Jake and BoBo are sitting on a plane headed for Canada. Jake looks calm and collected as usual, but BoBo has a troubled look on his face. Four empty bottles of Kahlua sit on his lap and yet he continues to jump around. Jake looks over at his partner and gets up out of his seat. He reaches up into the compartment above them and pulls out a bottle of glowing blue liquid. He hands the bottle to BoBo and winks.

Jake: "Here try this. It'll calm your nerves really quickly. I call it venom. It's part tabasco, part vodka, part lemon, and a tiny little hint of Jack Daniel's."

BoBo hesitates but then opens the bottle and chugs the entire quart. Jake's eyes get wide as he questions if it's physically possible to drink something that strong that fast. BoBo just smiles and looks up at Jake expectantly.

BoBo: "I need something that works quicker

I'm to much for your wimpy liquor."

BoBo's face starts to turn red and Jake sees that his venom might be a little strong as his partner begins to pant for water. BoBo guzzles an entire pitcher of water and slowly drifts off to sleep. Jake just sits back and chills as he looks out of his window. He wonders how Sheila is doing. She had taken an earlier flight and had landed as they were making it over Florida. Even though it had only been about 12 hours since he last saw Sheila he was begining to miss her. Jake looks down and out the window and sees Niagra Falls. He gasped at the sight of the rushing water. As he continued to gaze at the wonderful sight and daydream to himself he felt a tap on his shoulder.

Stuardess: "Sir, would you like some more peanuts?"

Jake: "No thanks, mate."

BoBo: "I would'nt mind some peeny...peeny.....nuts."

Jake: "Don't mind him he's just nervous. He's got his first match coming up."

As the stuardess walked away Jake began to once again look out the window. Just then Jake heard a loud bang and a man scream.

Stuardess: "Sir you can't come back here. Sir! What are you doing!"

???: "Shut up Bitch!"


The stuardess' dead body lay on the floor as Steve Matthews walked towards Jake with a gun. He raised the pistol eye level with Jake and sneered.

Steve: "This is for last week you redneck son-of-a-bitch."

Steve looked at Jake with a grin on his face that quickly turned grim. Steve dropped to the ground with the gun still in his hands and blood dripping from his ribcage. BoBo was standing behind Matthews with a bloody knife in his hands. He looks at Jake with a sigh of relief.

BoBo: "Hey there Steve,

It's time for you to leave."

Jake: "If the stuardess is dead, and he shot the pilot before."

Jake and BoBo togethor: "WHO'S FLYING THE PLANE!"

Jake and BoBo ran to the front of the plane and looked out of the cockpit as the plane ran straight into the falls.Just then......

Stuardess: "Hon, the flight's landed. Ya'll can get off now."

Jake rose up out of his seat dazed and confused. He nudged BoBo and they both grabbed their luggage and left the plane. Sheila was waiting at the airport and ran to them. She lept into Jake's arms and they drove off towards the hotel. The camera fades out and then returns in a large hotel room. The beds are neatly made and Jake is setting in front of the T.V. Sheila walks over and sits in his lap. She kisses him softly on the cheek and then runs her hand on his chin. She leans in toward his lips and they get close enought to kiss when.


BoBo bursts throught the door with a grin on his face.

BoBo: "That stuff you gave me , Jake, was good.

Now let's go and get some food.

Sheila: "That rhyming shit is starting drive me crazy. I'd hate to end up in prison for murdering a clown."

Jake: "Oh c'mon babe, He's not all bad. He's a good guy and a great drinking partner, ain't that right Mate!"

BoBo: "Wahoo!!! Come on I'm hungry!"

The three walk downstairs and sit down at table talking amongst themselves. Three room is dimmly lit and full of respectable-looking people. The three of them stand out like a sore thumb. Jake is wearing a black T-shirt and jeans while Sheila is wearing a red tank-top and a pair of extremely short shorts. BoBo is wearing a pair of black jeans and a leather jacket. A waiter spots them and walks over giving them his best snooty look. Jake leans over and whispers to the other two.

Jake: "I know how I can get us some free food. Just set there and watch the Australian Ambassador at work."

Waiter: "Escooz me zir, May I tack yur ordor."

Jake: "Yes sir me and my freinds are here for an important business meeting and we wish not to be disturbed. I am the Australian Ambassador."

Waiter: "You argh dee Auztralian Ambazzadoor?, Gan you broov eet?"

Jake holds up a picture of him infront of his limo. The Australian seal is clearly visible beside him. The waiter looks at the photo and his eyes get wider. He runs over to the matre'd and points over at Jake while whispering to him. They both stare in awe for a moment and then the waiter runs back over to their table.

Waiter: "I am zorry zir, are you reddy do ordor?"

Jake: "Yes, we'll have one of everything. And make it snappy."

Waiter: "Right away zir."

The waiter rushes back five minutes later with a cart full of food. Jake gives him a cold look. The waiter looks like he had been struck by a train.

Waiter: "I'm zorry zir, Your meel will bee vree."

???: "That's not a nice joke to play on a nice waiter"

A large man walks up to them. He is wearing a blue shirt with a nametag that says "Frank". Another man walks up beside him and nods. He is wearing an identical shirt with a nametag that says Butch.

Butch: "Let's kick their ass."

Jake stands up and blocks the first punch from Frank. BoBo grabs a chair and smacks Butch onto the table while Sheila climbs onto another table and dives onto him causing the table to break. Jake throws Frank to the ground and administers the Boston Crab. Frank howls in pain. The waiter walks over and grabs Jake by the shoulder but is unable to do anything after Sheila dives onto his shoulders and flips him over onto the ground. She holds him in an uncomfortable pin while BoBo spins Butch around on his shoulders. He let's Butch down only to wrap his hands around hisleg and perform the Jewel Heist. Jake picks up Frank by the neck and turns around. COUNTDOWN! Franks face hits Butch and they both lay on the ground. Jake, Sheila and BoBo run out of the restaurant and start running down the street. After a few seconds they hear sirens. The next thing we see is the three of them in a jail cell. A police officer is talking to them.

Officer: "Alright you get one phone call. Make it quick."

Jake picks up the phone and dials the phone.

Jake: "Hello? Cade?"


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