up out of bed and grabs his chest and feels for the whistle. Jake grips it tightly and looks around the room. BoBo is asleep in the bed beside their's. Sheila is curled up beside Jake and Cade is nowhere to be seen. Jake blows the whistle slightly. Sheila stirs but doesn't wake. BoBo sets up in bed.

BoBo: "Are you high

Australian guy."

Jake: "No, I'm okay, Mate."

Jake stands up out of bed and looks in the mirror. He swears for a second he saw his brother in the mirror watching him. Waiting for a sign. Jake just smiled and layed back down in the bed. Jake felt calm, cool and collected again. The way things should be.

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